Monday, May 14, 2007

More of what you want

Kai: why wont u give me the URl to ure Warez site?

Bobtentpeg: Its private, and im an Admin, so i HAVE to follow the rules

Kai: im the uber googler, I could have stumbled upon the URL

Bobtentpeg: i doubt it, google cant qaccess the site

Kai: dude

Kai: I found a site

Kai: for this one guy was doing 50 questions

Kai: and I foound a site with the answers to all of them

Bobtentpeg: congrats, i found bushed state of teh union before he gave it

Kai: I found the test site for one of the biggest design board in ProBoard history

Kai: lol

Kai: nice

Kai: well how did u find it?

Bobtentpeg: "Muahahahaha

Kai: te warez site i mean

Bobtentpeg: I was invited

Bobtentpeg: about 4 days after it started

Kai: damn

Bobtentpeg: XD

Bobtentpeg: whats with teh sigs kai

Kai: have u ever posted the URL anywhere

Kai: im bored and am trying to improve

Bobtentpeg: 1 time, on PSPISO

Bobtentpeg: biut another member frommy site told me, and i removed it in like 10 mins

Kai: lol

Kai: is it a site called hundredbling?

Kai: ???

Bobtentpeg: not even close, those guys suck

Kai: dammit

Kai: is ure username on it Kermit Henson or Bobtentpeg or something else?

Bobtentpeg: Bobtentpeg, but niether google nor any other search engine and trawl through the site

Kai: crackmonkey?

Bobtentpeg: way way to public

Kai: agh forget it

Kai: tell me the URL, I won't sign up or anything

Bobtentpeg: well you cant sign up, anyways

Bobtentpeg: and NO

Kai: :P

Bobtentpeg: I've never given it out.

Bobtentpeg: You have to be nominated by 5 members i think to bve invited

Kai: agggghhhhh. :P

Kai: nobody likes me till they know me :P

Kai: speaking of I got myself a GF

Bobtentpeg: lol when i first met you i thought u were like a retard :P

Bobtentpeg: and ooo Kais got a GF


Kai: toldya

Kai: shutup :P

Bobtentpeg: scale 1 to 10 1=DW 10=SOOO HOOOT

Kai: ?

Bobtentpeg: your GF

Kai: oh 8

Kai: really cute

Bobtentpeg: nice mines like an 8 or 9

Bobtentpeg: shes smart too

Kai: kewl

Bobtentpeg: its amazing

Bobtentpeg: :P makes me feel stupid some itmes :cry:

Kai: lol

Kai: mine is smart when she wants to be

Bobtentpeg: [Messenger Plus! Sound] - Data{8A0603EBAED1} - ول

Bobtentpeg: [Messenger Plus! Sound] - Data{084054FAD8B7} - bob spong

Kai: I don't have MSN man

Bobtentpeg: :P:P:P::P:P:P:P:P

Kai: lol

Bobtentpeg: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

get it


Kai: I have it

Kai: it just slows everything down

Kai: newest site i have been raping :

Kai: once I get a buncha posts im gonna get them to redo orphic

Bobtentpeg: thats a long worm

Bobtentpeg: make one for me :P

Kai: ?

Kai: oh ok

Kai: username bobtentpeg

Kai: PW

Kai: 123456


Kai: replied

Kai: 5 locked thread on PSP hacking 101

Kai: :p

Bobtentpeg: I'm getting tired of it

Kai: LOL

Kai: then make a board called, "Pointless Convo"

Bobtentpeg: There is :P


Kai: not thread

Kai: :P

Kai: less locking and more posting

Bobtentpeg: I'm working on itr

Kai: :P

Kai: u gonna post any more on mD

Kai: ?

Bobtentpeg: maybe I'm looking aroubd

Bobtentpeg: But i pretty much hate doing graphics. I;m reasonable, but i hate doing it

Kai: why?

Bobtentpeg: I'm to impatient and remember the OCD thing...

Kai: lol

Kai: I can get that way sometimes in GFX

Kai: I made this one idea during the summer while I was making the animation sig for Pox (long before your time, everyone was waiting for it for like a week whil i was at my dad's (my dad has no net)) It was basically what Orphic is now but was sooooooo out there it would never survive. It came out to be like the entire company plan and it was about 30 pages long :P

Bobtentpeg: :P adhd central

Kai: brought to you by Kraft Cheese

Bobtentpeg: :cheese"

Bobtentpeg: *"cheese"

Kai: and that basically was what it was, I was jut haveing so many different ideas, it was hard to choose which was good and which was badd, sO i just put it all in

Bobtentpeg: :P lawl

Kai: u know this is all going in my blog right :P

Kai: did u ever finish my first post?

Bobtentpeg: I was like 5 lines from teh end and decided screw it, I;ma go to bed

Kai: lawl

Bobtentpeg: so i got in bed and stared at teh ceiling for 4 hours

Kai: i only got halfway done then lost interest

Kai: LOL

Kai: nice

Bobtentpeg: but i have a projection alarm clock, so its all good

Kai: lol

Kai: thats kewl

Kai: my alarm clock is my phone

Bobtentpeg: yh that too, my phine sitting under my bed so i have to get out :P

Bobtentpeg: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kai: it used to be on vibrate all the time so it was just BZZZZ BZZZZZ BZZZ for half an hour, but now its Daydream Believer

Kai: ?

Bobtentpeg: mines on Ohne Diche

Kai: ?

Bobtentpeg: RAmmstein, its a song...

Kai: is it good?

Bobtentpeg: pretty good 1 sec

Kai: k

Bobtentpeg: nvm, deleted it from sendspace

Kai: Styx - Mr. Roboto Lyrics



Kai: whoops

Bobtentpeg: ????????????

Kai: read my blog later, compare times with my other convos


Kai: real link

Bobtentpeg: OK, link me to your blog

Kai: other one wasnt working


Bobtentpeg: lol I'm a label

Kai: yeah

Kai: I made u one

Bobtentpeg: but thats teh only time i appear on the page :P

Kai: lol

Kai: I said later

Kai: :P

Bobtentpeg: ~~ shjoulda said it more then once

Kai: i just siad it twice

Bobtentpeg: not before i looked

Kai: lol

Kai: well IDK

Bobtentpeg: think harder

Bobtentpeg: :P

Bobtentpeg: S T U P I D = Smart Talented Unique Person In Demand

Kai: lol

Bobtentpeg: I never apologize.

I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am.

Kai: lol

Bobtentpeg: Your're so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.

Bobtentpeg: wait for it wait for it.....

Bobtentpeg: .......................................

Bobtentpeg: A day without sunshine is like night.

Bobtentpeg: ot my favorite

Bobtentpeg: One bright morning...

in the middle of the night,

two dead boys came out to fight.

they stood back to back

and faced each other

drew their swords

and shot eachother.

the deaf policeman heard the noise

and came to kill

those two dead boys.

If u dont believe my story

its true ask the blind man he saw it too!

Bobtentpeg: kai...

Bobtentpeg: yu there...

Bobtentpeg: [Messenger Plus! Sound] - Data{45C4B2470D68} - Fart Fart

Bobtentpeg: [Messenger Plus! Sound] - Data{27C02806307F} - Welcome To Internet

Bobtentpeg: now get on

Bobtentpeg: well stop being idle :P{

Bobtentpeg: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







Bobtentpeg: Fin egood night :humph:

kaio393: Yo

azinpryncess: i hope u no that by tlkng2 u I am makng a HUGE sacrafice cause if my mom catches me i have no coomp or fonne 4 like 3 mnths or smthn

kaio393: :P

kaio393: say you needed to look up something

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: y didnt i thnk of that?

azinpryncess: yhanx

azinpryncess: thanx*

kaio393: np

azinpryncess: so y r u on the computer now and not later?

kaio393: cuz my moms not home

azinpryncess: oh

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: doi

azinpryncess: that reminds like 10 min or so rich and my mom wont b either...kool

kaio393: :P

kaio393: my mom will be home soon enough

azinpryncess: wen?

kaio393: idk

kaio393: whenever

azinpryncess: just go in ur room and lock the door but say ur doing hwk orsmthng

kaio393: I never have had homework this year

azinpryncess: oh

azinpryncess: ive had it just a couple of times

azinpryncess: im failng math

kaio393: never for me

kaio393: lol

kaio393: I was

kaio393: cuz I never try

azinpryncess: nevr try wat?

kaio393: in Math

azinpryncess: nvr try wat n math?

kaio393: uyou

kaio393: know

kaio393: like pay attention or anything

azinpryncess: hwk?

azinpryncess: o

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i also failes the math tax test but i still get 2 go 2 8th grde

kaio393: :p

azinpryncess: falied(*

kaio393: we get our grades for TAKS thursday

azinpryncess: i passed evrythng else though

azinpryncess: this is my 2nd time 2 not pass the math

azinpryncess: :(

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: but o well

azinpryncess: i guess

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: gtb

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: brb

kaio393: oki

azinpryncess: hey

kaio393: hi

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: so.

azinpryncess: wat up?

kaio393: Ceiling!

azinpryncess: of course

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: r u good @ math?

kaio393: Yeah

azinpryncess: really?

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: then could u help me with my homewrk?

kaio393: maybe

azinpryncess: please?

kaio393: MAYBE

azinpryncess: ugh...

azinpryncess: wen will u know?

kaio393: when I know what it is

azinpryncess: ex) 6+ -7= -1

kaio393: easy!

azinpryncess: 7 and one r negative numbrs

azinpryncess: is that a yes?

kaio393: sure

azinpryncess: k...hold on

azinpryncess: a lerge can of frozen orange juice contains 354ml. To make orange juice, you add 3 full cans of water. How many liters of orange juice does this make?

kaio393: how much volume does a can hold?

azinpryncess: it doesnt say...hold let me try to do it again

azinpryncess: hold on*

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: yh..srry bout that rich caught me and tld me 2 go downstairs..

azinpryncess: i have to get my grade up so i cant tlk right now... b bacl l8tr

azinpryncess: back*

kaio393: back

azinpryncess: crap...i have only 16 min left....ugh!!!

kaio393: :P

kaio393: lawl

azinpryncess: lalw>

azinpryncess: wat u mean?

kaio393: LOL

kaio393: lawl

azinpryncess: ok

azinpryncess: so....

azinpryncess: why did u wanna tlk?

kaio393: i never said i wanted to talk :P

azinpryncess: u did wen u told me to get on aim so dont tell me that u didnt say that

azinpryncess: cause u did

azinpryncess: how is that not sayng that u wanted 2 tlk?

kaio393: i just said get on AIM :P

azinpryncess: yh...that means that u wanted 2 tlk...

kaio393: no

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: yes*

kaio393: means i wanted u to get on AIM for no apparent reason

azinpryncess: right.....ok

azinpryncess: wait...

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: r u being sarcastic

kaio393: kinda

azinpryncess: ok

azinpryncess: then

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: look....if im still tlkng to u and my comp shuts me off would u answer my textes?

kaio393: testtestst

kaio393: yay it works

kaio393: it turns off ure entrie comp?

azinpryncess: just shuts me off aim

kaio393: o

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: and thats the only way i can tlk @nite other than txtng..

azinpryncess: so would u answer?

kaio393: nope

azinpryncess: y not?!

kaio393: cuz TXTing is too hard

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: how?

kaio393: cuz

kaio393: it limits the message

azinpryncess: then abriviate and keep them kinda short

kaio393: thats hwo it limits the mesage

azinpryncess: its not like we type alot or anythng

kaio393: I do :P

azinpryncess: no u dont...look above^

azinpryncess: we dont type long replies...

kaio393: watever

azinpryncess: answers*

kaio393: it still limits :P

kaio393: and I just don't like it

azinpryncess: well i dont either but atleast we would still b tlkng

kaio393: idc

azinpryncess: and i wanna rlk 2 u for more than 16 min

kaio393: i just dont wanna text is all i kn0w.

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: wuss

kaio393: wusses text :P

azinpryncess: no they dont

kaio393: ok

kaio393: popular ppl text

azinpryncess: okaaay

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: wat makes u say that?

azinpryncess: ur not uncool...

kaio393: women are on the phone/texting all the time

kaio393: A person regarded as weak or timid and especially as unmanly:

kaio393: :P

kaio393: wuss defined

azinpryncess: texting doesnt make u "notmanly"

azinpryncess: and believe me..

azinpryncess: u r manly enough

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: just do it...please?

kaio393: Nope

azinpryncess: ugh.....*******

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: u dont no wat that means but i do...

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: okily

azinpryncess: haha

azinpryncess: texting wont make u a wuss....just do it

kaio393: nevah!

kaio393: I hate texting with a passion

kaio393: yoh

azinpryncess: hety

azinpryncess: i ment hey

kaio393: doi

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: yuh-huh

kaio393: so... tired.... :p

kaio393: wuu2?

azinpryncess: nothng really

kaio393: koo

azinpryncess: i woke up @9 and then ate

kaio393: i woke up at 10

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: i had planned on sleeping till 12 or 1

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: but i couldnt go back to sleep

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: i was starving

kaio393: ok

kaio393: boooored

azinpryncess: yh me too

kaio393: im actually doing an image worm which is like the hardest thing to ever do.

kaio393: this is my first one

azinpryncess: kool

kaio393: they look haard

kaio393: u need to sign up for Orphic

azinpryncess: i dont have the time...i have to clean my room and help around the house b4 the bible study and take a shower and stuff

kaio393: Clean room- 20 minz

kaio393: Shower- 10 minz

kaio393: Stuff- up to an hour

kaio393: :P

kaio393: thats like 11:42

azinpryncess: i take 15 min showers and toclean wat i nedd to clean is like 1 hr..

kaio393: :P

kaio393: lame

azinpryncess: no..its not...ill brb

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: hey

kaio393: HI

azinpryncess: ello

kaio393: uh huh?

azinpryncess: uh huh?

azinpryncess: wat u mean?

kaio393: uh huh?

azinpryncess: wat do u mean?

kaio393: uh huh?

azinpryncess: nevermind

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: ok

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: wat u doing?

kaio393: making a worm image

azinpryncess: kool...i guess

kaio393: hard\

kaio393: i said that like three minuts ago

azinpryncess: yh..sound hard

kaio393: :P

kaio393: how does 'worm' sound hard?

azinpryncess: i dunno

kaio393: heh

kaio393: looks alrigjt

azinpryncess: wat is it of?

kaio393: green

kaio393: plants

kaio393: etc

azinpryncess: um.....okay

azinpryncess: e-mail it 2 me

azinpryncess: if u can


azinpryncess: remember....

kaio393: idc

kaio393: im not emailing an image worm

azinpryncess: parental control

azinpryncess: y wont u?

kaio393: cuz its impossible

kaio393: its all coded and crap

azinpryncess: oh

kaio393: wuu2?

kaio393: lo?

azinpryncess: i just got done cleaning my room

kaio393: told ya

azinpryncess: yh,yh,yh

azinpryncess: i know

azinpryncess: now i just have to take a shower cause my mom did most of the house while i was cleaning my room

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: i know this stuff is soooooo exiting

kaio393: not really

azinpryncess: i know...i was being sarcastic

azinpryncess: tired of doing the same thong all the time

kaio393: well then dont

azinpryncess: my mom amd rich are in control.....none of us kids have a choice most of the ti=me

azinpryncess: time

kaio393: haha

kaio393: I say u start a revolt

azinpryncess: lol..against my rents?

azinpryncess: how?

kaio393: er

kaio393: don't do what they say

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: they'll just take stuff away from us and well eventually get tired of it and give in...

azinpryncess: believe me.. ive tried

azinpryncess: so..

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: okay then give up

azinpryncess: ok

kaio393: :p

kaio393: aand stop complainging

azinpryncess: k

kaio393: Ew

kaio393: cant read

azinpryncess: ur blind!!!!

azinpryncess: fine...hold on then

kaio393: no

kaio393: just lazyand dont wanna squint

azinpryncess: loser!

kaio393: no winner

azinpryncess: u CAN read it!!!

azinpryncess: haha!

azinpryncess: i caught u!

azinpryncess: bttr?

azinpryncess: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x yz

azinpryncess: oh yeah

kaio393: sure

azinpryncess: the alphabet rox!

kaio393: no

azinpryncess: it does!!!

kaio393: its a children's song and involves no Rock

azinpryncess: not the SONG!!!

kaio393: :p


azinpryncess: dfgg

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: mjnbvfcdfvgrbhnjmk,imjnhbgvfcvgrbhnyjmuk,ilkmjnhbgvfgbhnjmk,l.i,kmjnhbgvrbhnujik,ol.,kmjnhbgvfrtgyhujiko8l9,kmjhbgvfrftgyhujik8junhbgtfr4tg5yhujik8olkijnhbgtfr354tg6y7u8ikolkmjnhgtf4rtg6yh7ujikol9pokijuyh5gt4g678i9okijuhy

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: hjkl,ikmjnhbgvfvgrbhtnjymku,k,lkmjnhbthnyjmk,l.o,kmjnhbghnmk,li.,kmjnhbgrvbt5y6ui,l.,kmjnhbgvfrtgyhujiko,l.i,kmjnhbgtyh6ujiko8mjnhgtyhujik8junhyg5tyhujikol9kijuyh56ujikol8kiujhyj6u8ik9oi

azinpryncess: kool isnt it?

kaio393: Crack is whack

azinpryncess: that was TOTALY RANDOM....but ok

kaio393: can u read this font?

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: why wouldnt i?

kaio393: cuz its a hard to find fotn called Teen

azinpryncess: teen?

kaio393: I doubt ure viewing it right

kaio393: hold on

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: kool..ots pink right?

kaio393: ok im good

kaio393: no its green:P

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i c it highlighted in black but the fnt id green

azinpryncess: is

azinpryncess: can u read this?

kaio393: barely

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: this?

kaio393: sure

azinpryncess: kooooool\

azinpryncess: !

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: i said kol

azinpryncess: kool

kaio393: u said

kaio393: !

kaio393: which involves surprise

azinpryncess: causei meant to put an exlamation mark instead of a /

kaio393: u should adone !*

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: !*

azinpryncess: there

kaio393: yay

azinpryncess: i wantb 2 go 2 fiesta texas(six flag)

azinpryncess: flags*

kaio393: Fiesta sucks

kaio393: Dallas is awesome

azinpryncess: and ride Superman and the Poltiergiest

kaio393: they have the 3rd highest ride in the US

azinpryncess: IT SO DOES NOT!!

kaio393: i am going to fiesta someime this summer though

azinpryncess: good 4 them

azinpryncess: me to

azinpryncess: i thnk

azinpryncess: we usually go every summer

azinpryncess: yh....

kaio393: im going wit my friend

azinpryncess: yh..friend

azinpryncess: ur only one

azinpryncess: lol...

azinpryncess: jk

kaio393: WELL

kaio393: not really friend

kaio393: more of just my roller coaster parnter

kaio393: cuz everyone else is afraid of em

kaio393: and he is kinda too

kaio393: but I pull him on

azinpryncess: oh

azinpryncess: my dad does that for me

azinpryncess: he will ride ANYTHING

kaio393: koo

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: I LOVE.LOVE.LOVE my dad

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: well ido

kaio393: doi

kaio393: u just said it

azinpryncess: i now

azinpryncess: im hiper

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: r u tired or somthng?

azinpryncess: cause ur no talking much

azinpryncess: not*

azinpryncess: .............

azinpryncess: .

azinpryncess: .

azinpryncess: .

azinpryncess: .

azinpryncess: .

azinpryncess: .

kaio393: no buzy

azinpryncess: .

azinpryncess: .

azinpryncess: .

azinpryncess: .

azinpryncess: o

azinpryncess: k

kaio393: trying to claim my awesomness of PS

azinpryncess: okaaay

kaio393: cuz some idiots said I was novice just cuz i never use brushes inPS cuz its cheating

azinpryncess: my booo

azinpryncess: its a song im listening 2

azinpryncess: never heard it b4

kaio393: omg

kaio393: i even have heard that song

kaio393: :P

kaio393: u soooo behind the timeds

kaio393: that was like when i was in 5th grade

azinpryncess: really?

azinpryncess: thats 4th for me..

azinpryncess: wow! that is old

kaio393: itold

kaio393: OMG

kaio393: i just made an awesome image

kaio393: wow

kaio393: so

kaio393: brilliant

azinpryncess: brilliant?

azinpryncess: i hate it wen ppl say that

azinpryncess: it doesnt sound right

kaio393: well deal with ti

azinpryncess: \no

azinpryncess: i wont deal with it

kaio393: BRILLIANT

kaio393: now what?

azinpryncess: now is wen i tell u 2 shut up

azinpryncess: sooo.

azinpryncess: ]shut u

kaio393: :P

kaio393: shut u?

azinpryncess: shut up*

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: but seriously...

azinpryncess: shut up

azinpryncess: please?

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: :-*

azinpryncess: be right back

azinpryncess: back

azinpryncess: sigh...hold on my moms calling me...

azinpryncess: brb

azinpryncess: im taking a shower brb

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: im bak

azinpryncess: back*

kaio393: i see

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: i love the way axe smells

kaio393: i hate it

kaio393: makes me sneeze

azinpryncess: i said that cause ethan took a shower b4 me amd the bathroom still smelled like it

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: why does it make u sneeze

azinpryncess: ?&

azinpryncess: ?*

kaio393: im alergic or somethin

azinpryncess: ok

azinpryncess: im not alergic to anythng

azinpryncess: :-)

azinpryncess: haha

kaio393: well nor am i just sneeze al ot round it

azinpryncess: ok...watevr u say

azinpryncess: im watching Ariel

azinpryncess: The Little Mermaud

kaio393: DOI

azinpryncess: srry...i dont no war movies u have or have not seen

azinpryncess: wat*

azinpryncess: omg!

azinpryncess: have u seen Spiderman 3?

kaio393: yeaaaah?

azinpryncess: yeaaaaah?

azinpryncess: wat du u mean?

kaio393: yeah

kaio393: and u were said OMG liek u had something tosay

azinpryncess: nevermind

kaio393: ok..

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: i am so mad @ my sister right now

kaio393: whY?

azinpryncess: she wanted me 2 play with her but i said no so she ran to my mom saying that i had hit her(but i didnt) and then my mom told her that she could hit me cause i dah hit stupid is that?

azinpryncess: *sigh*

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i know'

kaio393: its a little girl, whatdoya do? just et her hit u :P

azinpryncess: i did

azinpryncess: i was doing everythng i could to not hit her....she made me so mad

azinpryncess: if i dont do wat she wants she says i hit her

azinpryncess: and my mom believes her

kaio393: well eventually ure mom will figure it out

azinpryncess: i hope so

kaio393: just never do anything she says

azinpryncess: i dont

azinpryncess: y would i?

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: :)

azinpryncess: :(

azinpryncess: :$

azinpryncess: :!

kaio393: (ps2)

azinpryncess: :@

azinpryncess: :#

azinpryncess: :$

azinpryncess: :%

azinpryncess: :^



azinpryncess: my moms n the shower i cant get permmission

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: srry

azinpryncess: wat is it>

kaio393: k

azinpryncess: ?*

kaio393: my photobucke

kaio393: t

azinpryncess: wat is it htugh?

azinpryncess: though?*

kaio393: all the iamges i have uploaded

azinpryncess: oh....kool

kaio393: I've just realizsd something

kaio393: Nerds will always help someone who doesn't understand something

kaio393: While in the real world

kaio393: People always put the others down

kaio393: Wow

azinpryncess: yh.

azinpryncess: o didnt no that?

kaio393: yeah jusrt didnt realiz

kaio393: e

azinpryncess: im not gonna b a nerd but i wont put others down

kaio393: :P

kaio393: riiiight

azinpryncess: u think i will/owould put others down?

kaio393: sure

kaio393: i do

azinpryncess: y?

kaio393: but not on my comp when ppl ask for help

azinpryncess: wat'?

azinpryncess: wat?*

azinpryncess: then u dont no me that well

azinpryncess: cause i wont

kaio393: *shrug*

azinpryncess: i wont

azinpryncess: just wait and see

kaio393: *closes eyes*

kaio393: what now?

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: u know wat i mean..

kaio393: :p

azinpryncess: so wat u doing?

kaio393: reading

azinpryncess: *sigh*

azinpryncess: kool

azinpryncess: i was reading Olives Ocean earlier

azinpryncess: its okay i guess

kaio393: :PO\

azinpryncess: our pissed off?

azinpryncess: ur*

kaio393: no?

azinpryncess: kaio393 [1:48 P.M.]: :PO\

azinpryncess: then wat did u say?

kaio393: no?

azinpryncess: nevrmind

kaio393: ok

kaio393: wuu2?

azinpryncess: hey

kaio393: yoh

azinpryncess: wat up my corn dog,home skillet.wrapped in butter deep fried?

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: someone taught me that

kaio393: what do i say to athat?

azinpryncess: nthng...its just somthng funny

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: yh


kaio393: u there?

azinpryncess: tell m y u roll ya eyes,just deal with ityh

kaio393: wat?


azinpryncess: dont laugh ok?

kaio393: wat

azinpryncess: my ex-boyfriend Jacob just texted me:I loved u before i knew you were a hore

azinpryncess: wat do i do wen i see him on moday?

azinpryncess: i havent done anythng to make him say that

kaio393: act lik it never happend

azinpryncess: how?

azinpryncess: im soooo pissed right now

kaio393: y?

azinpryncess: i wish he could just be so mad that he couldnt stand it so he would no how i feel


kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: I have every right 2 b upset

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: especially cause i still kinda like him

kaio393: :p

azinpryncess: *sigh*

azinpryncess: it seems like (exept u)every bf ive had thinks he can cuss @ me i guess

azinpryncess: there wrong

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i said:excuse me? a whore?

azinpryncess: wat makes u thnk u can call me that?

azinpryncess: and the rest i dont feel like tlkng about....

kaio393: ok

kaio393: movie I wanna se


azinpryncess: cant...parental block...

kaio393: Emily can see it

azinpryncess: shes on a diff comp...hold on and let me go to her comp..

kaio393: k

azinpryncess: yh i really wanna c that

azinpryncess: it looks kool

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: wen are we goona c it?(u me and emily?0

azinpryncess: )*

azinpryncess: or were yall just sayng that?

kaio393: whenever i feel

kaio393: idk

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: omg

azinpryncess: u need to come to the next bible study

kaio393: im good'

azinpryncess: its no fun without other teens here

azinpryncess: omg...i hate Jacob

azinpryncess: hes such a *******

azinpryncess: cant say

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: im soooo bored

azinpryncess: im n my room hiding from Brianna

kaio393: lol

azinpryncess: well.i did wat i had 2 do

azinpryncess: she was following me EVERYWHERE!

kaio393: lol

kaio393: Cold-Crossfade

azinpryncess: sound very gay

kaio393: very kewl

kaio393: nice guitar and lyrics

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: i w ould care...why?

azinpryncess: would*

kaio393: i don't knwo

kaio393: why?

azinpryncess: cause i dont care...i used to like the music u listened to....but not anymore

azinpryncess: the music u listen 2 is stupid

azinpryncess: srry...but it is

kaio393: u havent even listend to it

azinpryncess: how would u know

azinpryncess: i have listened 2 it though

kaio393: Then what is the first lin

kaio393: e

azinpryncess: k..i havnt listened 2 it but if u like t then it probably is gay

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: it*

kaio393: Music Doens't Care if it sucks, it doesn't care if it is sung. It just wants to be free

azinpryncess: u are weird kyle

azinpryncess: very weird

kaio393: Doi

azinpryncess: okaaay

azinpryncess: u so should have come

kaio393: No

kaio393: My mom's not even home :P

azinpryncess: but then u would brobably b listening 2 ur ipod or smthng

kaio393: :p

azinpryncess: u could walk or take a taxi

kaio393: im good

azinpryncess: sure u r

kaio393: I am indeed

azinpryncess: ur always"good"

azinpryncess: were r u "needed

azinpryncess: needed"*

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: u said u were needed

azinpryncess: so where r u needed?

kaio393: indeed

kaio393: learn how to read woman

[19:05] kaio393: I am indeed

azinpryncess: where?

kaio393: INDEED

azinpryncess: first of all... my name isnt woman

kaio393: i know taht

azinpryncess: k then dont call me woman

kaio393: well u call me Kyle

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: so?

kaio393: i won't call u woman if you don't call me Kyle

azinpryncess: fine but only cause i dont want u to call me woman

kaio393: lol

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: fine

azinpryncess: k

kaio393: :P


azinpryncess: is that the video where u drop bsomthng?

azinpryncess: somthng?*

kaio393: yh

kaio393: its a plate btw


azinpryncess: i just saw it on emilts comp

azinpryncess: send that lnk 2 rmily so i can c it

kaio393: tell her to restart the movie she watchign rnow

azinpryncess: k..that other movie has no point and is gay

kaio393: how is it gay

azinpryncess: ur such a nerd

azinpryncess: u ran through ur apartment complex wearing a BANNANA SIUT!!!

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: who does that?

azinpryncess: i wanna run away with emily

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i do

azinpryncess: it would b fun

kaio393: ok//

azinpryncess: sigh..i cant wait for the pizza 2 b here

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: send another movie 2 emily

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: STOP SAYNG OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kaio393: i did

azinpryncess: ok then

azinpryncess: good

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: u r annoyng

azinpryncess: u now that?

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: good

azinpryncess: atleast u no

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: :8

azinpryncess: :*

azinpryncess: :*

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: luv it!!

azinpryncess: sens emily anothr vid

kaio393: I DID

azinpryncess: srry

azinpryncess: thank gid..the pizzas here

azinpryncess: god*

azinpryncess: be right back

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: were havng the study now so ill b awhile...

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: ttyl

kaio393: cyz

azinpryncess: im back

kaio393: wb

azinpryncess: idkdidkdidkdidkdidkdidkdidiufkdidkidkdiidkidkdididkidkidkdidkdidhdgvhfvgfbv hdbvhcbvufydbhsvgdvwtefwtfsdtwcdtwfdtwfdtwfetwvdtwfet3grftegfyedbfyhrdsbfdjehfbv

azinpryncess: szxrdctfvygbhnjmkinhubgfcdrxsexdrcfvgbhnjmk,lkmjunhtdwzascfvj,plkurdewzfvnj,lpojuczasdghnjmk,lkmjnhbgvfc xdrf c

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: wat?!

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: ookgood

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: szxdrcfvgbhnjminhbugvftcdrxszasexdcfvgbhnjkmmojnihbgvfcdxrcftvgybsexghjnkmjnhbgvfcgvbhjnhbgvhgvfhjnjnhbgvfvg

azinpryncess: sexdctfvgbhnbgvfcdfvgbhnjnhbgvfcdxcfvgbhnjmkjnhbgvfcdxcfvgbhnjmjnhgvtfcdxszawsedrfvgbhnjuhbgvfcdxdcrfvtgyhujjuhygtvfgybhujuhygtfrgyhujhygtfgyhuhygtfrgyhuhygtfrtgyhuhygtyhygtyhgtyhuhygsexbodysxdfcvgbhnjhbgvfcdxrcfvgbhnbgvftcrdxdcfvgbhnjhbgvfcdxcfvgbhnbgvfcdfvgb

azinpryncess: juyhgtrfedcrfvtgyhgtfrdesdrftgybgvfcdxesxdcfvgbhnbgvfcdxcfvgbsexybody

azinpryncess: fjrwhbhhfbwhbfbhfhbhbyhfwheuwuhew

azinpryncess: hey Kai

azinpryncess: wat up?

kaio393: hi

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: cieling

azinpryncess: so did i tell u about the...

azinpryncess: gbhnjmkjhbvfcdxcfvgbhnjhbvcdxsexdcfvgbhnhbgvfcdxcfvgbhnjuhbgvfcdxfgbhnjsexybody

azinpryncess: and she also said,bgvfdeswedrftgyhuygtfrdeswaqwsedrftgyhygtfrdeswedrftgyhygtfrdeswedrftgytfrdeswedrftgyhygtfrdesdrftgyhgtfrderftghfcfrtvgbhnhbgvfcdfvgSEXYBODYfvgbhnjnhbgvfcdxfvgbhnjhbgvfctdrxcfvgbhnjhbgvfcdxsdcfvgbhnhbgvfcdxcfvgbhnjnhbgvfcdxsrcfvgbhgfghnvhegfhdbhfusjdhfiuwsjfhdsuyfdushfsdbfhjsdhfbjdfsdhf

azinpryncess: isnt that just so kool?

azinpryncess: i mean just thnk about many girls say that?

azinpryncess: how r u hello?

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: isaid:

azinpryncess: how r u hello?

kaio393: i know

kaio393: but who's hello

azinpryncess: okokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokookokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokok\

kaio393: .

azinpryncess: oh i almost 4got 2 tell u...

kaio393: k

azinpryncess: werdtgyujiuhygtdewzaertgyujimuytrewzqWZexrctybunjimunybtcrezwqdeswedrftgyhdswzedrftgybtredswedrftgyhygtfrdeswedrtytfrSEXYBODYdc fvgbhngvfcdxsdcfvgbhnbgvfcdxsxdcfvgbhvfcdxsxdcfvgbvfcdxscfgbhnjhbgvfcfvgbhnhbgvfcdfvgbhnjhgvfcdxcfvgbhnjhgvfcdcfvgbhnhgvfcdxcfvgbhnhbgvfcvgbhbgvfcvgbhbgvfcdxcfvgvfcdxcfvgb

kaio393: .

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: >:(

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: srry its just so funny 2 me and emily

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: :-X

azinpryncess: shmexy body

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: :x

azinpryncess: shmexy body

azinpryncess: me likie

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: olol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lo

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lo

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: stop

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: wat are u doing this fine evening?

kaio393: i am on ym comp

azinpryncess: ym?

azinpryncess: wat u mean?

kaio393: my

azinpryncess: o

azinpryncess: kool

azinpryncess: u goung 2 chuch 2marrow?

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: crap

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: r u going 2 ignore me again>

azinpryncess: ?*

kaio393: brb

azinpryncess: k...hurry

kaio393: bak

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: r u going to ingore me again @ church?

kaio393: i dind't last time

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: u did

azinpryncess: but ok

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i guess ill wear jeans...ugh

kaio393: lo

kaio393: l

azinpryncess: wats funny?

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: wats funny?

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: hat bi said ugh about wearng jeans?

azinpryncess: that*

azinpryncess: i*

azinpryncess: is that wat funny?

azinpryncess: wats?*

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: nvrmind

kaio393: kl

azinpryncess: kidof tlkng 2 u

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: lol\

azinpryncess: nvrmind

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: 1

azinpryncess: 123 like a bird i seeee...cause uve given me the most butifl set of wings...

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: its a song

azinpryncess: so..anyway

azinpryncess: wat up?

azinpryncess: dont say ceiling

kaio393: er

kaio393: The sky?

azinpryncess: not that either

kaio393: but it is

azinpryncess: ur lame.geeky,and a major dork

kaio393: doi

azinpryncess: i dunno y im even tlking 2 u//

azinpryncess: ...*

kaio393: nor do i

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: du u want to meet eachother some where 4 church?

kaio393: nah

azinpryncess: y not...we did last week

kaio393: no we didn't

kaio393: not really

kaio393: RPRT

azinpryncess: how will we see eachother then?

azinpryncess: rprt?

kaio393: same spot as last time

kaio393: Right Place

kaio393: Right TIm

azinpryncess: o

azinpryncess: u mean by the couthches n the annex?

kaio393: no the same seat

kaio393: area

azinpryncess: o

azinpryncess: u want me to meet u n the church?

kaio393: watv

azinpryncess: dont b rude

azinpryncess: do you yes or no?

kaio393: nope

azinpryncess: u just said u did want to meat

azinpryncess: meet*

kaio393: IDC

azinpryncess: u dont know?

kaio393: care

azinpryncess: k...then i wont sit or talk 2 u

kaio393: your decision

azinpryncess: im just kidding

kaio393: i no

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: if i see u then i guess ill hang with u

azinpryncess: ok?

azinpryncess: ok?1

azinpryncess: ok?!

azinpryncess: is that ok?

kaio393: sure

azinpryncess: ok then its decided

azinpryncess: r ur weird frendz gonna b there again?


kaio393: Doi

azinpryncess: jk

kaio393: they always are

azinpryncess: k then

azinpryncess: its 9 11

kaio393: nop

kaio393: 912

azinpryncess: boo freakn hoo

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: jk

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: srry cant helpmyself

kaio393: obviously

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: lol

azinpryncess: try it..its butloads of fun

kaio393: nah

kaio393: lol

kaio393: :p

azinpryncess: try it!

azinpryncess: pretty plaese?

kaio393: no

azinpryncess: come on kyle...

kaio393: no

kaio393: kai

azinpryncess: no...its K-Y-L-E!

azinpryncess: Kyle

kaio393: nope

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: it is

kaio393: not gnna answer if u dont call me kai

azinpryncess: ugh fine...kai

kaio393: hi?

azinpryncess: brianna wants to no if connor grant will go out with he

azinpryncess: connor or grant*

azinpryncess: well ask

azinpryncess: brisnna reall wants 21 no

kaio393: conner

azinpryncess: really*

kaio393: they aren't here

azinpryncess: oh

azinpryncess: she sais good

azinpryncess: yh..uh huh

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: shes actually devistated that they rntb there

kaio393: lol

azinpryncess: shw just wont admi it

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: gross

azinpryncess: jk

kaio393: lol

azinpryncess: i was doing that 2 bug brianna

azinpryncess: she got so mad

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: lol

azinpryncess: u have FIVE e-mails?!

azinpryncess: omg...i just have 2

kaio393: gtg

azinpryncess: y



azinpryncess: u stin...bye

azinpryncess: stink*

kaio393: sup

WarriorAtHeart07: why?

WarriorAtHeart07: every time i sign in.

WarriorAtHeart07: why?

kaio393: IDK

kaio393: cuz I am bored?

WarriorAtHeart07: that's sad

kaio393: :P

WarriorAtHeart07: aren't any of your other friends on

kaio393: and ure fun to talk to :P

kaio393: yeah

kaio393: I am talking to like 3 other ppl

WarriorAtHeart07: i don't think i'm fun to talk to

WarriorAtHeart07: maybe depressing

kaio393: :P

kaio393: Has Kelly said anything to you?

WarriorAtHeart07: since when?

kaio393: like

kaio393: today

WarriorAtHeart07: no, why?

kaio393: Oh, nothing

kaio393: forget I said anything

WarriorAtHeart07: why?

[18:03] kaio393: forget I said anything

WarriorAtHeart07: i was just trying to firgure out what you meant

WarriorAtHeart07: yes i talked to her

kaio393: today?

WarriorAtHeart07: yes

kaio393: what did she say?

WarriorAtHeart07: nothing

kaio393: ok... :P

WarriorAtHeart07: well, i'm not going to tell you

kaio393: y?

WarriorAtHeart07: because you won't tell me what you are talking about

WarriorAtHeart07: and you're kind of mean sometimes

kaio393: :p

kaio393: Touche

WarriorAtHeart07: ?

kaio393: idk

kaio393: Touche is an awesome word to say

WarriorAtHeart07: what does it mean?

kaio393: 1)to admit that an opponent in an argument has made a good point
2)when someone has said a good comeback line
3)to concede a point to an opponent when fencing

WarriorAtHeart07: o

WarriorAtHeart07: cool

kaio393: yh

kaio393: toldya

kaio393: :P

WarriorAtHeart07: what did you want to know if kiki had mentioned it

kaio393: Anything :P

kaio393: what did she say?

WarriorAtHeart07: lots of things, but nothing that you would understand

kaio393: Sexist :P

WarriorAtHeart07: not because you're a guy

kaio393: riiight

WarriorAtHeart07: because you are not kiki's best friend and have not been with me and kiki everytime we've been together

WarriorAtHeart07: or any time in fact

WarriorAtHeart07: it's a best friend thing

kaio393: Oh I see

kaio393: okay :)

kaio393: well did she mention anything about me?

WarriorAtHeart07: no

kaio393: oh :9

kaio393: :(

kaio393: *

WarriorAtHeart07: well, she doesn't talk about you all the time like you do to her

WarriorAtHeart07: she's not the obcessed one

WarriorAtHeart07: *obsessed

kaio393: that is true

kaio393: but I am not quite obsessed\

kaio393: just in love

kaio393: :P

WarriorAtHeart07: what's the difference?

kaio393: true

WarriorAtHeart07: i thought i was in love (i think i was) but then he threw it in my face [not you]

kaio393: [doi]

kaio393: Yeah I think I did that to Sarah accidentallly

WarriorAtHeart07: you, um, did

WarriorAtHeart07: we talked for awhile

kaio393: I know

kaio393: accidentally

kaio393: :P

WarriorAtHeart07: i think you should give her a chance

WarriorAtHeart07: again

kaio393: im good

WarriorAtHeart07: wow, you really don't get it, do you?

kaio393: ?

WarriorAtHeart07: sometimes you just have to try stuff to see if it works

WarriorAtHeart07: and let me give you a hint

WarriorAtHeart07: alot less talking about orphic would give to a much better shot

kaio393: :p

kaio393: i just do that for kikc

kaio393: s

kaio393: But I still don't wanna go out ith sarah

kaio393: I want to go out with kell

kaio393: y

kaio393: Sarah is just... idk

WarriorAtHeart07: kiki is never going to say yes

kaio393: why do you say that?

WarriorAtHeart07: at least temporarily "move on"

kaio393: I'm good

WarriorAtHeart07: because she hated going out with you

WarriorAtHeart07: she said it was sme of the worst days ever with you

WarriorAtHeart07: *some

kaio393: :P

kaio393: waht do u have against me going out with Kelly?

WarriorAtHeart07: i don't have anything against

WarriorAtHeart07: it just she's in love with another guy

WarriorAtHeart07: and she doesn't like going out with you

WarriorAtHeart07: talk to HER about it

kaio393: ok

kaio393: well wold u care if we went out?

WarriorAtHeart07: besides the fact that she doesn't love you, it's never going to happen, and someone else is going to ask her first...yes, i do mind

kaio393: :P

kaio393: meanie :P

WarriorAtHeart07: it's never going to happen

kaio393: :P

WarriorAtHeart07: if i could punch you in the face right now i would

WarriorAtHeart07: you don't understand

WarriorAtHeart07: basicly you're an idiot most of the time

kaio393: :P

kaio393: How am I am idiot right now?

WarriorAtHeart07: if you do the smilely face one more time i'll have kiki do it for me

kaio393: gr

kaio393: anyways

[18:56] kaio393: How am I am idiot right now?

WarriorAtHeart07: you don't understand it's never going to happen

WarriorAtHeart07: how many times do i have to say it?

kaio393: 0

kaio393: as many as you want

WarriorAtHeart07: please just understand

kaio393: ?

WarriorAtHeart07: it's never going to happen

kaio393: For some reason i don't want to

kaio393: Well What would you do IF we went out?

WarriorAtHeart07: yell at you alot

WarriorAtHeart07: tell her what were you thinking

WarriorAtHeart07: tell her she's in love with another guy

WarriorAtHeart07: (who, btw, is much cuter then you)

kaio393: Well that would be mean :P

WarriorAtHeart07: she's in love with stephen!

WarriorAtHeart07: ok

WarriorAtHeart07: stephen loves her back

kaio393: But she told me they are just friends?

WarriorAtHeart07: he was going to ask her out last friday but she got sick

WarriorAtHeart07: she's lying to you\

WarriorAtHeart07: not really, though

kaio393: some random sigs i did




WarriorAtHeart07: they are "just friends" for now

WarriorAtHeart07: until they see each other again

kaio393: thats kewl

WarriorAtHeart07: i could make that

WarriorAtHeart07: that's horrible graphic style

WarriorAtHeart07: i liked the more complicated ones

kaio393: Which one?

WarriorAtHeart07: all except those

kaio393: :P

kaio393: some more




WarriorAtHeart07: eh

WarriorAtHeart07: not exactly your best

kaio393: :P

kaio393: everyone at mD thinks its better than my old stuff :P


WarriorAtHeart07: won't let me in without an account

kaio393: :P

kaio393: wuu2?

WarriorAtHeart07: nm

WarriorAtHeart07: u?

kaio393: kewlz

kaio393: I am

kaio393: posting on mD

WarriorAtHeart07: cool

kaio393: brb

WarriorAtHeart07: kk

kaio393: back

WarriorAtHeart07: kk

kaio393: wuu2?

WarriorAtHeart07: nothing

WarriorAtHeart07: u?

WarriorAtHeart07: you: talk on mD

kaio393: u have to be up 2 something :P

kaio393: no actually i was picking a song on iTues

kaio393: iTunes*

WarriorAtHeart07: nice\

kaio393: yup

WarriorAtHeart07: technically i'm doing something

WarriorAtHeart07: i'm listening to music while talking to you

kaio393: :P

kaio393: wat song?

WarriorAtHeart07: what did i tell you about the smilely?

kaio393: WarriorAtHeart07: if you do the smilely face one more time i'll have kiki do it for me

WarriorAtHeart07: [punch you]

kaio393: I would doubt it if she didn't :P

kaio393: [19:41] kaio393: I would doubt it if she didn't :P

kaio393: wat the heck?

kaio393: 19:41] kaio393: I would doubt it if she didn't :P
[19:41] *** Error while sending IM: Service unavailable
[19:42] kaio393: [19:41] kaio393: I would doubt it if she didn't :P
[19:42] *** Error while sending IM: Service unavailable
[19:42] kaio393: wat the heck?
[19:42] *** Error while sending IM: Service unavailable

WarriorAtHeart07: sorry

kaio393: u block me or somthing ?:P

kaio393: [19:42] kaio393: 19:41] kaio393: I would doubt it if she didn't :P
[19:41] *** Error while sending IM: Service unavailable
[19:42] kaio393: [19:41] kaio393: I would doubt it if she didn't :P
[19:42] *** Error while sending IM: Service unavailable
[19:42] kaio393: wat the heck?
[19:42] *** Error while sending IM: Service unavailable
[19:42] *** Error while sending IM: Service unavailable

WarriorAtHeart07: my aim screwed up

WarriorAtHeart07: when i opened tektek

kaio393: o ok

WarriorAtHeart07: sorry

kaio393: np

kaio393: u still there?

WarriorAtHeart07: yeah

kaio393: new sig


WarriorAtHeart07: page not found

kaio393: holdon


WarriorAtHeart07: same one as before

WarriorAtHeart07: brb

kaio393: k


WarriorAtHeart07: hi

kaio393: sup

WarriorAtHeart07: nothing much, and can you please say hi or hello or anything not 'sup'

kaio393: hi

kaio393: wanna see my newer sigs?

WarriorAtHeart07: i guess



WarriorAtHeart07: i liked your old graphics better

kaio393: why?

WarriorAtHeart07: what application do you use

WarriorAtHeart07: ?

kaio393: PhotoShop CS3

WarriorAtHeart07: cool

WarriorAtHeart07: i use PSP 9

kaio393: i used to use PSP 9

kaio393: It not as good, but good enought o get by

WarriorAtHeart07: i can make it do anything

kaio393: brushes?

WarriorAtHeart07: yes

kaio393: PS brushes?

WarriorAtHeart07: yes

WarriorAtHeart07: anything

WarriorAtHeart07: literally

kaio393: Quick Selection Tool?

kaio393: Magic Wand?

kaio393: Slice?

kaio393: Smart Filters

kaio393: (all new feats in CS3)

WarriorAtHeart07: my favorite things to do are 3-D text, blur, auto-blush (my own invention), and making new things for the tube

kaio393: tube?

WarriorAtHeart07: picture tube tool

kaio393: ok?

WarriorAtHeart07: auto blush is really cool, cooler then it sounds

WarriorAtHeart07: 1) because i made it

WarriorAtHeart07: 2) because it has it's own spot in the toolbar

kaio393: The wat it sounds to me is ure a pic editor, not a designer.

kaio393: way*

WarriorAtHeart07: i don't like to be a designer

WarriorAtHeart07: i can be

WarriorAtHeart07: but it's more fun to mess with other stuff

kaio393: Yeah i suppose

WarriorAtHeart07: you can see what happens with wind effect (probably easiest button ever)

WarriorAtHeart07: i like bluring everything but the eyes

kaio393: hm

kaio393: yeah I used that once

kaio393: did that*

WarriorAtHeart07: i love making my own borders too

WarriorAtHeart07: not that premade crap

WarriorAtHeart07: just random borders

kaio393: Random Borders are fun, but they usually take away from the real message unless you do them correctly

WarriorAtHeart07: well i'm making a banner for my new thread "Expression - express yourself" so i put a bunch of different objects and then made it fade out t the center for the words and my avatar

WarriorAtHeart07: (expressive objects)

kaio393: well thats simple

kaio393: just feather invert selection

WarriorAtHeart07: si

kaio393: then Delete

WarriorAtHeart07: *so

WarriorAtHeart07: simple is better sometimes

WarriorAtHeart07: you don't want to over-do

kaio393: True

kaio393: but it looks bad if you don't do it right

WarriorAtHeart07: and sometimes perfect is too prefect

kaio393: like my Digimon sig

WarriorAtHeart07: just let them know you're human once and a while

WarriorAtHeart07: they're not looking for the best graphics, maybe they're looking for the best phrase or description

WarriorAtHeart07: maybe the picture doesn't matter to them

kaio393: well it mostly does for me, unless it really catches my eye

WarriorAtHeart07: like i said, once and awhile, kyle, let them know your human

kaio393: Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto

kaio393: I am so gonna go get that song of iTunes :P

WarriorAtHeart07: nice

kaio393: its by the Styx if you have any interest

WarriorAtHeart07: not really

WarriorAtHeart07: i just care about rent, fall out boy, pokemon, loz, lotr, relient k, switchfoot, god, and some other stuff

kaio393: Ren is kewl

WarriorAtHeart07: not geeky stuff, really

kaio393: Rent*

WarriorAtHeart07: the movie?

kaio393: most of my stuff is more hardcore and oldies

kaio393: music

WarriorAtHeart07: soundtrack from the movie?

kaio393: Yh

WarriorAtHeart07: i was talking about the movie and soundtrack

WarriorAtHeart07: the movie is really good

WarriorAtHeart07: it's about real life

kaio393: ok

WarriorAtHeart07: it's real, like emo songs

kaio393: You should read the book SMack

kaio393: really good

kaio393: Styx - Mr. Roboto Lyrics

WarriorAtHeart07: i don't care about good stuff, i care about stuff that's almost fiction enough to be true and stuff that's really real

kaio393: Styx - Mr. Roboto Lyrics

kaio393: Its about ppl in UK squatting houses and getting hooked on drugs

WarriorAtHeart07: in the US

WarriorAtHeart07: it's not about that


WarriorAtHeart07: you just don't understand

kaio393: look at it


WarriorAtHeart07: cool

kaio393: Yeah

kaio393: one of my favorite books

WarriorAtHeart07: you don't understand rent at all

kaio393: I never saw it

kaio393: u can read the whole book online

WarriorAtHeart07: it's about some people you like in these apartments and they have no money

kaio393: lawl

kaio393: thats almost exactly like Smack

kaio393: cept they dont pay for their house

WarriorAtHeart07: it's much different

kaio393: u havent even read it

WarriorAtHeart07: rent is about banding together hoping for a better future

WarriorAtHeart07: i read the back

kaio393: the back just has a quote :P

WarriorAtHeart07: i didn't look at the sites you gave me

kaio393: wat site?

WarriorAtHeart07: i searched it on amazon

kaio393: k

WarriorAtHeart07: gtg

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