Monday, May 21, 2007


azinpryncess: hey

azinpryncess: r u relly playn halo?

kaio393: yeah

kaio393: finished

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: good

kaio393: we were doin Skype

azinpryncess: im tlkng to sony...

kaio393: it was fu

kaio393: n

azinpryncess: kool

azinpryncess: i guess

kaio393: yup

kaio393: so wuuu2

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: nthng really

kaio393: ...

kaio393: lame:P

kaio393: Do you ever do anythin?

azinpryncess: not wen i get home from skool

azinpryncess: im too tired to

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i just chill around the house

kaio393: :p

kaio393: well you stiill could be doing SOMETHING

azinpryncess: and listen to music and watch tv or tlk on the fone...stuff like that

kaio393: snore

azinpryncess: like u do anythng better...

azinpryncess: dont say u do cause u dont

kaio393: I do

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: loyh right

azinpryncess: lol*

kaio393: I am right

azinpryncess: no ur not

kaio393: Yeah I am

kaio393: :P

kaio393: u there?

azinpryncess: yea brb

kaio393: kok

azinpryncess: im here

kaio393: ok

kaio393: i seee that

kaio393: me and kelly were having random I love you's

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: uh

azinpryncess: ok

kaio393: :P

kaio393: im trying to learn it in Francais

azinpryncess: in would wanna know this .....y?

kaio393: '?

azinpryncess: im asking u y u telling me this

azinpryncess: and y would i care?

kaio393: cuz I felt like it :P

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: but y?

kaio393: cuz I love Kelly

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: u know i dont care\

azinpryncess: esecially wen it comes to kelly

azinpryncess: p*

azinpryncess: srry....i dont

kaio393: Careless people trip

azinpryncess: wat does that mean/!

azinpryncess: ?*

kaio393: IDK

kaio393: we were talking about quotes earlier so I decided to make one

azinpryncess: well if it has 2 do with kelly i dont care

azinpryncess: i dnt wana hear it

azinpryncess: theres no point in tlkng about it with me

kaio393: no it has to do with you

azinpryncess: oh relly?

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: how could it possibly involve me?

azinpryncess: hello?

azinpryncess: i asked thou a question

azinpryncess: how could it possibly involve me?


kaio393: hi

azinpryncess: hey where were u?

kaio393: talkng to my memom

azinpryncess: then u should have said:brb

kaio393: i didnt want to

azinpryncess: fine..then b rude

azinpryncess: well back 2 the q

kaio393: i usually am arent i

azinpryncess: how does that involve me?

azinpryncess: here:

kaio393: becuase

azinpryncess: bcuz y?

kaio393: You don't care about anything that doesn't involve you and people who don't care usually fall flat on thier face

azinpryncess: no that is so not me and u no it

kaio393: :P

kaio393: yeah

kaio393: it is

kaio393: I do know that

azinpryncess: i just dnt care wat goes on between u and kelly

azinpryncess: then u dnt know me at all

kaio393: if I say anything not to do with u u dont care :P

azinpryncess: no

azinpryncess: thats not the case

kaio393: yup

kaio393: tis

azinpryncess: i just dont care wat goes on with u and kelly

kaio393: :P

kaio393: U don't care about anything I ever say that doesn't have any interest towards u

azinpryncess: wat?

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: no kyle

azinpryncess: fine if ur gonna say that about me,then im gonna say this about u,...the only difference is that wat im gonna say about u is true

kaio393: heh

kaio393: Everything I say is usually true

kaio393: unless its for a very good reason

azinpryncess: yh yh yhy watever

kaio393: well when have I not told the truth?

azinpryncess: u are a graphic obssesed geek who cant get over himself and sadly has no life ur looking 4 somthing that is right n front of u,u are anti social and are pathetic....

azinpryncess: and oh btw:


azinpryncess: wanted to get that point across

kaio393: 1) graphic obsessed? when?
2) get over myself, last time I checked the only time I couldn't get over anyone, was Kelly
3) my life is Kelly thank you
4) Hah, I am not anti-social. I am just not social with the Single group cuz everyone there is boring. You knwo that. Or were yo like high at church?
5) Pathetic, how?
6) what do u mean by get over myself?

azinpryncess: u know exactly wat i mean and by :looking 4 somthng that is right n front of u does nvolve someone and somthing else

azinpryncess: but YOU are gonna have 2 figure that out

kaio393: 1) no I don't....
2) what? I speak English and some Francais (very little, though) but not Gibberish

azinpryncess: yh u do

kaio393: how?

kaio393: I can't read your mind

azinpryncess: how wat?!

kaio393: at least not over IM >_<

kaio393: how do I know what u mean

kaio393: :p

azinpryncess: i said it as plain as possible

kaio393: no

azinpryncess: 3) my life is Kelly thank you

kaio393: u said it in chick talk or something

azinpryncess: wats this supposed to mean?:) my life is Kelly thank you

kaio393: You said I had no life

azinpryncess: welll u dnt

azinpryncess: and ur life shouldnt revolve around a girl

kaio393: Well what should it revolve around? hair, the phone, and AIM

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: no

azinpryncess: and thats not wat my life revolves around either

kaio393: uh.... huh

kaio393: *losing interest*

azinpryncess: dint u dare judge me...

kaio393: :P

kaio393: well what does ure life revolve around

azinpryncess: i serious

kaio393: I kai

azinpryncess: ugh

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: :p

kaio393: how serious can u be if ure laughing

azinpryncess: y would it revolve aroun YOU?

azinpryncess: d*

azinpryncess: y would it?

kaio393: What?

azinpryncess: y would my life revolve around you?

kaio393: I have no clue

azinpryncess: well it doesnt

kaio393: Well what DOES your life revolve around was my question

kaio393: not what it doesnt

azinpryncess: im not gonna tell u

kaio393: ok

azinpryncess: my life doesnt relly "revolve" around any thng

kaio393: I'll just take that akll ure life revolves around is AIM, your hair, possibly church, and the phone

kaio393: cuz thats all u talk about

kaio393: most likely the phone

kaio393: cuz u siad u love that

azinpryncess: certain things are juat moreimportant to me

kaio393: like/

azinpryncess: than others

kaio393: ???

azinpryncess: stuff

kaio393: well i never heard u talk bout them so they cant be that important

azinpryncess: yh they are

azinpryncess: ask me quaetions about my life

azinpryncess: ull no that way

azinpryncess: its the quikest way 2 find out

kaio393: I'm good

kaio393: all I know is ure self revolving :p

kaio393: cuz u still making everything i say about you :

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: no im not i care about ppl

azinpryncess: no im not

kaio393: :p

azinpryncess: oh my god!!!

kaio393: u did like 3 minutes ago

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: no i didnt

azinpryncess: I HATE U

azinpryncess: GOODBYE

kaio393: I love Kelly

kaio393: your turn?

kaio393: yeah u did

kaio393: u said

kaio393: [18:31] azinpryncess: ask me quaetions about my life
[18:31] azinpryncess: ull no that way
[18:32] azinpryncess: its the quikest way 2 find out

kaio393: whhich involves the word ME

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i know u love wat..y r u sayng that again?

kaio393: cuz u said Hate

azinpryncess: u mean just now?

azinpryncess: how does that involve her?

azinpryncess: WAT DID U MEAN BT:UR TURN?

azinpryncess: WAT DID U MEAN BY: YOUR TURN?

azinpryncess: UGH!!!

azinpryncess: I HATE U !!!!!!!!!!

azinpryncess: GOODBYE

kaio393: cuz i said an opposide

kaio393: then u did


kaio393: er

kaio393: I am posting

kaio393: last graphic I made was eh.... Saturday

azinpryncess: shut up

azinpryncess: I DNT CARE!!!!!

kaio393: not really talking :P

azinpryncess: JUST LEAVE ME ALONEqqq

kaio393: well i was to my memom three minutes ago

azinpryncess: !!!!!*

kaio393: but that was three minutes ago

kaio393: and nnot now

kaio393: well

kaio393: you just made it bout youself gain, btw


kaio393: er

kaio393: I am annoying most of the time possibly?

kaio393: and you spelled 'me' wrong

azinpryncess: UH YH

azinpryncess: LEAVE ME ALONE...UGH GOSH

kaio393: why?

azinpryncess: y wat?

azinpryncess: UGH

kaio393: why u want me to leave you alone?

azinpryncess: CUZ I HATE U AND U R SHALLOW

kaio393: shallow?

azinpryncess: JUST LEAVE ME ALONE

kaio393: why do you hate me?

kaio393: I'm not that mean :p

azinpryncess: YH U ARE

kaio393: shallow or mean?

kaio393: and u started it btw:P


kaio393: nah, just not yours when you start making fun of me

kaio393: and ppl who type in all caps for more than three IMs = gay


azinpryncess: DUH!

azinpryncess: NOW GO AWAY

kaio393: Obviously

azinpryncess: BYE!!!

kaio393: but still

kaio393: ppl who type in all caps = gay
you still conceded
still made fun fo me

azinpryncess: concided?

azinpryncess: wat that mean?

kaio393: hm

kaio393: nother one of those words I can remember and place in proper places of a sentence but not exactly sure what it means

kaio393: h/o

azinpryncess: did u just call me a hoe?!

kaio393: h/o=

kaio393: hold on

kaio393: :P

kaio393: conceded AND self minded

kaio393: hm

kaio393: seems I used the word wrongly

azinpryncess: ok watevr say wat u will but i know how i am and thats all that matters

kaio393: well what I meant by conceded was that all ou think about is yourself

kaio393: yeah I do

azinpryncess: bye

kaio393: thats why we aren't going out :P

kaio393: where u going?

azinpryncess: no thats not the reason

kaio393: :P

kaio393: then what is?

azinpryncess: the reason is the ur in love with that kellly chick\

azinpryncess: thats y

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: u are in love with kelly

azinpryncess: thats y

kaio393: Well Doi

kaio393: But were we going out say a week before I was going out with Kelly

kaio393: ?

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: iknow

azinpryncess: that relly hurt

azinpryncess: im not self-centered

kaio393: Self-centered THAT's the word I was looking for

azinpryncess: u and i both no y were not going out(other than kelly)

kaio393: ...

kaio393: Well I do

kaio393: but do you

kaio393: *currently counting to a million and back*

azinpryncess: ugh

azinpryncess: thats no funny theres only 1 reason

azinpryncess: not*

kaio393: 1) no

kaio393: 2) I am


azinpryncess: i cant look @ it

kaio393: :p

azinpryncess: if theres THAT many reasons then tell me

kaio393: well thats where i be counting to a million

azinpryncess: i have to go eat dinn er

kaio393: kk

azinpryncess: just type it

azinpryncess: brb

kaio393: im starving >_<

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