some IM convos:
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 16:13:37 2007
[16:13] kaio393: sup
[16:13] azinpryncess: hey
[16:13] kaio393: howzit goin
[16:14] azinpryncess: good
[16:14] kaio393: kewl
[16:14] azinpryncess: yh
[16:14] azinpryncess: skool was boring as usual
[16:14] kaio393: We are just messing around now
[16:14] kaio393: its fun'
[16:15] azinpryncess: whose we and wat du u mean messing oround?
[16:15] kaio393: er
[16:15] kaio393: my friends
[16:15] kaio393: and
[16:15] kaio393: wisecracking and crap li,ethat
[16:15] azinpryncess: ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[16:15] kaio393: :P
[16:15] kaio393: Doi
[16:15] azinpryncess: i see
[16:16] azinpryncess: well....u never no
[16:16] kaio393: :P
[16:16] azinpryncess: what someone means nowadays by messn around(jk)lol
[16:16] azinpryncess: i mean:
[16:17] azinpryncess: u never no wat someone means by messing around nowadays(jk) lol
[16:17] kaio393: lol
[16:17] kaio393: true
[16:17] azinpryncess: i thought u wouldsay that
[16:18] kaio393: :P
[16:18] kaio393: Doi
[16:18] azinpryncess: yh
[16:18] azinpryncess: my dad is comn 2 get me @ 6
[16:19] azinpryncess: i dont want to go but i am anyway
[16:19] kaio393: Why?
[16:19] kaio393: you dont have to go
[16:19] azinpryncess: i no but hes my dad and i usually see him only once a week....sometimes not at all
[16:20] kaio393: :P
[16:20] kaio393: Ure choice
[16:21] azinpryncess: i hate having dicorced parents
[16:21] kaio393: :p
[16:21] kaio393: i like it
[16:21] kaio393: my dads kewler than my mom
[16:21] azinpryncess: why?
[16:21] azinpryncess: my dad is also kooler than my mom
[16:22] kaio393: :P
[16:23] azinpryncess: i found a music video that i want to send u but it has kindof a topless girl in it
[16:23] kaio393: :P
[16:24] kaio393: what Vid?
[16:24] azinpryncess: its im not dead by Pink
[16:24] azinpryncess: i agree with the video alot
[16:25] kaio393: Im good
[16:25] azinpryncess: u dont want to c it?
[16:25] kaio393: nope
[16:25] azinpryncess: why?
[16:25] kaio393: i already listenin to musica
[16:25] azinpryncess: so?
[16:26] kaio393: so i dont want to pause it for some LAME-O music vid
[16:27] azinpryncess: re type wat u said i had to get a new im thing srry
[16:27] azinpryncess: never mind
[16:27] kaio393: :P
[16:27] azinpryncess: IT IS NOT LAME KAI
[16:28] kaio393: right
[16:28] azinpryncess: EXPAND UR MUSIC LIBRARY
[16:28] azinpryncess: LOL
[16:28] kaio393: I am
[16:28] azinpryncess: IM NOT SURE IF THAT EVEN MADE SENSE
[16:28] kaio393: downloading some mroe legal songs :P
[16:28] azinpryncess: LOL
[16:30] azinpryncess: im gonna send it any way and ull HAVE to listen 2 it
[16:30] kaio393: how will u make me :P
[16:30] azinpryncess: i dont no
[16:30] kaio393: :[
[16:30] azinpryncess: but i will
[16:31] azinpryncess: .........................................................................................................................................
[16:31] azinpryncess: im not sure if i should sen it2 u
[16:32] kaio393: u shouldnt
[16:32] azinpryncess: why?
[16:32] kaio393: cuz i wont watch it
[16:33] azinpryncess: 2 bad..iim gonna send it anyway
[16:33] kaio393: And i wont watchi it
[16:33] azinpryncess: watever...................
[16:34] azinpryncess: im not gonna send it
[16:34] azinpryncess: i dont want u to see it
[16:34] kaio393: ok
[16:34] azinpryncess: ur too
[16:34] kaio393: awwww these look sooo uber
[16:34] kaio393: (Link:
[16:34] azinpryncess: just kidding
[16:34] kaio393: :P
[16:36] azinpryncess: ....
[16:37] kaio393: ?
[16:37] azinpryncess: thats saying i dunno wat to say
[16:37] kaio393: ok
[16:38] azinpryncess: what r u doin?
[16:39] kaio393: Posting
[16:39] kaio393: downloading songs
[16:39] kaio393: talking to Ian/Seth
[16:39] azinpryncess: wow who would have guessed
[16:40] kaio393: me
[16:40] azinpryncess: sigh
[16:40] azinpryncess: du u wright poetry?
[16:41] kaio393: somewhat
[16:41] kaio393: why?
[16:42] azinpryncess: hold on to that thought... ill b right bak n a few
[16:42] kaio393: ok
[16:43] azinpryncess: im back
[16:43] kaio393: ok
[16:44] azinpryncess: i was asking because u seem like sometone who would
[16:45] kaio393: yeah
[16:46] kaio393: heres one i did
[16:46] kaio393: Red->
[16:47] kaio393: Crimson blood drips from a pale mouth.
[16:47] kaio393: The corrilaity of the moon shines upon th
[16:47] kaio393: Antagonists's brick red trench coat.
[16:47] kaio393: The only living one in the room curls his lips to
[16:47] kaio393: Show teeth bleached curranr
[16:48] kaio393: a ruby aura glows about this man,
[16:48] kaio393: sealing his evil ideals.
[16:48] kaio393: thats it
[16:48] azinpryncess: actually... i was remembering that time when we were texting eachother notes @ laurens house ad u typed something that sounded poetic-like. It was pretty good
[16:48] kaio393: :P
[16:48] azinpryncess: thats really good
[16:48] kaio393: i got better but its too long to retype
[16:49] azinpryncess: disturbing but good(jk) lol
[16:49] kaio393: it is a bit disturbing
[16:49] kaio393: :P
[16:49] azinpryncess: lol
[16:49] azinpryncess: yh
[16:50] azinpryncess: ugh
[16:51] kaio393: ?
[16:51] azinpryncess: dont u like alternative music?
[16:51] kaio393: somewhat
[16:51] azinpryncess: i thought it was the only thing u listened to
[16:52] azinpryncess: i love it
[16:53] kaio393: idk
[16:54] azinpryncess: i saw a guy yesterday n my neighborhood wearing nothing but a speedo.
[16:54] kaio393: ok
[16:54] kaio393: stop staring
[16:54] kaio393: :p
[16:54] azinpryncess: it was disgusting
[16:54] azinpryncess: lol.. i get it now
[16:55] kaio393: :P
[16:55] azinpryncess: believe me i wouldnt stare @ any guy wearing a speedo... no matter who it was/is
[16:56] kaio393: ok
[16:56] kaio393: lol
[16:56] azinpryncess: yh
[16:56] kaio393: I am rocking out to my own song
[16:56] kaio393: ew
[16:56] kaio393: i cant read ure fonti
[16:56] azinpryncess: is this better?
[16:57] kaio393: yh
[16:58] azinpryncess: im hungry...
[16:58] azinpryncess: i was so mad bcause i 4got my lunch mone today @ skool
[16:59] kaio393: ok
[16:59] kaio393: oh that reminds me i have crystal Ligt
[16:59] kaio393: oh yh some chick at my school likes me i think :P
[16:59] azinpryncess: some chic?
[16:59] azinpryncess: who?
[16:59] kaio393: u know
[16:59] kaio393: a GURL
[17:00] azinpryncess: i dont no her... im just curios
[17:00] azinpryncess: gosh
[17:00] kaio393: here is her myspace
[17:01] azinpryncess: i cant go to myspace either.....:-(
[17:01] azinpryncess: i hate this security crap
[17:01] kaio393: :P
[17:02] kaio393: my mom blocked myspace too but i got around it
[17:02] azinpryncess: oh yh.. another thing... why would i care if a girl liked u @ skool?
[17:02] kaio393: just reminded me cuz i sat next her at llunch
[17:03] azinpryncess: thought u didnt want to go out with anyone...
[17:03] kaio393: i dont
[17:04] azinpryncess: well that probably made her think that u like her to
[17:04] kaio393: what?
[17:05] azinpryncess: if u sit next to a girl willingly an she knows u know that she likes u that makes her think that u like her
[17:05] kaio393: *shrug8
[17:06] azinpryncess: now she thinks u like her when u dont
[17:06] azinpryncess: why did u sit by her if u didnt like her?
[17:06] kaio393: i never said i dint like her
[17:07] azinpryncess: well if u do thats different
[17:07] azinpryncess: i guess
[17:07] azinpryncess: why dont u ask her out?
[17:08] azinpryncess: if u do like her
[17:08] kaio393: cuz i dont want to gout with anyone :P
[17:09] azinpryncess: that doesnt really make sense, but then it does
[17:09] azinpryncess: anyway....
[17:09] kaio393: :P
[17:09] azinpryncess: ?
[17:10] kaio393: it makes perfect sense
[17:10] kaio393: I like her
[17:10] kaio393: but dont want to go out with her
[17:10] azinpryncess: k...watevr.......
[17:11] kaio393: gawd now im working :P
[17:11] azinpryncess: ....
[17:13] azinpryncess: im bored ot of my mind
[17:13] kaio393: sign up on orphic :P
[17:13] azinpryncess: ill try to this weekend
[17:13] kaio393: :P
[17:14] azinpryncess: srry
[17:16] kaio393: ok
[17:16] azinpryncess: ok wat?
[17:16] kaio393: ok
[17:17] azinpryncess: kool
[17:18] azinpryncess: ur taking a long time to wright back
[17:18] kaio393: I am working :P
[17:18] azinpryncess: oh
[17:18] azinpryncess: take a break then
[17:19] kaio393: I did
[17:19] kaio393: :P
[17:19] azinpryncess: lol
[17:19] kaio393: i can do lots
[17:19] azinpryncess: girls r mor multi tasking than guys
[17:19] azinpryncess: but watevr
[17:19] kaio393: ok
[17:20] azinpryncess: i would talk more but i have to get ready...wanna talk @ 8 ish?
[17:20] kaio393: maybe
[17:21] kaio393: :p
[17:21] azinpryncess: lol yes or no
[17:21] kaio393: or
[17:21] azinpryncess: just yes or no lol
[17:22] azinpryncess: not that hrd kai
[17:22] azinpryncess: hurry i have t go
[17:23] azinpryncess: im sighning off now talk 2 u @ 8
[17:23] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Thu May 03 17:23:43 2007.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 17:23:58 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 19:37:49 2007
[19:37] azinpryncess: hi
[19:38] kaio393: yoh
[19:38] kaio393: why are u callin me P
[19:38] kaio393: :P*
[19:38] azinpryncess: to tell u i was back from being with my dad
[19:38] kaio393: lol
[19:38] kaio393: u coulda just IMd me
[19:38] azinpryncess: n case u werent on the comp
[19:39] kaio393: lol
[19:39] kaio393: well im watching are u smarter than a fifth grader
[19:39] azinpryncess: wats funny?
[19:39] azinpryncess: oh
[19:39] azinpryncess: yh i like that show too
[19:40] kaio393: tis okay
[19:40] kaio393: even though the network got the question rong :P
[19:40] azinpryncess: lol
[19:40] kaio393: [19:37] kaio393: Hes wroooooong
[19:38] kaio393: wat?
[19:38] Sonypsp0009: i didnt even pay attention to the question
[19:38] kaio393: 7*7=49
[19:38] kaio393: not 50
[19:38] kaio393: Network=DIPSHIT
[19:38] Sonypsp0009: lol
[19:41] kaio393: heh
[19:41] azinpryncess: whose sonypspooo9?
[19:41] kaio393: Ian
[19:41] kaio393: a member on orphic
[19:41] azinpryncess: why is he here?
[19:41] kaio393: he isnt \
[19:41] kaio393: i copied and pasted it
[19:42] azinpryncess: ur wierd
[19:42] kaio393: i know
[19:43] azinpryncess: uv changed kai
[19:44] kaio393: How do you mean?
[19:45] azinpryncess: u r more loose
[19:45] azinpryncess: its a good change
[19:46] kaio393: *shrug*
[19:46] kaio393: told ya
[19:46] kaio393: more open
[19:46] azinpryncess: wat made u think of this whole being open
[19:47] kaio393: IDK
[19:47] kaio393: ppl are too tight
[19:47] kaio393: wont talk about anything
[19:47] kaio393: like if i asked what ppl did last night
[19:47] kaio393: that would be like UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[19:47] kaio393: and of course i would say
[19:47] kaio393: Talkin to my X, coding on Orphic
[19:47] kaio393: and downloaded some songs
[19:48] azinpryncess: bcause ppl r afraid of being judged n stuff
[19:48] kaio393: Doi
[19:48] azinpryncess: but i totally agree with u
[19:48] kaio393: thats why they are closed
[19:48] azinpryncess: well now i do
[19:49] azinpryncess: wich x?
[19:49] kaio393: U :P
[19:49] azinpryncess: duh sarah ay attention
[19:49] kaio393: and now u talk to yuorself.... ok
[19:49] azinpryncess: im having a blonde day
[19:50] azinpryncess: like u dont
[19:50] kaio393: not out loud :p
[19:50] azinpryncess: lol
[19:50] kaio393: i talk to myself in my head ll the time
[19:50] azinpryncess: lol
[19:51] azinpryncess: i do that 2
[19:51] kaio393: yea
[19:51] azinpryncess: ?
[19:51] kaio393: i was concuring wit ya
[19:51] azinpryncess: ohhhh i get it
[19:52] azinpryncess: im really hiper right now
[19:52] kaio393: good for u
[19:52] azinpryncess: yh
[19:52] kaio393: ok
[19:53] azinpryncess: now im calm
[19:53] azinpryncess: somtimews i think im by polar
[19:53] azinpryncess: lol
[19:53] kaio393: Bi-polar :P
[19:54] kaio393: bi polar means ure pissed off one second happy the next
[19:54] azinpryncess: i know that
[19:54] kaio393: ok
[19:54] azinpryncess: and who cares if i dont spell somthin right. im not payin attention
[19:54] kaio393: Ok
[19:55] azinpryncess: yh
[19:55] kaio393: ok
[19:55] azinpryncess: yh
[19:56] azinpryncess: my mom says im not though
[19:57] kaio393: wat?
[20:00] azinpryncess: she says im not by polar
[20:00] azinpryncess: duh
[20:00] kaio393: o
[20:00] kaio393: ok
[20:01] azinpryncess: yh
[20:02] kaio393: ew
[20:02] kaio393: ure font is hard to read
[20:02] azinpryncess: is this bttr?
[20:02] kaio393: sure
[20:02] azinpryncess: ur so piky
[20:03] kaio393: im irish\
[20:03] azinpryncess: u told me that when we were goimg out
[20:04] azinpryncess: im french and german ond some other stuff
[20:04] kaio393: irish were so picky that they starved because they had no potatoes
[20:04] azinpryncess: ohhhh i get it
[20:04] azinpryncess: lol
[20:04] kaio393: yh
[20:05] azinpryncess: yh
[20:05] azinpryncess: wat r u doimg?
[20:06] kaio393: Watching Trading Spouses
[20:06] azinpryncess: i like that show
[20:06] azinpryncess: a little
[20:06] kaio393: its okay
[20:08] kaio393: i gtg
[20:08] azinpryncess: u got to go?
[20:08] kaio393: yeah thats wat GTG means
[20:08] azinpryncess: k
[20:08] azinpryncess: why?
[20:08] kaio393: il be back in a little less than an hour tho
[20:08] kaio393: im installing a seperate OS
[20:09] azinpryncess: i have no idea what that is but ok
[20:09] kaio393: Operating System
[20:09] azinpryncess: i still have no idea wat that is but ok
[20:09] kaio393: like Windows
[20:09] kaio393: cyz'
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 20:09:56 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 20:10:06 2007
[20:10] azinpryncess: oh...k
[20:10] kaio393: cyz
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 20:10:36 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 20:10:44 2007
[20:10] azinpryncess: k
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 20:10:47 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 21:00:04 2007
[21:00] azinpryncess: r u here?
[21:00] kaio393: yah
[21:00] kaio393: im signing up for On the Lot
[21:00] azinpryncess: kool
[21:00] azinpryncess: wats on the lot?
[21:00] kaio393: a tv show
[21:01] azinpryncess: o
[21:01] kaio393: yah
[21:01] azinpryncess: this guy @ my school told me that he likes me.
[21:01] kaio393: good for him
[21:01] azinpryncess: He has called me 12 times today. i have it on my fone
[21:01] kaio393: brb
[21:02] azinpryncess: why did u say good 4 him?
[21:02] kaio393: cuz i dont care
[21:02] azinpryncess: i like him but as a kinda best freind
[21:03] kaio393: ok
[21:03] kaio393: and how do u like me ?
[21:03] azinpryncess: well i thought i would tell u bcause u told me that a girl liked u
[21:03] kaio393: ok
[21:03] azinpryncess: why r u asking me that again/
[21:03] kaio393: bored
[21:04] azinpryncess: ur bored so ur asking how i like u?
[21:04] kaio393: yeah
[21:04] kaio393: pretty damn borere
[21:05] azinpryncess: that makes no sense to ask ma again when u already no
[21:05] kaio393: well i meant how
[21:05] kaio393: like are u totally in love with me or just meh he oaky
[21:06] azinpryncess: i dont uderstand
[21:06] kaio393: forget it
[21:06] azinpryncess: no i want to figure this out
[21:07] azinpryncess: r u asking if i luv u or if i just like u?
[21:07] kaio393: yh
[21:07] kaio393: haha guy on news messed up
[21:07] azinpryncess: i would say but considering u dont like me i wouldnt feel compfortable telling u
[21:08] kaio393: U TOO TIIIIGHT :P
[21:08] azinpryncess: no i just dont tell guys who dont like me if i love them or not
[21:09] kaio393: still too tight
[21:09] kaio393: if anyone asked me if i <3 them i would say
[21:09] kaio393: lol
[21:09] kaio393: kids are soo cute
[21:09] azinpryncess: yh
[21:10] azinpryncess: we rnt going out and u dont like me so im not gonna say it
[21:10] kaio393: :P
[21:10] kaio393: ok
[21:11] azinpryncess: .......srry
[21:12] azinpryncess: i want to tell u but sadly i cannot
[21:12] kaio393: why?
[21:13] azinpryncess: cause were not going out and u dont like me so i dont think i should say
[21:13] azinpryncess: i dont go around telling guys i luv them
[21:13] kaio393: so
[21:13] kaio393: think different
[21:13] azinpryncess: only if im going out eith them
[21:13] kaio393: lame-o
[21:14] azinpryncess: if u dont like me why do u care so much?
[21:14] kaio393: cuz im kweliosis like that
[21:14] azinpryncess: no... thers REASON
[21:14] azinpryncess: theres a reason
[21:14] kaio393: WHY
[21:15] azinpryncess: well if u dont like me then why should i tell u if i luv u or not?
[21:15] kaio393: well i want to know why u wont tell me now
[21:15] azinpryncess: cause were not going out
[21:16] kaio393: so
[21:16] azinpryncess: its not right of me to tell u
[21:16] kaio393: so
[21:16] kaio393: why now be LOOSE
[21:16] azinpryncess: because u dont like me
[21:17] kaio393: :P
[21:17] kaio393: so
[21:17] azinpryncess: why should i tell u how if feel about u
[21:17] kaio393: cuz
[21:17] kaio393: i wanna know
[21:17] azinpryncess: cuz y
[21:18] kaio393: so I can know
[21:18] azinpryncess: BUT U DNT LIKE ME u dont have to no
[21:18] kaio393: so
[21:18] kaio393: i want to
[21:19] azinpryncess: tell me ur reason
[21:19] kaio393: cuz
[21:19] kaio393: i
[21:19] kaio393: want
[21:19] kaio393: to
[21:19] kaio393: know
[21:19] kaio393: i
[21:19] kaio393: am
[21:19] kaio393: a
[21:19] kaio393: knowledge
[21:19] kaio393: freak!
[21:20] azinpryncess: thats not a good reason
[21:20] kaio393: oh
[21:20] kaio393: well;
[21:20] azinpryncess: i wont tell u without a good reason
[21:20] kaio393: cuz im a nerd and i wont tell NEone
[21:21] azinpryncess: were not goig out...idont have to tell u
[21:22] azinpryncess: type back
[21:22] kaio393: u never have to
[21:22] kaio393: i just want u to
[21:22] azinpryncess: why...u dont even like me
[21:23] azinpryncess: wat would the piont b?
[21:23] kaio393: so i would knnow
[21:23] azinpryncess: Y DO U CARE KYLE... U DONT LIKE ME!
[21:24] kaio393: cuz i wnat to know
[21:24] kaio393: brb
[21:24] azinpryncess: Y??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:25] azinpryncess: HURRY WITH THE TYPING.i have to go to bed soon
[21:27] azinpryncess: kai
[21:27] azinpryncess: fine ill tellu
[21:27] azinpryncess: but u have to type back first
[21:29] azinpryncess: hhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooo?
[21:30] azinpryncess: pleaes type back
[21:34] kaio393: back
[21:34] azinpryncess: nevermind my mom just said i can talk later 2 night
[21:34] kaio393: ok\
[21:35] azinpryncess: why du u care if u dont like me?
[21:35] kaio393: cuz im different like that
[21:37] azinpryncess: im not about to tell u how i feel about u cause were not going out and theres no point n telling u
[21:37] azinpryncess: if u just wanna no
[21:37] kaio393: [21:25] azinpryncess: HURRY WITH THE TYPING.i have to go to bed soon
[21:27] azinpryncess: kai
[21:27] azinpryncess: fine ill tellu
[21:27] azinpryncess: but u have to type back first
[21:29] azinpryncess: hhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooo?
[21:30] azinpryncess: pleaes type back
[21:34] kaio393: back
u said u would
[21:37] azinpryncess: i was just saying that so u would type back
[21:38] azinpryncess: lol
[21:38] kaio393: Liar
[21:38] azinpryncess: im being honest
[21:38] kaio393: :P
[21:38] azinpryncess: srry
[21:38] azinpryncess: i just dont see the point
[21:38] kaio393: just TELL ME
[21:39] kaio393: why does there have to be a point?
[21:39] azinpryncess: why should i....u dont like me and were not going out
[21:40] kaio393: because having no point is the best of all
[21:40] azinpryncess: not wen it comes to telln ppl if thy luv u or not
[21:41] kaio393: :P
[21:41] azinpryncess: luv is seriose and intimare
[21:41] azinpryncess: intamate
[21:41] kaio393: intimate :P
[21:41] azinpryncess: i no
[21:42] kaio393: well sometimes
[21:42] kaio393: things are different
[21:42] azinpryncess: its not some thing u tell some one wen ur not going out
[21:42] azinpryncess: how r things diff?
[21:42] kaio393: because
[21:42] kaio393: we area not going out
[21:43] kaio393: and I am different
[21:43] azinpryncess: how r u diff?
[21:43] kaio393: Cuz
[21:43] kaio393: i think differently
[21:43] kaio393: i always think outside the box
[21:44] azinpryncess: were not going out is all the more reason to not tell u
[21:44] kaio393: well my out of boxiness jut completly contridicts thaat
[21:44] azinpryncess: and u dnt like me
[21:44] kaio393: and when did i say that?
[21:45] kaio393: I just said I didnt want to go out with u
[21:45] azinpryncess: wen i asked u a couple das ago
[21:45] kaio393: i dont remember :P
[21:45] azinpryncess: and 2day u said u liked a girl@ ur skool
[21:45] kaio393: so
[21:45] kaio393: I always like ppl when im going out with other ppl anyways :P
[21:46] kaio393: its human naturea
[21:46] azinpryncess: yh but u should like the person ur going oit with the most
[21:47] kaio393: i guess'
[21:48] azinpryncess: if u dnt want to go out with me to me that means u dont like me
[21:48] azinpryncess: that wat i think
[21:48] kaio393: no
[21:48] kaio393: Kai do not wish to go out with ANYONE
[21:48] kaio393: but i still like ppl
[21:49] azinpryncess: do u like me then?
[21:50] azinpryncess: its a yes or no answer kyle
[21:51] kaio393: yeah
[21:51] azinpryncess: r u saying u like me?
[21:51] kaio393: Yea
[21:52] azinpryncess: how can u like ppl but not want to go out with ANY of them?
[21:52] kaio393: cuz
[21:52] kaio393: i know itll end up in a break up
[21:53] azinpryncess: that unfortunatyly happen....yes but its a part of life that ALLof us have to deal with
[21:53] kaio393: nah
[21:53] kaio393: ii had my share
[21:53] azinpryncess: take us for example
[21:53] kaio393: ok
[21:54] azinpryncess: we broke up..but 4 months later here we r liking eachothr again
[21:55] azinpryncess: i have had alot of guys break my heart...including u but that doesnt mean i should stop dating
[21:55] kaio393: :P
[21:55] kaio393: well i like my out of box plan
[21:55] kaio393: wait until i find a chickk that is loos
[21:55] kaio393: e
[21:55] azinpryncess: wat bout me?
[21:56] kaio393: ure not loose
[21:56] kaio393: im sorry
[21:56] azinpryncess: ur heartless
[21:57] kaio393: y u say taht?
[21:58] azinpryncess: i have gotten ALOT bttr at being loos hoping that ull go out with me
[21:58] kaio393: lol
[21:58] kaio393: u have gotten better I will admit
[21:58] kaio393: but u arent loose
[21:58] azinpryncess: i cant bleave im telln u this
[21:59] kaio393: ok
[21:59] kaio393: seeee u are getin better
[21:59] azinpryncess: i shouldnt have to change 4 u
[21:59] kaio393: never said u did
[22:00] azinpryncess: i like u and u like me.... wats the prob?
[22:00] kaio393: I dont want to go out with anyone
[22:01] azinpryncess: well then why bother knowing if i love u or not?
[22:01] kaio393: so i can no
[22:01] kaio393: and know if u are loose :P
[22:02] azinpryncess: im going to regret this 4 tha rest of my life
[22:02] kaio393: I doubt it
[22:02] azinpryncess: i do luv u
[22:02] kaio393: Why?
[22:02] kaio393: thats a lot to put on the shoulders of someone, ya know
[22:02] azinpryncess: i have since we brike up
[22:02] azinpryncess: broke
[22:03] kaio393: o
[22:03] azinpryncess: wat do u mean at to put on ones shoulders?
[22:04] kaio393: Well its hard to deall with knowing someone loves you
[22:04] kaio393: IDK why
[22:04] kaio393: its just.... wierd
[22:04] kaio393: Why do u love me?
[22:05] azinpryncess: because ur sweet, kind ,independant and kute
[22:05] *** kaio393 wants to directly connect.
[22:05] azinpryncess: and smart
[22:06] kaio393: :-Z
[22:06] azinpryncess: wat does that mean?
[22:06] kaio393: idk
[22:06] kaio393: kinda bamboozled
[22:06] kaio393: how am i sweet/kind?
[22:07] azinpryncess: idk...u just r
[22:07] kaio393: oka..
[22:07] azinpryncess: nything else?
[22:07] kaio393: er
[22:08] kaio393: I am making a video with me in a banan suit if it has any relevence :P
[22:08] azinpryncess: no it
[22:08] kaio393: oh okay then
[22:08] kaio393: er
[22:08] kaio393: but
[22:08] kaio393: er
[22:08] kaio393: can we talk to morrow
[22:08] kaio393: i gtg
[22:09] azinpryncess: y?
[22:09] kaio393: cuz
[22:09] kaio393: ill be back on later matbe
[22:09] azinpryncess: i want to sttle thi 2night
[22:09] azinpryncess: now
[22:09] kaio393: errr,
[22:09] kaio393: well my mom is kicking me off
[22:09] kaio393: brb
[22:09] azinpryncess: tell her its mportant
[22:10] azinpryncess: or wait till shes n bed 2 chat
[22:12] kaio393: k abkc
[22:12] azinpryncess: ?
[22:12] kaio393: back
[22:13] azinpryncess: kool
[22:13] azinpryncess: so.....
[22:13] kaio393: idk
[22:13] azinpryncess: anything else u wanna ask/know?
[22:13] kaio393: er
[22:13] kaio393: love is
[22:14] kaio393: like
[22:14] kaio393: hard core
[22:14] kaio393: like
[22:14] kaio393: a new lever
[22:14] kaio393: Why do u feel this way?
[22:14] azinpryncess: i cant really x plain it.
[22:14] kaio393: er
[22:14] azinpryncess: i just luv u
[22:14] kaio393: Lol
[22:15] kaio393: sounds wierd
[22:15] kaio393: like
[22:15] azinpryncess: y?
[22:15] kaio393: how does it feel?
[22:15] azinpryncess: 2 b onest...
[22:15] azinpryncess: wonderful
[22:16] azinpryncess: and weird
[22:16] kaio393: lol
[22:16] azinpryncess: hasnt a gurl ever told u she luvs u?
[22:16] kaio393: Nope
[22:16] kaio393: not in the way ure saying it
[22:17] azinpryncess: how am i sayin it?
[22:17] kaio393: like ya mean it
[22:17] azinpryncess: well....i do
[22:17] kaio393: I know
[22:17] azinpryncess: ...............
[22:18] kaio393: hehe
[22:18] kaio393: so....
[22:18] kaio393: er
[22:18] kaio393: hwo do you feel knowing u <3 me
[22:19] azinpryncess: weird cause u probably dont luv me
[22:19] kaio393: Well
[22:19] kaio393: I dont know
[22:19] azinpryncess: seee
[22:20] azinpryncess: i knew it
[22:20] kaio393: well
[22:20] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Thu May 03 22:20:11 2007.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 22:20:15 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 22:20:50 2007
[22:20] kaio393: well
[22:20] kaio393: not that
[22:20] kaio393: its just
[22:21] kaio393: Youre not loose enough
[22:21] azinpryncess: u dont luv me just cause im not loose enough?
[22:21] kaio393: no
[22:21] azinpryncess: thats stupid
[22:22] kaio393: I don't love you
[22:22] kaio393: because its too strong
[22:22] kaio393: I havent been around enough
[22:22] kaio393: I don't feel that way
[22:22] kaio393: you have to have a certain connection
[22:22] kaio393: And you don't have that connection for me
[22:22] azinpryncess: ?
[22:23] kaio393: Well
[22:23] kaio393: its a strong desire to be arund the person and i dont feel that for you
[22:24] azinpryncess: this is why i didnt want to tell u bcause vit wood make me upset and it has
[22:24] kaio393: sorry
[22:24] kaio393: I am sorry sarah
[22:25] azinpryncess: the worse felling n the world is loving someone but them not luving u
[22:25] azinpryncess: take my word 4 it
[22:25] kaio393: I knowz how ya feel
[22:25] azinpryncess: no u dont
[22:25] kaio393: OK
[22:25] kaio393: ill just leave it at that
[22:26] azinpryncess: no.dont
[22:26] kaio393: well wehe u wanna go from here
[22:26] azinpryncess: i dont no
[22:27] kaio393: lol
[22:27] kaio393: ok
[22:27] azinpryncess: please..............dont laugh
[22:27] kaio393: Im not
[22:27] kaio393: well
[22:27] kaio393: not really
[22:28] azinpryncess: thats wat lol means
[22:28] kaio393: well
[22:28] kaio393: ididnt mean it
[22:28] azinpryncess: k
[22:29] azinpryncess: r u goin to chuch on sndy?
[22:29] kaio393: no
[22:29] kaio393: im going to my dad
[22:30] azinpryncess: grat.......ill b alone with brianna again.ugh
[22:30] kaio393: lol
[22:30] kaio393: make mor friends
[22:30] kaio393: can u go to Youtube?
[22:30] azinpryncess: no
[22:30] kaio393: gah
[22:31] azinpryncess: i dont geel like socializing at chuch ny more
[22:31] kaio393: ok
[22:31] kaio393: then quit complaigning
[22:31] azinpryncess: im not
[22:32] kaio393: again.ugh
[22:32] kaio393: :P
[22:32] azinpryncess: that night in the"tree house" wat did u think would hppn?
[22:32] kaio393: lol
[22:32] kaio393: not really sure
[22:32] kaio393: you?
[22:34] azinpryncess: i dnt no....kiss?
[22:34] kaio393: lol
[22:34] kaio393: maybe
[22:34] kaio393: would u had made out with me?
[22:34] azinpryncess: lol
[22:34] azinpryncess: yes
[22:34] kaio393: ferrealz/
[22:34] kaio393: ?
[22:34] azinpryncess: yh
[22:34] kaio393: wow
[22:35] kaio393: i never made out with anyone
[22:35] azinpryncess: me neither
[22:35] kaio393: lol
[22:35] kaio393: which it might be better we didn't
[22:35] kaio393: would be wierd if rich walked up then
[22:35] azinpryncess: y?
[22:36] kaio393: cuz then he would see us making out then yell at me
[22:36] azinpryncess: i wouldnt care
[22:36] kaio393: lol
[22:36] kaio393: well i would be banned from ever seeing u agian :P
[22:36] azinpryncess: we would find a way 2 see eachother
[22:36] kaio393: lol
[22:36] kaio393: well
[22:37] kaio393: different time and place :P
[22:37] azinpryncess: ?
[22:37] kaio393: wats done is done
[22:37] azinpryncess: ?
[22:37] kaio393: forget is
[22:37] kaio393: it*
[22:37] azinpryncess: fine
[22:38] azinpryncess: .................................
[22:38] kaio393: :P
[22:39] azinpryncess: say somthn
[22:39] kaio393: somth
[22:39] kaio393: :P
[22:39] kaio393: im rendering a movie
[22:40] azinpryncess: i hate thinkin about the past and wat could have happehd
[22:40] kaio393: welll then dont
[22:40] azinpryncess: i try
[22:40] kaio393: ok
[22:40] azinpryncess: ....................................
[22:41] kaio393: fucking hilarious
[22:41] kaio393: (Link:
[22:41] azinpryncess: wat type of connection du u have to luv a girl?
[22:41] kaio393: idk
[22:41] kaio393: its wierd
[22:41] kaio393: like
[22:42] kaio393: they have to
[22:42] kaio393: just
[22:42] kaio393: fit
[22:42] kaio393: liek puzzle peices
[22:42] kaio393: they hacve no idea that they go together
[22:42] azinpryncess: fit?
[22:42] kaio393: but they just fit and have a million things in commen
[22:42] azinpryncess: ?
[22:44] azinpryncess: kyle u can atleast pay attention 2 me
[22:44] kaio393: i am
[22:44] kaio393: [22:41] kaio393: idk
[22:41] kaio393: its wierd
[22:41] kaio393: like
[22:42] kaio393: they have to
[22:42] kaio393: just
[22:42] kaio393: fit
[22:42] kaio393: liek puzzle peices
[22:42] kaio393: they hacve no idea that they go together
[22:44] kaio393: [22:42] kaio393: but they just fit and have a million things in commen
[22:44] azinpryncess: i dont understand
[22:45] kaio393: they just have to work
[22:45] kaio393: we are like the kinda peice u think would work
[22:45] kaio393: but doesnt fit
[22:45] azinpryncess: ?!
[22:45] azinpryncess: how do we not fit?
[22:45] kaio393: cuz i dont feel a connecton
[22:46] azinpryncess: weve known eachother 4 quite can u not feel a conn.?
[22:47] azinpryncess: especially wen u like me?
[22:48] azinpryncess: sigh
[22:49] azinpryncess: type b4 i loose my rain of thought
[22:49] azinpryncess: train
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 22:50:33 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 22:50:36 2007
[22:51] kaio393: idk
[22:51] kaio393: I just dont feel the connction
[22:51] kaio393: i ujust feel for u like
[22:51] kaio393: I need someone different
[22:52] azinpryncess: diff?
[22:52] kaio393: you know
[22:52] kaio393: not te same
[22:53] azinpryncess: same?
[22:53] kaio393: as everyne else
[22:53] kaio393: As in they could care les wat ppl think, smart would be nice
[22:53] kaio393: and cut would be major addage points
[22:53] azinpryncess: im not smart?
[22:53] kaio393: cure*
[22:53] kaio393: cute*
[22:54] kaio393: are you like everyone else?
[22:54] kaio393: The person has to be dfferent
[22:54] azinpryncess: i dont care wat ppl think
[22:54] kaio393: right
[22:54] azinpryncess: no im not like evryone else.nvr have
[22:54] kaio393: riight
[22:55] azinpryncess: i thought u said i was cute several mnths ago
[22:55] kaio393: u are
[22:55] kaio393: you just arent The One
[22:55] azinpryncess: why dont u believe nything isay?
[22:56] azinpryncess: y?
[22:56] kaio393: because
[22:56] azinpryncess: why rnt i "the one"
[22:56] kaio393: the wholle connection thing
[22:56] azinpryncess: well i think thats a bunch of crap
[22:57] kaio393: well then too damn bad
[22:57] azinpryncess: dont ever cus @ me
[22:57] kaio393: make me
[22:58] azinpryncess: u really r heartess kyle o'brien
[22:58] kaio393: uh huh
[22:58] kaio393: well didnt want to ... nevermind
[22:59] azinpryncess: didnt want to wat?!
[22:59] kaio393: tell u someting
[22:59] kaio393: nevermind
[22:59] azinpryncess: u said that ppl should b mre "openP so tell me
[22:59] kaio393: I dont want to hurt you
[23:00] kaio393: there are limits
[23:00] azinpryncess: its too late 4 that.... tell me
[23:00] kaio393: no
[23:00] azinpryncess: yes
[23:00] kaio393: do you swear you will not shed a tear over the next thing i tell you
[23:01] azinpryncess: i guess
[23:01] kaio393: DO you swear?
[23:01] azinpryncess: i guess so
[23:01] kaio393: I love someone
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 23:02:07 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 23:02:12 2007
[23:02] azinpryncess: dont go
[23:02] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: I am currently away from the computer.
[23:02] kaio393: I love kelly
[23:02] kaio393: and she doesnt know it
[23:02] kaio393: but I have that connection with her
[23:02] kaio393: but she is trh middle of a whole bunch of shit and i dont want to mess her life up
[23:03] kaio393: so I am willing to wait for her
[23:03] kaio393: alone
[23:04] azinpryncess: imean it this tim wen i say ur heartless. sob
[23:04] kaio393: well
[23:04] kaio393: i am sorry
[23:04] kaio393: and I told you so
[23:05] azinpryncess: i just spilt my guts out t u and then u tell me this?!
[23:05] kaio393: I split my guts out to you
[23:05] kaio393: and now we both need to go to the hospital
[23:05] azinpryncess: how?!
[23:05] kaio393: I have never told anyone els ehow i felt about kelly
[23:06] azinpryncess: if u were srry u wouldnt have let me tell u how feel.AND I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT KELLY
[23:07] kaio393: well
[23:07] kaio393: u wanted to know why
[23:07] kaio393: and I told you
[23:07] azinpryncess: Y wat?!
[23:07] azinpryncess: sob
[23:08] kaio393: why i didnt want to go out with anyone
[23:08] kaio393: the reason I am hearless is because it is already given
[23:08] azinpryncess: usaid no one was open enough
[23:08] kaio393: she is
[23:08] kaio393: she is the undone
[23:08] kaio393: ladder
[23:08] azinpryncess: and i gave my heart to u
[23:09] kaio393: and now
[23:09] kaio393: I give it back
[23:09] kaio393: to whoever you wish
[23:09] azinpryncess: i turned down 3 guys 4 u
[23:09] kaio393: well
[23:09] kaio393: did u like them?
[23:09] azinpryncess: yh
[23:09] azinpryncess: but i liked more
[23:09] kaio393: more than you like me now
[23:09] kaio393: ?
[23:09] azinpryncess: yh
[23:10] kaio393: then
[23:10] kaio393: try and make pice
[23:10] azinpryncess: my heart will always blong 2 u
[23:10] kaio393: sigh
[23:10] azinpryncess: wether u want it or not
[23:10] kaio393: well
[23:10] kaio393: good night then
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 23:10:51 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 23:10:54 2007
[23:10] azinpryncess: no
[23:10] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: I am currently away from the computer.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 23:10:57 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 23:11:16 2007
[23:11] azinpryncess: dont leave me hangn kai
[23:11] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: I am currently away from the computer.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 23:11:19 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 03 23:11:50 2007
[23:11] azinpryncess: sob,sob,sob
[23:11] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: I am currently away from the computer.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 03 23:11:55 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 16:55:06 2007
[16:55] kaio393: whadup
[16:55] azinpryncess: nothn
[16:55] azinpryncess: i was about 2 im u
[16:55] kaio393: too late :P
[16:56] azinpryncess: i just got hme
[16:56] azinpryncess: lol
[16:56] kaio393: I got home like an hour ago :p
[16:56] azinpryncess: lucky
[16:56] kaio393: *shrug*
[16:56] azinpryncess: yh u r
[16:57] azinpryncess: i have been dying to go home all day
[16:57] kaio393: school has been kewl lately
[16:57] azinpryncess: i havnt benn abl to get ny sleep this week
[16:57] kaio393: lol
[16:58] azinpryncess: skool was fun 4 me to but i still wanted to go home
[16:58] azinpryncess: wats funny?
[16:58] kaio393: Dane Cook is hilarious
[16:58] azinpryncess: who's that?
[16:58] kaio393: a comedian
[16:58] kaio393: :P
[16:59] azinpryncess: oh
[16:59] azinpryncess: .........................
[16:59] kaio393: wat?
[17:00] azinpryncess: ......... means i dont no wat to say
[17:00] kaio393: ok
[17:00] kaio393: I thought you were pissed off at me :p
[17:01] azinpryncess: i am
[17:01] kaio393: oooooooooooh
[17:02] kaio393: so wat u ben up to?
[17:02] *** You have been disconnected. Fri May 04 17:02:38 2007.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Fri May 04 17:02:44 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 17:04:20 2007
[17:04] azinpryncess: wait....wat does ooooooooooooooooooooh mean?
[17:04] kaio393: Oh \Oh\, interj. [See O, interj.]
An exclamation expressing various emotions, according to the tone and manner, especially surprise, pain, sorrow, anxiety, or a wish. See the Note under O.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
[17:05] azinpryncess: i didnt want a dictionaty's def. wat did it mean according 2 u?
[17:06] kaio393: that I was misunderstaning you and now ido :P
[17:07] azinpryncess: how did u misuderstand me?
[17:07] azinpryncess: i thought i was pretty clear bout everything
[17:07] kaio393: cuz u werent acting PO'd
[17:07] azinpryncess: wat am i suppussed do to?
[17:08] azinpryncess: tell u to shut pu and leave me alone?
[17:08] kaio393: like so
[17:08] kaio393: OMG I FRAEKING HATE U!!!!
[17:08] kaio393: 1!1
[17:08] kaio393: 1!!
[17:08] kaio393: like taht
[17:08] azinpryncess: well.......
[17:08] azinpryncess: i do
[17:08] kaio393: :P
[17:08] kaio393: well i told kelly i loved her today
[17:08] kaio393: t'wasn't at all akward :P
[17:09] azinpryncess: SHUT UP SEE......THIS IS WAT I MEAN BY HEARTLESS
[17:09] azinpryncess: U COULD CARE LESS ABOUT KELLY
[17:09] azinpryncess: i mean i could care less
[17:09] kaio393: lol
[17:09] kaio393: u are seeeelfiiish
[17:10] azinpryncess: REALLY? HOW?
[17:10] kaio393: u could care less how I feel :P
[17:10] azinpryncess: NO i do care how u feel
[17:11] kaio393: about you only :P
[17:11] azinpryncess: no.........
[17:12] kaio393: yeah
[17:12] azinpryncess: no
[17:12] kaio393: then why dont u care how i feel about kelly
[17:13] azinpryncess: because i just dont
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 17:14:12 2007
[17:14] azinpryncess: exuse me
[17:14] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: I am currently away from the computer.
[17:14] kaio393: wat?
[17:14] azinpryncess: u just left
[17:14] azinpryncess: without telling me
[17:15] kaio393: my compy froze
[17:16] azinpryncess: oh........if u thought i would say somthing like omg i freakin hate u then why did u im me?
[17:17] kaio393: boredom
[17:17] kaio393: and certain interest
[17:17] azinpryncess: why would u b nterested to hear me say that?
[17:18] kaio393: cuz it would be interesting
[17:18] kaio393: BRB
[17:18] azinpryncess: HOW?
[17:18] kaio393: back
[17:18] kaio393: cuz I have a wandering mind
[17:18] kaio393: every thing is interesting to me
[17:19] azinpryncess: watever
[17:19] kaio393: ok
[17:19] azinpryncess: >:ou really fustrate me
[17:19] kaio393: frustrate*
[17:20] azinpryncess: watever
[17:20] kaio393: wat can I say, I call it the kaii evect
[17:20] kaio393: effect8
[17:20] kaio393: *
[17:20] azinpryncess: im not paying attention to how i spell things wen i im
[17:20] kaio393: Well i do
[17:20] kaio393: I call it Writer's Thinking
[17:21] azinpryncess: thats great
[17:21] azinpryncess: u do that
[17:21] kaio393: I am
[17:21] kaio393: all the time
[17:21] azinpryncess: SUT UP ur so annoying
[17:21] kaio393: lol
[17:22] azinpryncess: its not funny
[17:22] azinpryncess: .............
[17:23] kaio393: À toi mais à moi il est hilare
[17:23] azinpryncess: ?
[17:23] kaio393: To you but to me it's hilarious
[17:23] azinpryncess: ugh!
[17:23] kaio393: francois
[17:24] azinpryncess: anyway...
[17:24] kaio393:
Quoi qu'il en soit ?
[17:24] azinpryncess: SPEAK ENGLISH!!!
[17:24] kaio393: Anyways?
[17:24] azinpryncess: yh
[17:25] azinpryncess: bttr
[17:25] kaio393:
Mais si je fais ceci vous obtiendrez pissé au loin
[17:25] kaio393: But if i do this you shall get pissed off
[17:25] azinpryncess: i dont no why im even talking to u
[17:25] kaio393: Me neither
[17:26] azinpryncess: u ca b so rude somtimes
[17:26] kaio393: oka
[17:27] azinpryncess: ok? u r talking to me n sanish just to make me mad?
[17:28] kaio393: I don't wish to learn spanish
[17:28] kaio393: that is French
[17:28] azinpryncess: oh
[17:28] azinpryncess: but still......
[17:28] kaio393: idk
[17:28] kaio393: I just want to learn French
[17:28] kaio393: (i am taking it next year)
[17:28] azinpryncess: good 4 u
[17:29] kaio393: u have to take a language in Hi School too ya know
[17:29] kaio393: brb
[17:29] azinpryncess: i know i had planned on taking french
[17:29] kaio393: :P
[17:30] kaio393: noooooooo
[17:30] azinpryncess: why?
[17:30] kaio393: cuz i want to be the only one to know it
[17:30] azinpryncess: ive wanted to since th 4th grade
[17:30] azinpryncess: and too bad
[17:31] azinpryncess: looks like u wont
[17:31] azinpryncess: did u get my txt this mrning?
[17:31] kaio393: er
[17:31] azinpryncess: is that a no?
[17:32] kaio393: now i have :p
[17:32] azinpryncess: ur reading it now?
[17:32] kaio393: just did
[17:32] kaio393: :p
[17:33] azinpryncess: i look @ mine as soon as i can
[17:33] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Fri May 04 17:33:37 2007.
[17:33] kaio393: i dont
[17:33] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
[17:34] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Fri May 04 17:34:12 2007.
[17:34] kaio393: :P
[17:35] azinpryncess: it took u that long just 2 du that?
[17:35] kaio393: no
[17:35] kaio393: im talkin on Skype
[17:36] azinpryncess: can we talk later?
[17:36] kaio393: maaaaaaaaaaaybe
[17:36] azinpryncess: yes or no
[17:37] azinpryncess: no maybes
[17:37] kaio393: maybes no
[17:37] kaio393: ?
[17:37] azinpryncess: i hate it wen ppl say that
[17:37] kaio393: deal wit it
[17:37] azinpryncess: shut up i deal with alot of crap from ppl
[17:37] azinpryncess: from my skool
[17:38] kaio393: ok
[17:38] kaio393: thats kinda called HI SCHOOL
[17:38] azinpryncess: high
[17:38] azinpryncess: yes or no
[17:38] kaio393: well i abreviated
[17:38] kaio393: I choose Or
[17:38] azinpryncess: yes/no
[17:39] kaio393: I choose slash
[17:39] azinpryncess: just pic one kyle!
[17:39] azinpryncess: yes no
[17:39] kaio393: kai
[17:39] azinpryncess: no....kyle
[17:39] kaio393: Kai
[17:40] azinpryncess: Kyle
[17:40] kaio393: Gaaaawd
[17:40] kaio393: wel im not answering to kyle
[17:40] azinpryncess: fine then.....kai
[17:40] azinpryncess: yes no?
[17:40] kaio393: Space
[17:40] azinpryncess: ugh...
[17:41] azinpryncess: ill talk to u later on today
[17:41] kaio393: ok bye
[17:41] kaio393: cyz
[17:41] azinpryncess: k
[17:42] kaio393: cyz
Session Close (azinpryncess): Fri May 04 17:42:59 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 17:43:05 2007
[17:43] azinpryncess: k
[17:43] kaio393: cyz
[17:43] azinpryncess: OK!
[17:43] kaio393: OK
[17:43] azinpryncess: STOP LOL
[17:43] kaio393: ok
[17:43] azinpryncess: OK TTYL
[17:44] kaio393: cyz
[17:44] azinpryncess: y r u doing this? stop bye
[17:45] kaio393: cyz
[17:46] azinpryncess: STOP!!!!!! BYE KAI!!!
[17:46] kaio393: cyz
[17:46] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Fri May 04 17:46:20 2007.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Fri May 04 17:46:29 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 17:46:47 2007
[17:46] kaio393: wtf u just signed back on?
[17:47] azinpryncess: S I COULD LOOK@ MY E- MAIL
[17:47] kaio393: ok
[17:47] kaio393: get freakin MS outlook
[17:47] azinpryncess: I DONT WANT TO
[17:48] kaio393: well its a lot easier than typing in ure info three billion times a day :P
[17:48] azinpryncess: thats great...bye
[17:48] kaio393: cyz
[17:48] azinpryncess: k
[17:49] kaio393: cyz
[17:49] azinpryncess: S-T-O-P!!!
[17:49] kaio393: Spells stop
[17:49] azinpryncess: UGH!!!
[17:49] kaio393: A sign of torment
[17:50] kaio393: :P
[17:50] kaio393: cyz
[17:51] azinpryncess: K
[17:51] kaio393: cyz
[17:51] azinpryncess: K
[17:51] kaio393: CYZ= stop talking to me or ill say it agian
[17:51] azinpryncess: UR THE ONE TALKKING TO ME
[17:51] kaio393: cyz
[17:52] azinpryncess: bye i will im u l8rt 2day
[17:52] kaio393: cyz
[17:52] kaio393: wats l8rt
[17:53] azinpryncess: l8tr 2 day
[17:53] kaio393: oooooooooooooooooooh
[17:53] kaio393: I see
[17:53] kaio393: i thought u meeant like when something is layerd
[17:53] kaio393: is really laert
[17:53] azinpryncess: 7-9?
[17:53] kaio393: watever the heck that is
[17:54] kaio393: yeah thats the 2nd grade ages through the 4th
[17:54] azinpryncess: somewere btween 7 and 9is tonight
[17:54] kaio393: or the mornign
[17:54] azinpryncess: i meant 2night
[17:54] kaio393: 1900-2100 u mean
[17:54] kaio393: 7= morning
[17:55] kaio393: Central Time or pacific
[17:55] azinpryncess: 7 pm to 9pm if ur gonna b all technical
[17:55] azinpryncess: watever time zone were n
[17:55] kaio393: I am central :P
[17:55] azinpryncess: then that means i am too
[17:55] kaio393: I suppose
[17:56] kaio393: but what if i moved to Ireland?
[17:56] kaio393: Dublin
[17:56] azinpryncess: i now 4 sure
[17:56] azinpryncess: u wouldnt do that
[17:56] kaio393: I am now for sure to. Hopefully unless im some sort of time travelr
[17:56] kaio393: Or would I ?
[17:56] azinpryncess: u have no way of gtting there
[17:57] kaio393: what if Orphic was some huge company for geeks that u never knew about and I mareally a billionaire
[17:57] azinpryncess: im suppossed to be mad @ u right now so ill talk 2 u later 2 day
[17:57] kaio393: ok have fun being mad
[17:57] azinpryncess: SHUT UP
[17:57] kaio393: The ceiling is shut
[17:58] azinpryncess: UGH STOP IM ME.. BYE
[17:58] kaio393: cyz
Session Close (azinpryncess): Fri May 04 18:01:03 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 18:30:04 2007
Session Close (azinpryncess): Fri May 04 18:30:54 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 18:47:30 2007
[18:47] azinpryncess: i guess ill talk to u now
[18:47] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: I am currently away from the computer.
[18:47] azinpryncess: it says u r on
[18:56] azinpryncess: bye tlk@8ish
[18:56] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Fri May 04 18:56:18 2007.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Fri May 04 18:57:53 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 20:54:32 2007
[20:54] kaio393: so u gonna be on at 8 eh///
[20:54] azinpryncess: lol srry
[20:55] azinpryncess: i was watching unsolved mysteries
[20:55] kaio393: ok...
[20:55] azinpryncess: its one of my fave shows
[20:56] kaio393: ok..
[20:57] azinpryncess: b4 the divorce my mom and i would stay up wihle my dad was working his night shift and watch it
[20:57] kaio393: ok
[20:57] azinpryncess: it reminds me of home
[20:57] kaio393: ok
[20:57] azinpryncess: well u know wat i mean
[20:57] kaio393: yea
[20:57] azinpryncess: yh
[20:58] azinpryncess: wat r u doing?
[20:58] kaio393: Trying to sell miPod
[20:58] azinpryncess: y?
[20:58] azinpryncess: wats wrong with it?
[20:58] kaio393: Cuz i need a new one
[20:58] kaio393: the battery is out of whack
[20:59] azinpryncess: oh
[20:59] kaio393: seems I can get about 50 dollars for it
[20:59] azinpryncess: that i guy i told u about wont stop calling me......its
[20:59] kaio393: ?
[20:59] azinpryncess: annoying
[20:59] kaio393: ok
[21:00] azinpryncess: is all urgonna say to me: yh,ok
[21:00] kaio393: no
[21:00] azinpryncess: lol
[21:01] azinpryncess: so....
[21:01] kaio393: so what?
[21:01] azinpryncess: i dunno
[21:02] kaio393: okaaay
[21:02] azinpryncess: sigh
[21:02] kaio393: wat
[21:02] azinpryncess: wat u want 2 talk about?
[21:02] kaio393: I could care less forreal
[21:03] azinpryncess: dont b so rude
[21:03] kaio393: :P
[21:03] azinpryncess: wat did kelly say wen u told her u luved her?
[21:05] kaio393: Class ended, and she was pissed off cuz Grey told Anastasia she was invited to Kelly/Sydney's party. So she was on after that. (ana's a bee-ach) So yeah we didn't really talk about it after ward, but Dack asked her if she liked me and she said something like maybe
[21:05] azinpryncess: hm
[21:06] azinpryncess: wierd
[21:06] kaio393: how so?>
[21:06] azinpryncess: i would find a way to give the guy a response
[21:07] kaio393: :P
[21:07] kaio393: coud rreeealy care less
[21:07] azinpryncess: sut up u no that u care...ALOT. dont lie to yourself
[21:07] kaio393: well I just wanted to tell her
[21:07] kaio393: thats as far as I got
[21:08] azinpryncess: u dont tell someone u luv them and just not care
[21:08] kaio393: well
[21:08] kaio393: All i cna do is wai
[21:08] kaio393: and so I am
[21:09] azinpryncess: did u tell her or wright her a note?
[21:09] kaio393: Wrote a note. It was in the middle of math
[21:09] azinpryncess: oh......
[21:09] kaio393: :p
[21:10] azinpryncess: yh
[21:10] kaio393: ?
[21:10] azinpryncess: yh
[21:10] azinpryncess: moving along.......
[21:11] kaio393: to?
[21:11] azinpryncess: idunno....look its 9 11
[21:11] kaio393: er
[21:11] kaio393: so?
[21:11] kaio393: btw it really 2111
[21:12] azinpryncess: u said u look out for wen its 9 11
[21:12] kaio393: wat?
[21:13] azinpryncess: u told me that wen we went out
[21:13] kaio393: lol
[21:13] kaio393: i dont even remember tat
[21:13] azinpryncess: wat funny?
[21:13] kaio393: the fact that i dont remember saying that. I remember too much
[21:14] azinpryncess: o i no
[21:15] azinpryncess: wats up
[21:15] kaio393: Cielin
[21:15] azinpryncess: i figured ud say that
[21:15] kaio393: well why did u ask?
[21:16] azinpryncess: bcause u answer nvr changes and its funny
[21:17] kaio393: well usually i spell it right :P
[21:17] azinpryncess: lol
[21:17] kaio393: :P
[21:18] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Fri May 04 21:18:23 2007.
[21:19] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Fri May 04 21:19:01 2007.
[21:19] azinpryncess: yeah
[21:19] kaio393: wat?
[21:20] azinpryncess: idunno......i want to talk about somthing paticular
[21:20] kaio393: okay, what?
[21:21] azinpryncess: u dcide i have nothn
[21:21] kaio393: i could care less, I am busy
[21:21] azinpryncess: then dont even ask
[21:22] kaio393: ask wat?
[21:22] azinpryncess: wat i wnna talk about
[21:22] kaio393: ok....
[21:23] azinpryncess: im asking myself y im tlking to u
[21:23] kaio393: ok
[21:23] azinpryncess: considering wat u did 2 me
[21:24] kaio393: Sarah, I said I was sorry
[21:24] kaio393: If you wawnted to live a lie, you could have just told me
[21:24] kaio393: You chose the knowledege side of things
[21:24] azinpryncess: told u wat?
[21:25] kaio393: and now you know why God punished adam and eve
[21:26] azinpryncess: yh but wat does that have 2 du with us? an how do i control thw knowledge side of things?
[21:26] kaio393: you tell me nothing or something.
[21:27] kaio393: you chose something
[21:27] kaio393: You must learn to make correct information distribution
[21:27] kaio393: You are too used to not telling anything\
[21:27] kaio393: But the more you tell the easier it will be for you
[21:27] azinpryncess: i didnt want u 2 think i was closed so i told u
[21:28] kaio393: lol
[21:28] azinpryncess: wats funny?
[21:28] kaio393: You are going to be exploited soooo much in college.
[21:28] kaio393: So this is the final question:
[21:28] kaio393: There is no middle point
[21:29] kaio393: You are either open
[21:29] kaio393: or closed
[21:29] kaio393: Yu right now are in the middle
[21:29] kaio393: causing pain
[21:29] kaio393: In the middle there is pain
[21:29] kaio393: But if you are closed nothing gets in
[21:29] kaio393: If you are open everything is out
[21:29] kaio393: BUT when you are closed there is a lot of lying
[21:30] kaio393: and if you are open you can feel more free
[21:31] azinpryncess: im going to b exploited n college?
[21:31] kaio393: yeah
[21:31] azinpryncess: at does THAT mean?
[21:31] kaio393: Unless you make the above decision
[21:31] kaio393: means u are going to be USED
[21:31] azinpryncess: used?
[21:31] kaio393: like
[21:31] azinpryncess: how?
[21:32] kaio393: In college they have little tests if you don't own your own home. Some will be verbal. The tests are made to make you have a horrible time.
[21:34] azinpryncess: if own my own home?
[21:34] kaio393: Yeah
[21:34] kaio393: In college you have to have a house
[21:34] kaio393: or an apartment
[21:34] kaio393: or share one
[21:34] kaio393: or join a frat
[21:34] azinpryncess: i am gonna have one
[21:34] kaio393: a frat?
[21:35] azinpryncess: apartment or somthing nice
[21:35] azinpryncess: im not going to b "exploited" kai
[21:35] kaio393: Okay then dont worry about it
[21:35] azinpryncess: i wont
[21:35] kaio393: exploited is a common word :P
[21:35] kaio393: Okay then DONT WORRY ABOUT IT
[21:36] azinpryncess: k...i wont
[21:36] azinpryncess: wat decision did i need to make ealier?
[21:36] azinpryncess: if i was open or closed?
[21:36] kaio393: [21:28] kaio393: You are going to be exploited soooo much in college.
[21:28] kaio393: So this is the final question:
[21:28] kaio393: There is no middle point
[21:29] kaio393: You are either open
[21:29] kaio393: or closed
[21:29] kaio393: Yu right now are in the middle
[21:29] kaio393: causing pain
[21:29] kaio393: In the middle there is pain
[21:29] kaio393: But if you are closed nothing gets in
[21:29] kaio393: If you are open everything is out
[21:29] kaio393: BUT when you are closed there is a lot of lying
[21:30] kaio393: and if you are open you can feel more free
[21:37] azinpryncess: i guess ill chose...
[21:37] azinpryncess: open
[21:37] kaio393: Well
[21:37] kaio393: you'll have to be tested
[21:37] kaio393: And not freak out over everything
[21:37] azinpryncess: lol
[21:37] kaio393: and you ned to be open with everyone
[21:38] kaio393: or everyone will be pissed off at each other
[21:38] azinpryncess: how will i b tested?
[21:38] kaio393: Ask random questions to see if you answer them
[21:38] kaio393: :P
[21:39] azinpryncess: ?.....UR gonna ask me?
[21:39] kaio393: Yeah sure
[21:40] azinpryncess: sigh...fine
[21:40] kaio393: and if u dont answer truthfully then ull only be cheating ure self blah balahcasnk
[21:40] azinpryncess: k
[21:40] kaio393: And uyou must promise whatever happens in this Convo, stays in teh convo, for testing sake.
[21:41] kaio393: And if you freak out over any question, then we'll know
[21:41] kaio393: okay?
[21:41] azinpryncess: for "testing
' sake?
[21:41] kaio393: yeah
[21:41] azinpryncess: k..... watevr
[21:41] kaio393: and I could realy care less for any og this info, I just helping you, kay?
[21:42] azinpryncess: og?
[21:42] kaio393: of
[21:42] azinpryncess: nice to no u care kai
[21:42] kaio393: well just helping
[21:42] azinpryncess: (sarcasm)
[21:42] kaio393: :P
[21:42] kaio393: What is your favorite color?
[21:43] azinpryncess: friends r suppossed to care
[21:43] azinpryncess: my fave clr is teal
[21:43] kaio393: Who do you like the most ouyt of your siblings?
[21:44] azinpryncess: my sister
[21:44] kaio393: Why her?
[21:44] azinpryncess: we get along
[21:44] azinpryncess: shes funny and care free
[21:44] kaio393: (btw the further along the harder they get)
[21:45] azinpryncess: k
[21:45] kaio393: Why did your parents split?
[21:45] azinpryncess: they wont tell me
[21:45] azinpryncess: i onestly have no idea
[21:45] kaio393: interesting
[21:45] kaio393: Okay
[21:46] kaio393: Most embarsing thing ever done?
[21:46] azinpryncess: i walked nto a glass door @ the mall
[21:47] azinpryncess: lol
[21:47] kaio393: comeon has to be something more than hat
[21:47] azinpryncess: nope
[21:47] kaio393: i freakin trpped over my shoe lace today and thats not at all embarrasing
[21:47] kaio393: okay watever
[21:47] kaio393: er...
[21:47] azinpryncess: lol
[21:47] kaio393: Something kiddish you still enjoy?
[21:48] kaio393: (like I am watching Digimon right now and am enjoying it)
[21:48] azinpryncess: playng with barbies
[21:48] azinpryncess: lol
[21:48] kaio393: ferreal?
[21:48] azinpryncess: yh...i know
[21:48] kaio393: okl
[21:48] kaio393: next..
[21:48] azinpryncess: okl?
[21:48] kaio393: ok8
[21:48] kaio393: ok8
[21:48] kaio393: ok*
[21:48] azinpryncess: lol
[21:49] kaio393: I swear I am not trying to be perverted or anything alright?
[21:49] azinpryncess: okay....
[21:49] kaio393: u swear you wont go around saying Kai is a perv when i am only trying to help you open the door~
[21:50] azinpryncess: yeah.... i guesss
[21:50] kaio393: What bra size you wear?
[21:51] kaio393: well, you got pretty far i will tell ya, but I guesss you think I am some little pervert.
[21:52] azinpryncess: im srry but that i WILLnot say.....nxt question
[21:52] kaio393: lol
[21:52] kaio393: well seems u just faile
[21:52] kaio393: you got pretty far, i tell you, but you aren't quite THERE yet
[21:52] azinpryncess: watevr
[21:52] kaio393: :P
[21:53] kaio393: you woulda passed if u had answered :P
[21:53] kaio393: too late now that u know that :P
[21:53] azinpryncess: it called being a lady
[21:53] kaio393: it called a closed lady:P
[21:53] azinpryncess: wtevr
[21:54] kaio393: lol
[21:54] kaio393: you pissd arent you/
[21:54] azinpryncess: a little... did u onestly think i would tell u wat bra size i wear?
[21:55] kaio393: if u were loose :P
[21:55] azinpryncess: im a lady
[21:55] azinpryncess: fine 50 d
[21:55] kaio393: ?
[21:55] kaio393: lol
[21:55] azinpryncess: i made that up
[21:55] kaio393: lol
[21:56] kaio393: cloooooooooooosed
[21:56] kaio393: *slam*
[21:56] azinpryncess: thats not even a real bra size
[21:56] azinpryncess: lol
[21:56] kaio393: well actuallu ure still middle
[21:56] kaio393: lol
[21:57] azinpryncess: weell atlest im not colsed
[21:57] kaio393: lol
[21:57] kaio393: I told u more pain
[21:57] azinpryncess: sigh
[21:57] azinpryncess: diff quiz
[21:57] azinpryncess: k?
[21:58] kaio393: I told you
[21:58] kaio393: that was the last question
[21:58] azinpryncess: diff quiz... diff subjct
[21:58] kaio393: :p
[21:59] kaio393: when i say
[21:59] kaio393: v
[21:59] kaio393: [21:58] kaio393: that was the last question
[21:59] kaio393: I mean
[21:59] kaio393: [21:58] kaio393: that was the last question(I could think of)
[21:59] azinpryncess: lol
[21:59] kaio393: :P
[21:59] azinpryncess: thnk of some more
[21:59] kaio393: what else could be more embarasing to a girl?
[22:00] azinpryncess: u tell me
[22:00] kaio393: im a guy :p
[22:00] azinpryncess: uh...well still think of smthn
[22:01] azinpryncess: hello?
[22:01] kaio393: :P
[22:01] kaio393: i cant
[22:01] azinpryncess: yes u can
[22:02] kaio393: u know what? i cant!
[22:02] azinpryncess: lol...fine then
[22:02] azinpryncess: wat u wnna tlk bout?
[22:02] kaio393: idk
[22:03] azinpryncess: share opions?
[22:03] kaio393: sure
[22:03] kaio393: on what?
[22:03] azinpryncess: u d cide
[22:03] kaio393: :P
[22:03] kaio393: religion is always interestin
[22:04] azinpryncess: im obviosly christian
[22:04] azinpryncess: nd u r 2
[22:04] kaio393: :P
[22:04] kaio393: Kinad
[22:04] kaio393: kinad*
[22:04] kaio393: kinda*
[22:04] azinpryncess: yh me 2
[22:04] kaio393: still in ponderment stage
[22:05] azinpryncess: lol....k....
[22:05] kaio393: :P
[22:05] kaio393: u?
[22:06] azinpryncess: ?
[22:06] kaio393: wat are u on for religion
[22:07] kaio393: lol Digimon is sooooo just trying to hid they are doing a ritual
[22:11] kaio393: u there?
[22:26] azinpryncess: omg! i am SOOOOOOO srry
[22:26] kaio393: ?
[22:26] azinpryncess: i went outside 4 a sec and 4got i was tlking 2 u
[22:27] kaio393: wow
[22:27] azinpryncess: wats wow?
[22:27] kaio393: u forgot me :P
[22:28] azinpryncess: gows taht wow?
[22:29] azinpryncess: i think about u alot but not 24/7
[22:29] azinpryncess: not 2 b rude
[22:30] azinpryncess: u there?
[22:30] kaio393: :P
[22:30] kaio393: Typing on Orphic
[22:30] kaio393: lol
[22:30] kaio393: Orphic like grew overnight
[22:30] azinpryncess: r u pyn attention to mi?
[22:31] kaio393: kina
[22:31] azinpryncess: and wats funny?
[22:31] azinpryncess: you should b mayn attention 2 mi
[22:31] kaio393: attentionseeker
[22:31] azinpryncess: no.....
[22:32] azinpryncess: i just dont like i wen ppl 'kinda" pay attention 2 me
[22:32] azinpryncess: i wanna b heard
[22:33] azinpryncess:
[22:33] kaio393: :P
[22:33] azinpryncess: ya now?
[22:33] kaio393: im listening
[22:33] kaio393: just doing more
[22:33] azinpryncess: ya now? i mean
[22:33] kaio393: you mean know
[22:33] kaio393: :P
[22:33] azinpryncess: yh
[22:34] azinpryncess: wat du u wanna b wen u get older?
[22:34] kaio393: hm
[22:34] kaio393: Not really sure
[22:35] kaio393: something to do with Coputer
[22:35] kaio393: maybe continue with Orphic
[22:35] kaio393: Maybe work at Apple
[22:35] kaio393: or Google
[22:35] kaio393: those are my choices
[22:35] kaio393: You/
[22:35] kaio393: ?
[22:36] azinpryncess: 1)artits
[22:36] azinpryncess: hold on...
[22:36] kaio393: k
[22:38] azinpryncess: artist
fasion desighner
teacher(wen im old)
marine biologist
interior desighner
author....and thats all i have so far...
[22:38] kaio393: well good luck :p
[22:39] kaio393: tahts like
[22:39] kaio393: 100 years of college
[22:39] azinpryncess: i know...ppl tell me that alot....i just tell them that ill do watever it takes
[22:40] kaio393: er.
[22:40] kaio393: Death?
[22:40] kaio393: :p
[22:40] azinpryncess: b realistic
[22:40] azinpryncess: of corse not death
[22:40] kaio393: :p\
[22:40] azinpryncess: wat?
[22:41] kaio393: BRB
[22:41] azinpryncess: nice
[22:41] kaio393: BRB
[22:42] azinpryncess: again,...nice one
[22:42] azinpryncess: VERY charming
[22:42] kaio393: brb= be right back
Session Close (azinpryncess): Fri May 04 22:43:02 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 22:43:31 2007
[22:43] azinpryncess: ohhhh i thought u were brping
[22:43] azinpryncess: lol!!!
Session Close (azinpryncess): Fri May 04 22:43:46 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Fri May 04 22:47:10 2007
[22:47] kaio393: back
[22:47] azinpryncess: hi
[22:47] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: obviously I am restarting my comp
[22:47] kaio393: whops
[22:47] azinpryncess: yh
[22:48] kaio393: yup
[22:48] azinpryncess: this is soooooooo random but i luv wearing tALNK-TOPS
[22:48] azinpryncess: TANK TOPS
[22:48] kaio393: why?
[22:48] kaio393: (u are becoming more open btw)
[22:49] azinpryncess: idk and thanx...
[22:49] azinpryncess: i just do
[22:49] kaio393: lol
[22:49] kaio393: ok
[22:49] azinpryncess: wats funny?
[22:50] kaio393: u just do
[22:50] azinpryncess: wat?
[22:50] azinpryncess: u just do?
[22:50] kaio393: its funny
[22:50] kaio393: u have no readon
[22:50] kaio393: reson
[22:50] kaio393: wateve
[22:51] azinpryncess: yh.... i dont dont ALWAYS have a reason 4 evrything ya no
[22:51] azinpryncess: wat du u like to waer?
[22:51] kaio393: Jeans
[22:51] kaio393: and
[22:51] kaio393: Ezekial T-Shirt
[22:51] azinpryncess: kool
[22:52] kaio393: yea
[22:52] azinpryncess: i also like to wear hoodies....there cozy
[22:52] kaio393: lol
[22:52] kaio393: ok
[22:52] azinpryncess: weeelllll,....they r
[22:52] kaio393: (note: when chix wear hoodies they look less hot)
[22:52] azinpryncess: u really think so ?
[22:52] kaio393: yea
[22:53] azinpryncess: i guess then alot of girls looks less hot
[22:53] kaio393: yea
[22:53] azinpryncess: y du u think that?
[22:53] kaio393: cuz they just do
[22:53] kaio393: Tight shirts and $iz make em look hotttt
[22:53] azinpryncess: $iz?
[22:54] kaio393: geek for $hiiiiz
[22:54] azinpryncess: wats $hiiiiz?
[22:55] kaio393: $hit
[22:55] azinpryncess: du u mean skin-tight shirts?
[22:55] kaio393: Yeah
[22:55] azinpryncess: i, and alot of girls dont wear that kinda stuff
[22:56] kaio393: duh
[22:56] azinpryncess: u just like to see their bodies dont u?
[22:56] kaio393: idk
[22:56] kaio393: i guess
[22:56] azinpryncess: mainly their boobs?
[22:56] kaio393: well sorta, but hoodies are a turn off
[22:57] kaio393: [22:56] azinpryncess: mainly their boobs?
[22:57] azinpryncess: dont deny it.....
[22:57] kaio393: kinda their butts too
[22:57] azinpryncess: perv
[22:57] kaio393: :P
[22:57] kaio393: truth
[22:57] azinpryncess: u should like a girl for who she is but being cute i always a plus
[22:58] kaio393: i never said it wasnt like that
[22:58] kaio393: cute is definantly a plus
[22:58] azinpryncess: i dont wear jeans that much for that paticular reason
[22:58] azinpryncess: i think hoodies on girls i kool
[22:58] azinpryncess: is
[22:59] kaio393: *shrug*
[22:59] kaio393: makes em look less hot tho
[22:59] azinpryncess: well good luck finding a girl who wears skin-tight clothes all the time
[23:00] azinpryncess: no girl likes that type of clthes
[23:00] kaio393: never said thay had to be that way
[23:00] azinpryncess: u just did
[23:01] azinpryncess: havnt u noticed i usually dont wear tight pants?
[23:01] kaio393: lol
[23:01] kaio393: Doi
[23:01] azinpryncess: wat?
[23:01] azinpryncess: u have noticed?
[23:02] kaio393: yea
[23:02] azinpryncess: i didnt think u wuld pay attention to wat i wear...
[23:02] kaio393: i always pay attention to eveything :p
[23:03] azinpryncess: i dont wear stuff like that becuse: 1. i dont want guys looking @ by butt
2. i feel confined
[23:03] kaio393: lol
[23:03] kaio393: ok
[23:04] azinpryncess: wats funny?
[23:04] kaio393: it just is
[23:04] azinpryncess: how?
[23:04] azinpryncess: then wat did i wear the last time i saw u ?
[23:05] kaio393: IDK
[23:05] azinpryncess: exactly....u dont remember evrything!
[23:05] kaio393: never said i memorized
[23:05] kaio393: I remember TOO MUCH
[23:06] azinpryncess: memorized is the same as remembering
[23:06] kaio393: well i never said I remember EVERYTHING
[23:06] azinpryncess: k...watever
[23:07] azinpryncess: most firls want guys to look @their but
[23:07] kaio393: lol
[23:07] azinpryncess: most girls want guys to look @ their but
[23:07] azinpryncess: but 4 some reason i dont
[23:08] azinpryncess: its wierd, i know
[23:08] kaio393: ok
[23:08] kaio393: (u are beginning to open the door...)
[23:08] azinpryncess: creeeeeeek
[23:08] azinpryncess: lol
[23:09] azinpryncess: ur right this is WAY,WAY more fun
[23:09] kaio393: :)
[23:09] azinpryncess: lol
[23:09] kaio393: glad to welcome you to the dark side :P
[23:09] kaio393: here have a cookie
[23:09] kaio393: *hands cookie*
[23:09] azinpryncess: lol!!!!!
[23:09] azinpryncess: lol
[23:09] azinpryncess: lol
[23:09] kaio393: ::P
[23:10] azinpryncess: lol
[23:10] azinpryncess: ur a good guy kai
[23:10] kaio393: :P
[23:10] azinpryncess: well,.. u are
[23:11] kaio393: lol, im just modes
[23:11] azinpryncess: du u mean modest?
[23:11] kaio393: yea
[23:11] kaio393: video editing while talkin
[23:11] azinpryncess: i beg to differ...
[23:11] azinpryncess: but ok
[23:12] kaio393: :P
[23:12] azinpryncess: i was just about to stand up wen i foundmyself sitting like frog......... dont ask,....i dont no
[23:13] azinpryncess: b right back
[23:14] kaio393: k
[23:19] azinpryncess: im bck
[23:19] kaio393: K
[23:21] azinpryncess: some shirts that girlwear have undershirts...wen i wear them my mom wont stop teeling me to make sure i dont"show" anything. its really annoying
[23:21] kaio393: lol
[23:21] kaio393: ok
[23:21] azinpryncess: wats so funny... im just telling it how it is
[23:22] kaio393: lool
[23:22] kaio393: it is
[23:22] azinpryncess: ?
[23:22] kaio393: it just is
[23:22] azinpryncess: k watevr
[23:22] kaio393: k
[23:23] azinpryncess: u probably by now think that i am really wierd
[23:23] kaio393: its a good thing believe me
[23:23] azinpryncess: god that u think im wierd?
[23:24] kaio393: being wierd
[23:24] kaio393: i just call it being open
[23:24] azinpryncess: good that u thnk im weird?
[23:24] azinpryncess: well i dont wear tight pants n stuff
[23:24] azinpryncess: idk...
[23:24] kaio393: yea
[23:25] azinpryncess: im really craving some pizza
[23:25] kaio393: ok
[23:25] kaio393: buy one
[23:25] kaio393: (Link:
[23:26] azinpryncess: its 11 25 and my mom wont let me cause no adults r here to give me money...i would if i could
[23:26] kaio393: lol
[23:26] kaio393: u need a thing called emergency money
[23:26] kaio393: no adults?
[23:26] azinpryncess: nope
[23:27] azinpryncess: i do have emergency muny:3.00 is all thats left
[23:27] kaio393: lol
[23:27] kaio393: buy a small pizza
[23:28] azinpryncess: no adults r here bcause rich n my mom went on a date... theyve benn gone since 7. so ive been here babbysitting my siblings
[23:28] kaio393: lol
[23:28] kaio393: ok
[23:29] azinpryncess: i wish i could have frends over but i havnt had a chance to make ny here yet. and my sibs would so tell on me...ugh!
[23:30] kaio393: lol, that sucks
[23:30] kaio393: brb
[23:30] azinpryncess: ugh...hrry
[23:31] azinpryncess: i would ask u n lauren over but yall have no way of getting here
[23:32] azinpryncess: and my parent would have found out somehow
[23:32] azinpryncess: b right back
[23:36] kaio393: back
[23:36] azinpryncess: back
[23:36] azinpryncess: so...
[23:37] kaio393: some of us are too busy to partake in social events at the moment :P
[23:38] azinpryncess: oh... i know that i wasnt going to assume u could....none of yall have a wayy of getting here any was just a thought
[23:39] kaio393: :P
[23:39] azinpryncess: now wat do u wanna tlk bout?
[23:40] azinpryncess: u no who Ryan Moon is right?
[23:40] kaio393: maybe?
[23:41] azinpryncess: i went ou with him....short n chubby
[23:41] azinpryncess: do u remember him?
[23:41] kaio393: ooooooooooh\
[23:41] kaio393: yea
[23:42] azinpryncess: wat do u think of him?
[23:42] kaio393: isk
[23:42] kaio393: dont know him well
[23:42] azinpryncess: based on wat u COULD tell
[23:43] kaio393: seems aight
[23:43] azinpryncess: ive lnow him since th 4th grade.
[23:43] kaio393: lol
[23:44] azinpryncess: he's...uuuummmmmm...differnt
[23:44] azinpryncess: n a weird kinda way
[23:44] kaio393: ?
[23:44] azinpryncess: not the good wierd
[23:44] kaio393: he have AIDS or something?
[23:44] azinpryncess: lol. no y?
[23:45] kaio393: [23:44] azinpryncess: he's...uuuummmmmm...differnt
[23:45] azinpryncess: hes looked that way since 4th grade
[23:45] kaio393: Translates to AIDS
[23:45] kaio393: lol
[23:45] kaio393: wow
[23:45] azinpryncess: no it doesnt
[23:45] kaio393: usually :P
[23:45] azinpryncess: hes a virgin
[23:45] kaio393: :P
[23:45] kaio393: so
[23:45] kaio393: u can get AIDS via parents :P
[23:45] kaio393: Basic genetics
[23:46] kaio393: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! ui finally finished th vid
[23:46] azinpryncess: no one n his family has aids that i know of
[23:47] azinpryncess: hes sweet but little-kiddish
[23:47] azinpryncess: n a bad way
[23:47] azinpryncess: sometimes
[23:48] kaio393: lol
[23:48] kaio393: thats called obnoxious
[23:48] azinpryncess: i guess
[23:49] azinpryncess: i broke up with him cause ha hardly talked to me....i wasnt the only one that thought so
[23:50] kaio393: lol
[23:50] kaio393: ok
[23:50] azinpryncess: atleast 15 ppl agreed with me
[23:50] kaio393: k
[23:50] azinpryncess: wats vfunny?
[23:50] kaio393: idk
[23:51] azinpryncess: tell me somthing about UR life now
[23:51] kaio393: like wat
[23:51] azinpryncess: idk
[23:51] azinpryncess: anything
[23:51] kaio393: My name is Kai :P
[23:51] kaio393: or nickname, rather
[23:51] azinpryncess: duh
[23:52] azinpryncess: i still like kyle bttr
[23:52] kaio393: why
[23:53] azinpryncess: it to me sounds bttr and it sounds mature
[23:53] azinpryncess: it also fits u more
[23:53] kaio393: well Kai is more cute :P
[23:53] azinpryncess: no..... u cant say ur nick name is cute
[23:53] kaio393: well tahts what Obi said
[23:53] kaio393: and he gave me the nicknname
[23:54] azinpryncess: somone else can but not u
[23:54] azinpryncess: whose obi?
[23:54] kaio393: my friend
[23:54] azinpryncess: duh
[23:54] azinpryncess: well hes stupd 4 doing that cause Kyle sound way cuter
[23:55] kaio393: :P
[23:55] azinpryncess: it does
[23:55] kaio393: h/o
[23:55] kaio393: (hold on)
[23:55] kaio393: the name meaning of Kai= ocean
[23:56] kaio393: Ocean= awesome
[23:56] azinpryncess: oh..good cause @ first i thought u were calling me a hoe
[23:56] kaio393: :P
[23:56] azinpryncess: yh the ocean is kool but so is THE NAME kYLE
[23:57] kaio393: it also means keeper of the kais
[23:57] kaio393: keys
[23:57] kaio393: *
[23:57] azinpryncess: wateverKyle's still better
[23:58] azinpryncess: did u get ur hair cut since i saw u last?
[23:58] azinpryncess: please tell me u didnt
[23:59] kaio393: no
[23:59] azinpryncess: ok...whew...good
[23:59] kaio393: i could really care less how u feel :P
[23:59] azinpryncess: UR SO RUDE,....U SHOULD TO SOMR EXTENT
[00:00] kaio393: ??
[00:00] azinpryncess: U ARE
[00:00] kaio393: SHOULD TO SOMR EXTEN
[00:01] kaio393: translate plz
[00:02] azinpryncess: u should care how i feel to some extent..i care how u fel about stuff
[00:02] kaio393: :P
[00:02] kaio393: well i dont
[00:02] azinpryncess: fine then i wont care how u feel
[00:02] kaio393: ok
[00:03] kaio393: jk
[00:03] azinpryncess: i thnk ill shave my head and go bi
[00:03] kaio393: why?
[00:03] azinpryncess: cause u dont care
[00:03] kaio393: er
[00:03] kaio393: no u wont
[00:04] azinpryncess: u dont no that
[00:04] kaio393: ok
[00:04] kaio393: have fun
[00:04] azinpryncess: im just kidding kai...see...u do care
[00:04] kaio393: :P
[00:05] azinpryncess: admit it..
[00:05] kaio393: :P
[00:05] azinpryncess: ADMIT IT...
[00:06] kaio393: :p
[00:06] azinpryncess: kai...just admit that u do care be"open"
[00:06] azinpryncess: lol
[00:06] kaio393: About wat
[00:06] kaio393: i forgot
[00:07] azinpryncess: that u do care
[00:07] kaio393: about wat
[00:07] azinpryncess: 4 get it then
[00:07] kaio393: ok
[00:07] azinpryncess: FYI:i like u as a friend
[00:08] kaio393: ok
[00:12] kaio393: u sitll ther?
[00:17] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sat May 05 00:17:15 2007.
[00:21] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sat May 05 00:21:19 2007.
[00:21] azinpryncess: im here
[00:21] kaio393: ok
[00:22] azinpryncess: my mom got back so i had to wait till she quit talkin to me
[00:22] azinpryncess: bah..blah..blah...
[00:23] azinpryncess: i dont think ur mom likes me
[00:23] kaio393: y?
[00:23] azinpryncess: idk
[00:24] azinpryncess: she dsnt say hi to me like she use to @church n stuff
[00:24] kaio393: shrug
[00:24] azinpryncess: yh
[00:24] azinpryncess: wat u wanna tlk bout?
[00:25] kaio393: idk
[00:25] azinpryncess: ur life?
[00:25] kaio393: too tired
[00:25] azinpryncess: obviosly no the whole 14 yrs
[00:25] azinpryncess: ur tited?
[00:26] kaio393: yh
[00:26] azinpryncess: im hiper
[00:27] azinpryncess: well not hiper but definatly not tired
[00:27] kaio393: k
[00:27] azinpryncess: wat do u think of Jessica Simpson?
[00:27] kaio393: i bout to go to bed
[00:27] kaio393: idk
[00:27] kaio393: dont kno her
[00:27] azinpryncess: i know but do u thnk shes sluuty?
[00:28] kaio393: idk
[00:28] kaio393: dont watch TV
[00:28] azinpryncess: sluty?
[00:28] azinpryncess: u dont?!
[00:28] azinpryncess: wat kind of kid r u?
[00:28] azinpryncess: im so glad skools almos out
[00:29] azinpryncess: but then im not
[00:29] azinpryncess: if u not too tired then tlk
[00:29] kaio393: I only watch certain shows
[00:29] azinpryncess: oh
[00:30] kaio393: So i download em so i dont have to watch commercals
[00:30] azinpryncess: intresting... i like to watch commercials.
[00:30] kaio393: :P
[00:31] azinpryncess: i dont really know how i like u (as a friend or more)
[00:31] kaio393: :P
[00:31] azinpryncess: wat?
[00:32] kaio393: :p :p: p:p:p:p:p
[00:32] azinpryncess: wat?!
[00:32] azinpryncess: lol
[00:32] kaio393: :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P
[00:32] kaio393: :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P
[00:32] azinpryncess: r u being funny or mad... or wat?
[00:33] kaio393: busy
[00:33] azinpryncess: u should have just told me
[00:34] azinpryncess: gosh kai
[00:34] kaio393: :
[00:34] kaio393: p
[00:34] azinpryncess: i would have understood...kinda
[00:34] kaio393: :P
[00:34] kaio393: well i am off to bed
[00:34] kaio393: goodnight
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sat May 05 00:34:50 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Sat May 05 00:34:55 2007
[00:34] azinpryncess: goodnight
[00:35] azinpryncess: tlk 2 marrow?
[00:35] kaio393: sure
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sat May 05 00:35:38 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Sat May 05 00:35:39 2007
[00:35] azinpryncess: k... bye
[00:35] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: i am sleeeeping... Snore. Go to orphic or IM me, if you are absolutly dying.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sat May 05 00:35:41 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Sat May 05 12:13:53 2007
[12:13] azinpryncess: hey
[12:13] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: watching a movie at the theater
[12:14] azinpryncess: wat?
[12:14] azinpryncess: ill check nack l8rt
[12:15] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sat May 05 12:15:20 2007.
[12:15] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sat May 05 12:15:33 2007.
[12:28] azinpryncess: there?
[12:29] azinpryncess: ........
[13:49] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sat May 05 13:49:40 2007.
[13:49] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sat May 05 13:49:44 2007.
[13:52] azinpryncess: hey
[14:40] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sat May 05 14:40:28 2007.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sat May 05 17:42:24 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Sun May 06 15:31:17 2007
[15:31] azinpryncess: hey
[15:31] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: I am currently away from the computer.
[17:13] *** You have been disconnected. Sun May 06 17:13:58 2007.
[17:14] kaio393: hey, sup
[17:14] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sun May 06 17:15:21 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Sun May 06 18:04:21 2007
[18:04] azinpryncess: k i can tlk now
[18:06] kaio393: watup
[18:06] azinpryncess: y did u want me 2 get on aim so bad?
[18:07] kaio393: cuz im bored
[18:07] azinpryncess: uh huh
[18:07] kaio393: yer
[18:07] azinpryncess: yer?
[18:07] kaio393: yer= english V of yes
[18:07] azinpryncess: watev
[18:08] azinpryncess: u could have have talked to anyone else
[18:08] azinpryncess: but ok
[18:08] kaio393: well i am tlaking to like three other ppl
[18:09] azinpryncess: who?
[18:10] kaio393: Keenan, and my newest Designer, and I was talking to seth but he had to go to his GFs
[18:10] azinpryncess: his girlfriends house?
[18:10] kaio393: yh'
[18:10] azinpryncess: wow chika bow bow
[18:10] azinpryncess: lol
[18:11] azinpryncess: Y would he go to his gf's house?
[18:11] kaio393: to see her
[18:11] azinpryncess: duh but i would be afraid of hin trying somthing on me depending on who he was
[18:12] kaio393: wtf?
[18:12] kaio393: hes like 16
[18:12] kaio393: :P
[18:12] azinpryncess: how old is she?
[18:12] kaio393: wait hes 15
[18:12] kaio393: shes 16
[18:12] azinpryncess: o
[18:12] azinpryncess: 4get about wat i said
[18:12] azinpryncess: so..
[18:13] kaio393: ok
[18:13] azinpryncess: did u tell connor hi 4 me?
[18:13] kaio393: *cant forget much*
[18:13] azinpryncess: ?
[18:13] kaio393: :p
[18:13] kaio393: nuthi
[18:13] azinpryncess: does that mean no?
[18:14] kaio393: lol
[18:14] kaio393: he was like What?
[18:14] kaio393: then forget about it
[18:15] azinpryncess: y would he say wat? i say hi 2 him all the time
[18:15] kaio393: idk
[18:15] kaio393: i dont thiink he heard me
[18:15] azinpryncess: o
[18:16] azinpryncess: i didnt want to sit by u @ church because i want u.....but i cant have u
[18:16] kaio393: lol
[18:16] kaio393: :P
[18:16] azinpryncess: .....thats not funny
[18:16] azinpryncess: its really aggervating
[18:16] kaio393: tis to me
[18:16] kaio393: lol
[18:16] kaio393: aggeravating
[18:16] azinpryncess: oh really?
[18:17] kaio393: cuz U make it sound funny
[18:17] azinpryncess: how it did i make it sound funny?
[18:17] kaio393: ikd
[18:17] kaio393: idk*
[18:17] azinpryncess: im just telling it like it is
[18:17] kaio393: I am bout to get mentall drunk again
[18:18] azinpryncess: mentally
[18:18] azinpryncess: how?
[18:18] kaio393:
[18:18] azinpryncess: do u not care @all how i feel about anything?
[18:18] kaio393: idk
[18:18] kaio393: trying to talk to keenan on skype
[18:18] kaio393: so its hard
[18:19] azinpryncess: hard 2 wat?
[18:19] kaio393: talk to yu
[18:19] kaio393: Sneak
[18:19] kaio393: Keenan
[18:19] kaio393: and Enea at the same time
[18:19] azinpryncess: oh
[18:19] kaio393: ye
[18:19] azinpryncess: im really confused about everything
[18:20] kaio393: abiout?
[18:20] azinpryncess: about
[18:20] azinpryncess: everything
[18:20] kaio393: like?
[18:21] azinpryncess: like who i like and dont like...and just name it and ill b confused about it
[18:21] kaio393: churhc?
[18:21] kaio393: churhc*
[18:21] kaio393: church!*
[18:21] azinpryncess: yh
[18:21] kaio393: k
[18:22] azinpryncess: if im a good enough christian and if im doing everything right
[18:22] kaio393: :P
[18:22] azinpryncess: its hard
[18:22] kaio393: :p
[18:22] azinpryncess: brb
[18:22] kaio393: just kick and relax
[18:24] azinpryncess: back
[18:24] azinpryncess: just kick and relax?
[18:24] kaio393: don't worry about things :P
[18:24] kaio393: Akuna Matada :P
[18:25] azinpryncess: lol
[18:25] azinpryncess: i cant...ive tried atleast a dozen times....4 me its impossible
[18:25] azinpryncess: i wish i could though
[18:26] kaio393: lol
[18:26] azinpryncess: why am i so funny 2 u?!
[18:26] kaio393: cuz i feel like it
[18:26] azinpryncess: u confuse me
[18:27] azinpryncess: u say one thing and do another
[18:27] kaio393: :P
[18:27] azinpryncess: how can just not worry?
[18:27] kaio393: like?
[18:27] kaio393: like this *starts doing iDoser :*
[18:27] kaio393: :P*
[18:28] azinpryncess: iDoser?
[18:28] kaio393:
[18:28] azinpryncess: how does that help?
[18:28] kaio393: idk
[18:28] kaio393: just an excuser
[18:28] kaio393: i dont know how
[18:28] kaio393: i just kick back and let it alllll drift
[18:29] azinpryncess: I CANT KTLE!!!
[18:29] azinpryncess: KYLE
[18:29] azinpryncess: i mean...."kai"
[18:29] kaio393: why not
[18:29] kaio393: just lay back
[18:29] kaio393: and think about everything
[18:30] kaio393: for HOURS
[18:30] kaio393: then plan your life
[18:30] azinpryncess: plan my life? only 13
[18:30] kaio393: lol
[18:30] kaio393: I planned my life :P
[18:30] kaio393: sorta
[18:30] azinpryncess: i have some of my life planned
[18:30] kaio393: lik?
[18:31] azinpryncess: well,....i plann on getting married
[18:31] kaio393: :P
[18:31] azinpryncess: not wen most ppl do though like n there 20's and 30's
[18:31] kaio393: I pla n to if I wish to
[18:31] kaio393: tehn wen?
[18:32] azinpryncess: i dunno
[18:32] azinpryncess: dont u wann get married?
[18:32] azinpryncess: wanna
[18:32] kaio393: Sure if I <3 the gurl
[18:32] azinpryncess: well duh...that always helps
[18:33] kaio393: well i dont want to be hoping for something that is up to someone else
[18:33] azinpryncess: u mean god?
[18:33] azinpryncess: u can still hope
[18:33] kaio393: :P
[18:33] azinpryncess: theres no harm n that
[18:33] kaio393: *shurg*
[18:33] kaio393: Ill just marry someone if I wish
[18:34] azinpryncess: well duh... if u dont wanna b married its kinda obvios u wont
[18:34] kaio393: :P
[18:35] azinpryncess: i wish there was a way u could see how ur life would turn out
[18:35] kaio393: there is
[18:35] azinpryncess: no theres not
[18:35] kaio393: :LIVE IT:
[18:35] kaio393: Live it
[18:35] azinpryncess: duh
[18:35] azinpryncess: i mean B4 it happens
[18:36] kaio393: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
[18:36] azinpryncess: yh kyle
[18:36] azinpryncess: kai
[18:36] azinpryncess: ugh! hate that name
[18:36] azinpryncess: wat u wanna tlk about?
[18:37] azinpryncess: i got nthn
[18:37] kaio393: IDK
[18:37] azinpryncess: kids?
[18:37] kaio393: = cute
[18:37] azinpryncess: i no
[18:37] azinpryncess: i want 1 boy and 1 girl
[18:37] kaio393: lol
[18:38] kaio393: bit picky
[18:38] azinpryncess: wat funny?
[18:38] azinpryncess: im not picky...thats just wat i hope to get....if i have kids
[18:38] azinpryncess: right now i dont
[18:38] kaio393: :P
[18:38] azinpryncess: wat?
[18:39] kaio393: idk
[18:40] azinpryncess: i dont think u know how cruel u can be
[18:40] kaio393: ok
[18:40] azinpryncess: that
[18:40] kaio393: ^^^^^^^^
[18:40] kaio393: like ya
[18:40] azinpryncess: like ya?
[18:41] kaio393: u said it fore i did
[18:41] azinpryncess: wat?
[18:41] azinpryncess: wat does like ya mean?
[18:41] kaio393: u said like that
[18:41] kaio393: before
[18:41] kaio393: I could
[18:41] azinpryncess: wat r u saying?
[18:42] kaio393: FORGET IT
[18:42] azinpryncess: FINE!!!
[18:42] azinpryncess: hol on....ill b right back
[18:42] kaio393: ok
[18:42] azinpryncess: hold be right back
[18:43] kaio393: OK
[18:44] azinpryncess: im back
[18:44] kaio393: ok
[18:44] azinpryncess: and stop yelling
[18:44] kaio393: ok
[18:44] azinpryncess: thank u
[18:44] kaio393: yw
[18:44] azinpryncess: lol
[18:44] azinpryncess: why were u gnna wait 4 ma @ church?
[18:45] kaio393: cuz no one else was here
[18:45] azinpryncess: (Girlfriend-Avril Lavigne_
[18:45] azinpryncess: cause no one else was there?
[18:45] kaio393: yea
[18:45] azinpryncess: uh huh
[18:46] kaio393: lol i was guest host
[18:46] azinpryncess: am i like ur last resort 4 everything?
[18:46] kaio393: er
[18:46] kaio393: not reallly
[18:46] azinpryncess: sure....
[18:46] kaio393: (nicole is.... JK)
[18:46] azinpryncess: sounds like it
[18:47] kaio393: i have several more resorts after u :P
[18:47] azinpryncess: so i am one of your last resorts?!
[18:47] azinpryncess: i dont think so...
[18:47] kaio393: :P
[18:47] kaio393: no
[18:47] azinpryncess: u said i was
[18:47] kaio393: every resort is a last resort
[18:48] azinpryncess: wat?
[18:48] kaio393: except the first reosrt
[18:48] azinpryncess: am i a "resort"
[18:48] azinpryncess: yes or no
[18:48] kaio393: everyone is a resort
[18:48] azinpryncess: no there not
[18:48] kaio393: :P
[18:48] kaio393: forget it
[18:49] azinpryncess: a resort is somone u tlk 2 if noone else is around just to tlk 2 them...not because u want to
[18:49] kaio393: 1. A place frequented by people for relaxation or recreation: a ski resort.
2. A customary or frequent going or gathering: a popular place of resort.
3. The act of turning to for aid or relief; recourse: raised the money without resort to borrowing.
4. One turned to for aid or relief: I would ask him only as a last resort.
[18:50] azinpryncess: ppl dony always use the proper meaning of things...its called slang
[18:51] azinpryncess: like bitch n stuff
[18:51] kaio393: lol
[18:51] azinpryncess: wat funny?!
[18:51] kaio393: Wired Console's Podcast
[18:51] kaio393: hehe
[18:51] azinpryncess: thats funny?
[18:51] kaio393: yeah
[18:51] kaio393: heheheh
[18:51] azinpryncess: sigh
[18:51] kaio393: so freaking funy
[18:51] azinpryncess: kai....
[18:52] kaio393: yea?
[18:52] azinpryncess: wat u wanna tlk about?
[18:55] kaio393: idk
[18:56] azinpryncess: i got a new puppy....shes a shiht-zu and her name is Roxy
[18:56] azinpryncess: she's soooooooo CUTE
[18:56] kaio393: Shitzu are awesome
[18:56] azinpryncess: u like em?
[18:57] kaio393: ye
[18:57] azinpryncess: thry originated from China
[18:57] kaio393: i kno
[18:57] azinpryncess: y u like them?
[18:58] azinpryncess: shes 7 weeks old
[18:58] azinpryncess: y u like them?
[18:58] kaio393: cus they cute
[18:58] azinpryncess: ur funny
[18:58] azinpryncess: i luv her
[18:58] kaio393: (Link:
[18:58] kaio393: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[18:58] kaio393: :(Link:
[19:00] azinpryncess: im getting permission now to look @ them
[19:01] kaio393: lol
[19:01] kaio393: ok
[19:01] azinpryncess: u can b such a girl somtimes
[19:01] kaio393: ok,..........
[19:01] azinpryncess: n a good kinda way
[19:01] kaio393: ok////////
[19:01] azinpryncess: shes brow n white
[19:02] kaio393: yh
[19:02] azinpryncess: yh?
[19:02] azinpryncess: u ever had one?
[19:02] kaio393: no'
[19:02] kaio393: on Nintendogs Yeah
[19:02] kaio393: but I gave that away
[19:02] azinpryncess: lol
[19:02] azinpryncess: kai...i...
[19:02] azinpryncess: nvr mind
[19:02] kaio393: wat?
[19:02] kaio393: wat?
[19:03] azinpryncess: nvr mind u wont care nyway
[19:03] kaio393: Whaaaaaaaaaat
[19:03] kaio393: i wanna know
[19:03] azinpryncess: u ALREADY know
[19:04] kaio393: o ok
[19:04] azinpryncess: wat?....u give up?
[19:04] kaio393: sure why not
[19:04] kaio393: Sarku Japan was soooooooooo good
[19:04] azinpryncess: ur @ the mall?
[19:05] kaio393: i was
[19:05] azinpryncess: ive been there....i like it too
[19:05] kaio393: yh
[19:05] azinpryncess: me and Emily eat there all the time
[19:05] kaio393: ok
[19:06] azinpryncess: i like it wen they say yummy yummy sauce
[19:06] azinpryncess: lol
[19:06] kaio393: i didnt hear em say it
[19:06] azinpryncess: oh...they usually ask everyone if thay want it
[19:07] kaio393: i think i said no then
[19:07] *** You have been disconnected. Sun May 06 19:07:22 2007.
[19:09] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sun May 06 19:09:25 2007.
[19:12] azinpryncess: HELLOO?
[19:12] kaio393: WHAT
[19:12] azinpryncess: ur not tlkng
[19:13] kaio393: Duh
[19:13] kaio393: I am typing
[19:13] azinpryncess: no ur not....nt 2 me anyway
[19:14] kaio393: (Link:
[19:14] kaio393: whoops
[19:14] kaio393: eroin
Recreational (VERY STRONG)
30 Minutes
For a much stronger dose than our popular OPIUM, here is Heroin. We get constant reports of feeling a surge of euphoria rush accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, a dry mouth, and heavy extremities. Following this initial euphoria, the user goes on the nod, an alternately wakeful and drowsy state. You will dream while awake, and be awake while you dream. Unlike any dose we have. If you have tried our opium dose, times it by ten and you are close. Just like the real thing, without the instant addiction and horrific side effects, but still strong beyond belief. New users please try Opium. Experts and those wishing to push the limits, we wish you luck. You'll need it.
[19:15] kaio393: So if I say anything retarded
[19:15] kaio393: Pleas
[19:15] kaio393: hang up and try again
[19:15] kaio393: if you need help
[19:15] kaio393: use your imagination
[19:15] azinpryncess: wat the heck r u talking a bout?
[19:16] kaio393: iDoser
[19:16] azinpryncess: its an actual drug?
[19:16] azinpryncess: that u take?
[19:16] kaio393: no
[19:16] kaio393: its just wierd notes
[19:16] kaio393: that make u feel like it
[19:17] azinpryncess: k....
[19:17] azinpryncess: weird but ok
[19:17] kaio393: yeah
[19:17] kaio393: I know
[19:17] kaio393: Alcohol actually makes u drun
[19:17] kaio393: WHOA
[19:17] kaio393: my keys o my keyboard are shifting
[19:17] azinpryncess: will u ever take drugs?
[19:17] kaio393: neva
[19:17] azinpryncess: good
[19:17] azinpryncess: me niether
[19:18] kaio393: i cant
[19:18] kaio393: lift my arms
[19:18] kaio393: its wieeerx
[19:18] azinpryncess: kai its all n ur head
[19:18] kaio393: i kno
[19:18] azinpryncess: i think ur just saying that 2 make me believe u
[19:18] kaio393: no
[19:18] kaio393: i cant
[19:19] kaio393: its wierd
[19:19] azinpryncess: THEN STOP
[19:19] kaio393: nah
[19:19] azinpryncess: YES
[19:19] kaio393: :P
[19:19] azinpryncess: yes
[19:19] kaio393: ok
[19:19] kaio393: got control
[19:19] kaio393: yay
[19:20] azinpryncess: sigh
[19:20] azinpryncess: i feel all alone
[19:20] kaio393: [7:12:50 PM] Kai says: YEAH
[7:12:52 PM] Kai says: get iDoser
[7:12:57 PM] Kai says: then do alcohol
[7:13:01 PM] Kai says: I am about to do it agin
[7:13:11 PM] Simon Green says: SWEET
[7:13:16 PM] Kai says: wish to do voice?
[7:13:29 PM] Simon Green says: perhaps
[7:13:33 PM] Kai says: lol
[7:14:08 PM] Kai says: wait im doing heroin
[7:14:19 PM] Simon Green says: SWEET !!!!!
[7:14:25 PM] Kai says: lo
[7:14:27 PM] Kai says: whooeaml
[7:14:28 PM] Simon Green says: lol
[7:14:28 PM] Kai says: ;f'as
[7:14:49 PM] Kai says: wierded out
[7:14:52 PM] Kai says: so
[7:14:57 PM] Kai says: if i say anthign retarded
[7:14:58 PM] Kai says: please
[7:15:03 PM] Kai says: hang up and try again
[7:15:09 PM] Simon Green says: lol
[7:15:33 PM] Kai says: if you need help
[7:15:38 PM] Kai says: use your imagination
[7:15:52 PM] Kai says: Dude
[7:15:53 PM] Simon Green says: indeedy
[7:15:57 PM] Kai says: my keyboard
[7:15:59 PM] Kai says: is moving
[7:16:02 PM] Kai says: keys
[7:16:14 PM] Simon Green says: lucy in the sky with diamonds
[7:16:15 PM] Kai says: Woa
[7:16:23 PM] Kai says: Lucy int the sky with diamons
[7:16:25 PM] Kai says: no no no
[7:16:38 PM] Kai says: And she was buying the stairwayt o hevasn
[7:17:33 PM] Simon Green says: ZEPPELIN RULE!!!!
[7:17:54 PM] Kai says: dude
[7:17:56 PM] Kai says: my arm
[7:17:57 PM] Kai says: cant
[7:17:59 PM] Kai says: lift
[7:18:15 PM] Kai says: uh
[7:18:24 PM] Kai has changed the chat topic to "kai gettin hi"
[7:18:46 PM] Kai says: when the hell did elvis star living in my closet
[7:18:50 PM] Kai says: oops there he goes
[7:19:00 PM] Simon Green says: hound dog...
[7:19:08 PM] Kai says: no h e left
[7:19:25 PM] Simon Green says: thats great news for the queen of Zimbabwe
[7:19:38 PM] Kai says: who the hells is the?
[7:19:56 PM] Simon Green says: the president of the moon
[7:20:02 PM] Kai says: Oh
[7:20:04 PM] Kai says: should known
[19:21] azinpryncess: wat?!?!?!
[19:21] kaio393: ?
[19:21] azinpryncess: y did u do that?
[19:21] kaio393: do what?
[19:22] kaio393: its like tiosL
[19:22] kaio393: (Link:
[19:22] azinpryncess: wat?
[19:22] kaio393: its like that:
[19:22] kaio393: (Link:
[19:23] azinpryncess: k.. watever
[19:23] azinpryncess: stop getting mentally high
[19:24] kaio393: :P
[19:24] kaio393: lol
[19:24] azinpryncess: sigh....i hate u
[19:24] kaio393: why?>
[19:24] azinpryncess: u confuse me so much
[19:25] azinpryncess: and tallking 2 u brings back memories
[19:25] kaio393: like?
[19:25] azinpryncess: like of wen we went out n stuff...
[19:25] kaio393: yh
[19:25] kaio393: taht tends to happen /:P
[19:26] azinpryncess: thats y i didnt talk 2 u @ church
[19:26] azinpryncess: u dont no how much effect on me u have
[19:28] azinpryncess: HELLO
[19:28] kaio393: hi'
[19:28] azinpryncess: if ur gonna talk 2 attention
[19:28] kaio393: i am
[19:28] azinpryncess: oh really?
[19:28] kaio393: yer
[19:28] azinpryncess: ~sigh~
[19:29] azinpryncess: i hate life
[19:29] azinpryncess: as of this moment
[19:29] kaio393: why?
[19:29] azinpryncess: i just do
[19:30] kaio393: why
[19:30] azinpryncess: idk
[19:30] kaio393: ok
[19:30] azinpryncess: yh
[19:30] kaio393: ok
[19:31] azinpryncess: wat u wanna tlk bout?
[19:31] kaio393: idk
[19:31] azinpryncess: u HAVE to decide
[19:31] kaio393: not really... :P
[19:31] kaio393: get on Orphic :P
[19:31] azinpryncess: i cant
[19:32] kaio393: why
[19:32] azinpryncess: prnt cntrl
[19:32] kaio393: well ask to unblock it
[19:33] azinpryncess: no adults r here to give it to me
[19:33] kaio393: well u need to learn the PW
[19:33] azinpryncess: ive tried 30 diff pswrds
[19:33] kaio393: ok
[19:33] azinpryncess: yh
[19:34] azinpryncess: i dont feel like tlking
[19:35] azinpryncess: sigh...never mind
[19:35] kaio393: oooooooooooooooook
[19:35] azinpryncess: if were gonna talk then lets have a conversation
[19:36] kaio393: well im bout to record another Podcast with thse guys..
[19:36] azinpryncess: thats great(sarcasm)
[19:36] kaio393: ok
[19:36] azinpryncess: OK
[19:37] kaio393: okidoki
[19:37] azinpryncess: LETS TALK ABOOT SOMTHING
[19:38] kaio393: Something is awesme
[19:38] azinpryncess: UGH!!!
[19:39] kaio393: ugh
[19:39] kaio393: :P
[19:39] azinpryncess: y dont we talk over the fone?
[19:39] kaio393: cuz
[19:39] kaio393: I dont like to
[19:39] kaio393: and it costs money
[19:39] azinpryncess: not on ur house fone...
[19:40] kaio393: Our house phone does not exist
[19:40] azinpryncess: Y
[19:40] kaio393: cuz it broke'd
[19:41] azinpryncess: well... its the weekend
[19:41] azinpryncess: lets talk over the fone
[19:41] azinpryncess: its free
[19:42] azinpryncess: im calling u
[19:42] kaio393: im not answering
[19:42] azinpryncess: ANSWER IT
[19:43] azinpryncess: please...
[19:43] kaio393: im good
[19:43] kaio393: i cant hear well right now
[19:43] kaio393: everything sounds wierd
[19:43] azinpryncess: ur gay
[19:43] kaio393: not really
[19:43] azinpryncess: yes u are
[19:44] azinpryncess: y dont u want to talk over the fone?
[19:44] kaio393: no
[19:44] kaio393: not into guys
[19:44] kaio393: anf usually guys who always on the fone are gay
[19:44] azinpryncess: not that gay...
[19:44] kaio393: cuz I dont like too
[19:44] azinpryncess: y?
[19:44] kaio393: cuz
[19:44] kaio393: this
[19:44] kaio393: is
[19:44] azinpryncess: theres a reason
[19:44] kaio393: FREE
[19:44] kaio393: and its harder
[19:45] kaio393: to
[19:45] kaio393: multitask
[19:45] azinpryncess: well i dont wanna talk if were not go nna have a conversation...
[19:45] kaio393: well u start the cnvo
[19:46] azinpryncess: u start
[19:46] kaio393: hello
[19:46] kaio393: :P
[19:46] azinpryncess: hello... im Sarah
[19:46] kaio393: BRB
[19:46] azinpryncess: ugh... hurry
[19:47] kaio393: back
[19:48] azinpryncess: k
[19:49] kaio393: im Kai :p
[19:49] azinpryncess: nice t meet u
[19:49] kaio393: lol
[19:50] azinpryncess: wat funny?
[19:50] kaio393: WiredConsole
[19:50] azinpryncess: goodbye
[19:50] kaio393: /?
[19:50] azinpryncess: then talk to me.....normally
[19:51] kaio393: Normal?
[19:51] azinpryncess: yh
[19:51] kaio393: I never normal
[19:51] azinpryncess: just tlk to me normal
[19:51] kaio393: ok
[19:51] azinpryncess: k
[19:52] azinpryncess: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[19:52] azinpryncess: TALK!
[19:53] kaio393: :p
[19:57] azinpryncess: im tired
[19:57] kaio393: why?
[19:58] azinpryncess: idunno...its weird
[19:58] kaio393: ok
[19:58] azinpryncess: for someone who said a cuple of days ago that they didnt care...u seem like u care
[19:59] kaio393: :P
[19:59] azinpryncess: well.....
[19:59] kaio393: wat?
[20:00] azinpryncess: forget it
[20:00] azinpryncess: i hate im u
[20:00] azinpryncess: i like it bttr over the fone
[20:00] kaio393: ok
[20:00] kaio393: well i never talk on the phone anymore
[20:00] azinpryncess: really?
[20:00] kaio393: yea
[20:01] kaio393: only whn i have to
[20:01] azinpryncess: k
[20:01] azinpryncess: i dont no wat 2 say
[20:02] kaio393: ok
[20:02] kaio393: get skype :P
[20:02] azinpryncess: wats that?
[20:02] kaio393: like phone
[20:04] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sun May 06 20:04:08 2007.
[20:04] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sun May 06 20:04:41 2007.
[20:05] azinpryncess: oh
[20:05] kaio393: :p
[20:05] azinpryncess: how does it wrj
[20:05] azinpryncess: work
[20:05] kaio393: u have to have a mic
[20:05] azinpryncess: i dont have one
[20:05] kaio393: doi
[20:06] azinpryncess: yh
[20:06] azinpryncess: im not a tech nology freak like u are
[20:06] kaio393: :P
[20:06] kaio393: everyone has mics these days
[20:06] azinpryncess: name them
[20:07] azinpryncess: my frendz dont
[20:07] kaio393: Chris>>> total non-geek
[20:07] azinpryncess: k watever
[20:07] kaio393: oki
[20:08] azinpryncess: okidoki artichokie
[20:08] azinpryncess: lol
[20:08] kaio393: ok...
[20:08] azinpryncess: ok....
[20:09] kaio393: :P
[20:10] azinpryncess: lets talk about the apoclypse/end of the world
[20:10] kaio393: ok
[20:10] kaio393: looks kewl
[20:10] azinpryncess: looks?
[20:11] azinpryncess: noone nos wat it looks like
[20:11] kaio393: well
[20:11] kaio393: sounds kewl
[20:11] azinpryncess: yh
[20:11] azinpryncess: i dont want to be here to c it
[20:11] kaio393: i do
[20:11] azinpryncess: y?
[20:11] kaio393: kuz i wont be able to feel anything
[20:12] azinpryncess: itll b depressing
[20:12] kaio393: just watch
[20:12] kaio393: not for
[20:12] kaio393: me
[20:12] azinpryncess: th u will
[20:12] kaio393: ok
[20:12] azinpryncess: yeah u will
[20:12] kaio393: ok
[20:12] kaio393: not the bad
[20:12] azinpryncess: its the END OF THE WORLD kai
[20:12] kaio393: doi
[20:13] kaio393: we know bout the beginning
[20:13] kaio393: Why not see the end?
[20:13] azinpryncess: so its GONNA b depressing
[20:13] azinpryncess: cause
[20:13] kaio393: ?
[20:14] azinpryncess: i just dont thnk i wanna c not really sure
[20:14] kaio393: y?
[20:14] azinpryncess: im afraid ill b left bhind
[20:14] kaio393: :P
[20:15] azinpryncess: u know...not go with everyone else wen god ratures his ppl
[20:15] kaio393: yh
[20:15] azinpryncess: thats why
[20:15] azinpryncess: u feel the same way?
[20:16] kaio393: idk
[20:16] kaio393: not rlly
[20:16] azinpryncess: well u just said yh that means u agree or feel the same way
[20:17] azinpryncess: u thnk ull be in the rapture?
[20:17] kaio393: no
[20:17] kaio393: but i want to
[20:21] azinpryncess: ill b right back im eating dinner
[20:21] kaio393: k
[20:26] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sun May 06 20:26:26 2007.
[20:43] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sun May 06 20:43:21 2007.
[20:43] azinpryncess: im back
[20:44] kaio393: ok
[20:44] azinpryncess: i wanna go with everyone alse n the rapture to
[20:44] azinpryncess: im dont no if ill qualify
[20:45] kaio393: lol
[20:45] azinpryncess: emily and ethan r back from their moms....ugh!!
[20:45] azinpryncess: wats funny?
[20:45] kaio393: i dont
[20:45] kaio393: kno
[20:46] azinpryncess: emily and ethan r back from their moms...ugh!!
[20:46] kaio393: haha
[20:46] azinpryncess: wat?
[20:46] kaio393: ugh= fun
[20:46] kaio393: y
[20:46] azinpryncess: y did u say that?
[20:47] azinpryncess: ugh=not fun
[20:47] azinpryncess: Emily and i r not getting along
[20:47] kaio393: lol
[20:48] azinpryncess: shes being a COMPLETE BRAT
[20:48] kaio393: alright brb
[20:48] azinpryncess: hurry....
[20:49] azinpryncess: hurry...
[20:49] kaio393: bak
[20:49] azinpryncess: kool
[20:50] azinpryncess: wat u wanna talk about NOW?
[20:50] kaio393: idk
[20:50] kaio393: do u always have to talk abotu something
[20:51] azinpryncess: well if i dont name somthing then u judt talk about nothing
[20:51] azinpryncess: only with u i do
[20:51] kaio393: :P
[20:51] kaio393: Nothing= uber
[20:51] azinpryncess: uber?
[20:51] kaio393: super
[20:51] kaio393: uber is german
[20:52] azinpryncess: im part german.....y didnt i get that?
[20:52] kaio393: idk
[20:53] azinpryncess: k....
[20:53] kaio393: holy crap
[20:53] azinpryncess: wat?
[20:53] kaio393: my podcast has full popularity on iTunes
[20:53] azinpryncess: kool
[20:53] kaio393: yh
[20:53] azinpryncess: i want to visit Japan
[20:54] kaio393: yh looks kew
[20:54] azinpryncess: i wanna see their geishas
[20:54] kaio393: :p
[20:54] azinpryncess: u no wat theose r right?
[20:54] kaio393: yea\
[20:54] kaio393: Women :p
[20:54] azinpryncess: no...
[20:55] kaio393: Geisha are professional female entertainers who perform traditional Japanese arts at banquets.
[20:55] kaio393: Girls who wish to become a geisha, have to go through a rigid apprenticeship during which they learn various traditional arts such as playing instruments, singing, dancing, but also conversation and other social skills. In Kyoto, geisha apprentices are called "maiko".
[20:55] kaio393: Geisha are dressed in a kimono, and their faces are made up very pale. As a common tourist, you may be able to spot a maiko in some districts of Kyoto, such as Gion and Pontocho or in Kanazawa's Higashi Geisha District.
[20:56] azinpryncess: there women..yes...but along time ago they were like todays protitutes...but they were forced to do it but nowadays they have a choice to or not to have intercource
[20:56] kaio393: thats what i just said
[20:56] azinpryncess: iv studied them....they facinate me
[20:56] kaio393: in longer context
[20:57] kaio393: so u wish to look at prostitues?
[20:57] azinpryncess:
[20:57] azinpryncess: i think there way of life is intresting
[20:57] kaio393: ok
[20:57] azinpryncess: have u seen the movie..Memoirs OF A Geisha?
[20:58] kaio393: no
[20:58] azinpryncess: i was sooooo kool
[20:58] kaio393: ok
[20:58] azinpryncess: yh
[20:58] azinpryncess: ill be back n 25 min
[20:58] azinpryncess: k?
[20:58] kaio393: gaw
[20:58] azinpryncess: gaw?
[20:59] kaio393: GAW
[20:59] kaio393: like goooooooooooooooooo
[20:59] kaio393: gaaaaaaaaaaaw
[20:59] azinpryncess: u want me to go?
[21:00] azinpryncess: ?
[21:00] azinpryncess: oh b back in 15 min.
[21:00] kaio393: :p
[21:02] azinpryncess: back
[21:02] azinpryncess: did u WANT me 2 go?
[21:03] kaio393: no
[21:03] azinpryncess: oh...u wanted me to stay?
[21:04] kaio393: idk
[21:04] azinpryncess: yes u do
[21:05] azinpryncess: ello
[21:06] kaio393: hi
[21:07] kaio393: im workin on Orphic
[21:11] azinpryncess: did u want me to stay.. yes or no
[21:11] kaio393: sure
[21:12] azinpryncess: thats al i wanted...
[21:12] azinpryncess: did u hear anything from kelly?
[21:13] kaio393: nope
[21:13] kaio393: i wont till monday
[21:14] azinpryncess: wat will u do if she doesnt like/love u?
[21:14] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sun May 06 21:14:23 2007.
[21:14] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sun May 06 21:14:51 2007.
[21:15] kaio393: I no she doesnt
[21:15] kaio393: for some reason
[21:15] azinpryncess: thought u said u didnt no...
[21:15] kaio393: i dont
[21:15] kaio393: but I have afelling
[21:15] kaio393: feelin8
[21:16] azinpryncess: yh....wat if she does?
[21:16] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sun May 06 21:16:25 2007.
[21:17] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sun May 06 21:17:22 2007.
[21:17] azinpryncess: hello?
[21:18] kaio393: hi
[21:20] azinpryncess: wat will u do if she does?
[21:21] kaio393: That will make things interesting
[21:21] azinpryncess: wat will u do?
[21:21] kaio393: I dont know
[21:21] azinpryncess: u need to plan these things ahead
[21:22] kaio393: nah
[21:22] kaio393: I do better on my feet
[21:22] kaio393: Winging it is more fu
[21:22] kaio393: n
[21:22] azinpryncess: i agree
[21:22] kaio393: ye\
[21:22] azinpryncess: ur actually being nice to me
[21:22] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sun May 06 21:22:53 2007.
[21:24] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sun May 06 21:24:13 2007.
[21:24] azinpryncess: tlk
[21:24] kaio393: idk
[21:24] kaio393: I am always nice
[21:24] kaio393: It just seems different to other ppl
[21:25] azinpryncess: yh right
[21:25] azinpryncess: u really like kelly?
[21:25] azinpryncess: i mean kai
[21:27] kaio393: yeah
[21:27] azinpryncess: k
[21:27] azinpryncess: anyway.....
[21:28] azinpryncess: y do u like her?
[21:29] kaio393: Cuz
[21:29] azinpryncess: cuz y?
[21:30] kaio393: its just a feelin
[21:30] azinpryncess: k....if u say so
[21:30] azinpryncess: wat r u doing?
[21:31] kaio393: Codin
[21:31] azinpryncess: have u seen the movie My Bestfriends Wedding?
[21:31] kaio393: no
[21:34] azinpryncess: nevermind then
[21:34] kaio393: ok
[21:34] azinpryncess: so..
[21:34] kaio393: what?
[21:35] azinpryncess: just moving the covo along
[21:36] kaio393: :P
[21:36] kaio393: u need 2 sign up on Orphic
[21:36] azinpryncess: wats the farthest uve gone with a hugging n stuff
[21:37] kaio393: *thinks*
[21:37] kaio393: can u order them?
[21:37] kaio393: Like
[21:37] kaio393: !)hug
[21:37] kaio393: 2) kiss
[21:37] kaio393: 3)hold hands
[21:37] kaio393: :P
[21:37] azinpryncess: yh stuff like that
[21:37] kaio393: can u order them
[21:38] azinpryncess: wats the most uve done?
[21:38] kaio393: what u mean?
[21:40] azinpryncess: like the farthest ive gone is hugging and almost kissing
[21:40] kaio393: :P
[21:40] azinpryncess: wats the farthest uve gone?
[21:40] kaio393: kiss
[21:40] azinpryncess: u said u hadnt kissed any one yet
[21:41] kaio393: i did
[21:41] kaio393: like in sixth grad
[21:41] kaio393: but it wasnt much
[21:41] azinpryncess: im not just saying this...
[21:41] kaio393: ?
[21:42] azinpryncess: i didnt want to tell u bcause i just didnt but i have kissed somoene
[21:42] kaio393: :P
[21:42] kaio393: ok
[21:42] azinpryncess: it was just a peck on the chhek though
[21:42] kaio393: ok
[21:42] azinpryncess: i didnt like it
[21:43] kaio393: ok
[21:43] azinpryncess: its wat i would call a little kid kiss
[21:43] kaio393: ok
[21:44] azinpryncess: u say ok alot
[21:44] kaio393: ok
[21:44] kaio393: :P
[21:44] azinpryncess: sigh
[21:44] azinpryncess: wanna txt?
[21:45] kaio393: no
[21:45] azinpryncess: ogh...fine
[21:45] azinpryncess: ugh
[21:45] azinpryncess: idont no wat 2 say
[21:45] kaio393: sign up for Orphic
[21:45] azinpryncess: will u b on aim 2marrow?
[21:45] kaio393: yh
[21:46] azinpryncess: me too
[21:46] azinpryncess: y do u want me to sighn ip?
[21:46] azinpryncess: up?
[21:46] kaio393: So we can have more gurls :P
[21:47] kaio393: and itll be more fun
[21:47] azinpryncess: why do u want more girls?
[21:47] azinpryncess: how is it more fun?
[21:47] azinpryncess: i wont go out with any of them
[21:47] kaio393: lol
[21:47] kaio393: cuz gurls are more fun
[21:48] azinpryncess: how?...i thnk guys r more fun
[21:48] kaio393: well then join :P
[21:48] azinpryncess: y r girls more fun?
[21:48] kaio393: idk
[21:49] kaio393: cuz
[21:49] azinpryncess: yh u do
[21:49] kaio393: wat?
[21:49] kaio393: Do i what?
[21:49] azinpryncess: thnk girls r more fun?
[21:50] kaio393: idk
[21:50] kaio393: They just are
[21:50] azinpryncess: fine...can u sighn me up 4 me?
[21:50] kaio393: sure
[21:50] azinpryncess: relly?
[21:50] kaio393: what do u want ure username to be
[21:50] kaio393: Ill make ure Password 123456
[21:50] kaio393: and then u can change it
[21:51] azinpryncess: u tell me
[21:51] kaio393: azinpryncess?
[21:51] azinpryncess: y
[21:51] kaio393: or it could just be Sarah
[21:51] kaio393: :p
[21:51] azinpryncess: i dont like the name sarah
[21:51] kaio393: lol
[21:51] kaio393: azinpryncess it is
[21:51] azinpryncess: wat funny?
[21:52] kaio393: idk
[21:52] azinpryncess: i guess ainpryncess
[21:52] kaio393: arigh
[21:52] azinpryncess: azinpryncess
[21:52] azinpryncess: thanx
[21:53] kaio393: okay
[21:53] kaio393: ure username is azinpryncess
[21:53] kaio393: and ure pass is12345
[21:53] kaio393: 123456*
[21:53] kaio393: ill tell u how to change ure PW
[21:54] azinpryncess: i cant go 2 the website right now ill try 2 get on it 2marroe
[21:54] kaio393: ok
[21:54] azinpryncess: y r u typing like yhat?
[21:54] kaio393: wat?
[21:55] azinpryncess: its grey around the font
[21:55] kaio393: cuz its the OI colours
[21:55] azinpryncess: oi colrs
[21:56] kaio393: yh
[21:56] azinpryncess: k
[21:56] azinpryncess: im bored
[21:57] azinpryncess: how many girls r sighned up 4 orphic so far?
[21:57] kaio393: like three or four
[21:57] azinpryncess: lol
[21:57] azinpryncess: figures...
[21:58] kaio393: :P
[21:58] kaio393: estimate
[21:58] azinpryncess: lol
[21:58] azinpryncess: ur funny
[21:58] kaio393: ?
[21:58] azinpryncess: u are funny
[21:58] kaio393: y?
[21:59] azinpryncess: u just are
[21:59] kaio393: ok
[21:59] azinpryncess: yh
[21:59] kaio393: the new Linkin Park song is uber
[21:59] azinpryncess: havnt heard it
[22:00] azinpryncess: y did u ignore me n chuch?
[22:00] kaio393: i didnt
[22:00] kaio393: i meant he album btw
[22:00] kaio393: thats because its not out :P
[22:00] azinpryncess: like on our way there
[22:01] azinpryncess: to the adult chuch
[22:01] azinpryncess: i wasnt with u and u didnt notice
[22:01] kaio393: ?
[22:01] azinpryncess: nvr mind
[22:02] kaio393: ok
[22:02] azinpryncess: k
[22:02] azinpryncess: }}}}}}}}}}}
[22:02] azinpryncess: looks kool
[22:03] azinpryncess: like a skelatin of a fish or somthng
[22:03] kaio393: i posted this on Psp hacking 101:
[22:03] kaio393: vlol.
*news tomorow:
Well Sony Computer Entertainment is being filed uner a lawsuit for allegedly contributing to the 'Green house Effect' with their Play Station Porna-uh I mean Portable system. Now to Cecilia Sinclair with the weather...*
don't you notice they always emphasize the word Sex on the news? Freaking hilarious....
[22:04] azinpryncess: wat with guys and sex?
[22:04] azinpryncess: not that big of a deal
[22:04] kaio393: nothing
[22:04] azinpryncess: right
[22:04] kaio393: opk
[22:04] azinpryncess: opk?
[22:05] kaio393: u know opk
[22:05] kaio393: like ok
[22:05] kaio393: but awesomer
[22:05] azinpryncess: o
[22:05] kaio393: doi
[22:06] azinpryncess: its weird tlkng 2 u cause i cant hear ur voice
[22:06] kaio393: ok
[22:06] azinpryncess: yh
[22:06] kaio393: (Link:
[22:06] kaio393: ^^
[22:06] kaio393: funy
[22:07] azinpryncess: my mind is like.....blank
[22:07] kaio393: ok
[22:07] kaio393: go to school;
[22:08] azinpryncess: why would i go there?
[22:08] azinpryncess: its a good kinda blank
[22:08] kaio393: ?
[22:08] kaio393: (Link:
[22:08] kaio393: (Link:
[22:08] kaio393: (Link:
[22:08] azinpryncess: im not worrying bout ny thying?
[22:09] azinpryncess: im getting permission...
[22:09] kaio393: forget it
[22:09] kaio393: just get permisson to Orphic
[22:09] azinpryncess: srry...its not my fault
[22:09] kaio393: :P
[22:09] kaio393: pleeeeeeeeease
[22:09] azinpryncess: im getting that too
[22:10] azinpryncess: y do u want me on there so bad?
[22:10] kaio393: Cuz i need more ppl to post
[22:10] azinpryncess: uh huh
[22:10] azinpryncess: be right back
[22:11] kaio393: k
[22:13] azinpryncess: what woood you do if back
[22:13] kaio393: ?
[22:13] azinpryncess: srry...dunno wat hppned
[22:13] kaio393: ok
[22:14] azinpryncess: *sigh*
[22:14] azinpryncess: wat ud oing?
[22:14] kaio393: posting on orphic
[22:14] azinpryncess: doing?
[22:15] azinpryncess: u should take a break once n a while
[22:15] kaio393: i did
[22:15] azinpryncess: dsnt sound lke it...
[22:15] kaio393: yh
[22:15] azinpryncess: k..
[22:15] kaio393: i was Psp ahcking 101
[22:16] kaio393: and before that he;ping someone code soemthing
[22:16] kaio393: that helping
[22:16] azinpryncess: wen do u usually go 2 sleep?
[22:16] kaio393: 0000 or 2300
[22:17] azinpryncess: speak english...wat NORMAL time?
[22:17] kaio393: midnight
[22:17] kaio393: or 11
[22:17] azinpryncess: thnk u
[22:18] azinpryncess: i go 2 bed wen i loose all my energy
[22:18] azinpryncess: or get dizzy cause im so tired
[22:19] kaio393: same diff
[22:19] kaio393: actually they have an iDoser for sleep
[22:19] kaio393: and it worked last night
[22:19] kaio393: either that or I was tired
[22:20] azinpryncess: copy n paste it so i can c it...
[22:20] kaio393: wat?
[22:20] azinpryncess: nevermind
[22:21] kaio393: ok
[22:21] azinpryncess: do u think thnk that u can have ny girl u want?
[22:21] kaio393: how do u like Orphic?
[22:21] kaio393: oops
[22:21] kaio393: wrong convo :P
[22:21] azinpryncess: lol
[22:21] kaio393: no not really
[22:22] azinpryncess: k.....just wondering...long,long,long story
[22:22] kaio393: ok
[22:22] azinpryncess: i like strawberyy cheesecke
[22:22] kaio393: ok
[22:23] azinpryncess: random..i know,but i do
[22:23] kaio393: ok
[22:23] azinpryncess: yh
[22:23] azinpryncess: my lips r soooo chapped
[22:23] kaio393: ok
[22:24] azinpryncess: im gonna steal my sisters chapstic now.....
[22:24] kaio393: ew
[22:24] azinpryncess: she has like 50 bajillion
[22:24] kaio393: k
[22:24] azinpryncess: she only uses 1 or 2 of them
[22:25] azinpryncess: im gonna get one shee hasnt used yet
[22:25] azinpryncess: hol on...
[22:25] kaio393: k
[22:25] azinpryncess: ahhhh.thats bttr
[22:26] azinpryncess: mmmm..cherry
[22:26] azinpryncess: lol
[22:26] azinpryncess: it has sleeping beuty on it...
[22:26] kaio393: ok
[22:26] azinpryncess: yh
[22:26] azinpryncess: hey...i was desprate
[22:27] kaio393: ok
[22:27] azinpryncess: well i was
[22:27] kaio393: ok
[22:28] azinpryncess: wow...i weird feeling just came over me
[22:28] kaio393: ok
[22:28] azinpryncess: stop saying ok
[22:29] kaio393: ok :P
[22:29] azinpryncess: do u usually talk 2 ur ex's?
[22:29] kaio393: some
[22:30] azinpryncess: i usually dont 4 some reason....
[22:30] kaio393: ok
[22:30] kaio393: y?
[22:30] azinpryncess: idk...
[22:30] azinpryncess: i dont want to i guess
[22:30] kaio393: ok
[22:31] azinpryncess: right now i only tllk to 2 of my ex's
[22:31] kaio393: ok
[22:31] kaio393: man i <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 the new linkin park almbum
[22:31] azinpryncess: kool
[22:32] kaio393: tis awesomeou
[22:32] kaio393: s
[22:32] azinpryncess: b r b
[22:33] kaio393: k
[22:35] azinpryncess: back
[22:35] kaio393: ok
[22:36] azinpryncess: r u tired?
[22:36] kaio393: no
[22:36] azinpryncess: k
[22:37] azinpryncess: i feel like going to galveston
[22:37] kaio393: ok
[22:37] kaio393: go
[22:38] azinpryncess: its 10 37....i have NO money, no way of getting there and my parents r downstairs watchng tv
[22:38] azinpryncess: i cnt
[22:38] kaio393: walk
[22:39] azinpryncess: and get raped... i dont its a LONG way 2 walk
[22:39] kaio393: lol
[22:39] azinpryncess: and i have noone 2 go with
[22:39] kaio393: u really think ull gt raped?
[22:39] azinpryncess: possibly...why?
[22:40] kaio393: u wont :P
[22:40] kaio393: well
[22:40] azinpryncess: its on the news all the time
[22:40] kaio393: highly unlikely
[22:40] kaio393: still hi unlikely
[22:40] azinpryncess: why wouldnt i?
[22:41] kaio393: u have 10% chance of geting raped
[22:41] azinpryncess: why do u say that?
[22:41] kaio393: cuz i read i
[22:42] azinpryncess: wen it comes to getting raped...i dont trust sttistics
[22:42] kaio393: ok
[22:43] azinpryncess: and...i have noone to go with...and i dont no how to get there and its a school night
[22:43] kaio393: s o:p
[22:43] azinpryncess: im not going by myself
[22:43] azinpryncess: if i were to go
[22:44] kaio393: :P
[22:44] kaio393: opk
[22:44] azinpryncess: wat?
[22:44] kaio393: opk
[22:44] azinpryncess: i kno that...
[22:44] kaio393: [22:04] kaio393: opk
[22:04] azinpryncess: opk?
[22:05] kaio393: u know opk
[22:05] kaio393: like ok
[22:05] kaio393: but awesomer
[22:05] azinpryncess: o
[22:05] kaio393: doi
[22:45] azinpryncess: now i feel like flyng an airplane to new york
[22:45] kaio393: have fun
[22:45] azinpryncess: do u rreally thnk i could go?
[22:46] azinpryncess: its just a thought
[22:46] kaio393: sure
[22:46] azinpryncess: it is....
[22:46] kaio393: ok
[22:47] azinpryncess: i want to take me and some other person and run away for 3 days and take a plane to new york
[22:47] azinpryncess: this summer
[22:48] azinpryncess: it sounds fun
[22:48] kaio393: ok
[22:48] azinpryncess: PLEASE stop saying ok
[22:49] azinpryncess: brb
[22:50] kaio393: k
[22:51] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Sun May 06 22:51:10 2007.
[22:51] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Sun May 06 22:51:55 2007.
[22:52] azinpryncess: back
[22:52] kaio393: k
[22:52] azinpryncess: i wanna get n my bed.... can we please just txt?
[22:53] kaio393: no
[22:53] kaio393: get AIM on ure phone
[22:53] azinpryncess: *sigh* fine
[22:53] azinpryncess: how do i get aim on my fone...does it cost?
[22:53] kaio393: idk
[22:54] azinpryncess: k
[22:54] azinpryncess: where do u wanna live wen u move out?
[22:54] kaio393: SoCal
[22:54] azinpryncess: why there?
[22:55] kaio393: Cuz Cali is awesome
[22:55] azinpryncess: i wanna live n florida or somother place
[22:55] kaio393: ok
[22:56] azinpryncess: if i get caught on my computer i will be n SOOOOOOOOO much trouble
[22:56] kaio393: lol
[22:57] azinpryncess: rich will NEVER trust me again
[22:57] kaio393: lol
[22:57] azinpryncess: but too bad
[22:57] kaio393: just get AIm on ure pone
[22:57] azinpryncess: i cant unless its free cause my fone bill i already too much
[22:58] kaio393: lol
[22:58] kaio393: well u wont be texting me so subtract like 500 texts :P
[22:58] azinpryncess: lol
[22:59] azinpryncess: so if i needed 2 tel u smthng but a comp wasnt close u wouldnt even look@ it?
[23:00] kaio393: idk
[23:00] kaio393: maybe
[23:00] azinpryncess: did u really get new glasses?
[23:01] kaio393: yea
[23:01] azinpryncess: they look the same 2 me
[23:02] azinpryncess: i have no idea wat 2 wear 2 skool 2 marrow
[23:03] kaio393: ok
[23:03] azinpryncess: wait..yes i do...
[23:05] azinpryncess: stop giving me one-wrd answers
[23:05] kaio393: too bad
[23:05] azinpryncess: Y
[23:05] azinpryncess: why?
[23:05] kaio393: cuz i dont feel lik i
[23:05] azinpryncess: rudie
[23:06] azinpryncess: r u tired or somthng?
[23:07] kaio393: no
[23:07] azinpryncess: okay the
[23:07] azinpryncess: lets talk about.......
[23:07] kaio393: igtg
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sun May 06 23:08:03 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Sun May 06 23:08:06 2007
[23:08] azinpryncess: igtg?
[23:08] kaio393: I gtg
[23:08] azinpryncess: got to go?
[23:08] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: i am sleeeeping... Snore. Go to orphic or IM me, if you are absolutly dying.
[23:08] kaio393: yer
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sun May 06 23:08:28 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Sun May 06 23:08:37 2007
[23:08] azinpryncess: y?
[23:08] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: i am sleeeeping... Snore. Go to orphic or IM me, if you are absolutly dying.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sun May 06 23:08:40 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Sun May 06 23:09:07 2007
[23:09] azinpryncess: alright...well il talk to u tomarrow......good night
[23:09] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: i am sleeeeping... Snore. Go to orphic or IM me, if you are absolutly dying.
[23:09] kaio393: cyz
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sun May 06 23:09:15 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Sun May 06 23:09:26 2007
[23:09] azinpryncess: good night kai...bye
[23:09] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: i am sleeeeping... Snore. Go to orphic or IM me, if you are absolutly dying.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Sun May 06 23:09:28 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Mon May 07 16:14:09 2007
[16:14] kaio393: whaddup
[16:14] azinpryncess: nothing
[16:14] kaio393: no cieling ?
[16:14] kaio393: OMG
[16:14] kaio393: :p
[16:14] azinpryncess: just got back from school
[16:14] kaio393: ok
[16:14] azinpryncess: i do have a ceilng though...
[16:15] kaio393: good
[16:15] azinpryncess: yh
[16:15] azinpryncess: it is good
[16:15] kaio393: yeah
[16:15] kaio393: so u get on orphic yet?
[16:20] azinpryncess: no....hold on.... let me ask 4 permission...*sigh*...
[16:20] kaio393: k
[16:22] azinpryncess: rich wants u 2 describe the site to me to tell wat du u du there n stuff
[16:22] kaio393: Graphics, movies, coding, gaming
[16:23] kaio393: podcasts and music too
[16:23] azinpryncess: a place where u can talk to ppl?
[16:23] kaio393: Yeah basically
[16:23] kaio393: but its moderated
[16:23] azinpryncess: moderated?
[16:23] azinpryncess: wat does that mean?
[16:23] kaio393: Like
[16:24] kaio393: they make sure people stay in line and stuff
[16:24] kaio393: make sure they follow the rules
[16:24] azinpryncess: k.. hold on..
[16:24] kaio393: kk
[16:31] azinpryncess: he said no but hell aslk my mom later
[16:31] azinpryncess: cause its no "protected"
[16:31] azinpryncess: not
[16:31] kaio393: i just said it was protected :P
[16:32] azinpryncess: he said he went there and it wasnt
[16:33] azinpryncess: i dunno
[16:33] kaio393: :P
[16:33] kaio393: to
[16:33] azinpryncess: wats the difference?
[16:34] kaio393: :P
[16:34] kaio393: big differenc
[16:34] kaio393: e+
[16:35] azinpryncess: oh wat did Kelly say?
[16:35] kaio393: nothin
[16:35] azinpryncess: she didnt say ANYTHING?
[16:36] kaio393: nope
[16:36] azinpryncess: did she even look@u?
[16:36] azinpryncess: tlk 2 u ?
[16:36] kaio393: DUH
[16:36] kaio393: we always talk
[16:36] kaio393: well she acted like she liked me
[16:37] azinpryncess: hows that?
[16:37] kaio393: just a feeling
[16:37] azinpryncess: a feeling?
[16:37] azinpryncess: thats not the same as u thinking she acted like she likes u...
[16:37] kaio393: yeh it is
[16:38] kaio393: I felt she likes me
[16:38] azinpryncess: k...watever.....
[16:38] azinpryncess: she n 8th frade?
[16:38] azinpryncess: grade?
[16:38] kaio393: yea
[16:39] azinpryncess: hmph
[16:39] azinpryncess: anyway.....
[16:39] kaio393: ?
[16:39] azinpryncess: moving convo along
[16:39] kaio393: :[
[16:39] azinpryncess: wat wrong?
[16:40] kaio393: idk
[16:40] kaio393: trying to make a site for my entire generatioon
[16:40] kaio393: well
[16:40] kaio393: class of '11 i mean
[16:40] azinpryncess: yh
[16:41] azinpryncess: some generation...
[16:41] kaio393: :P
[16:41] azinpryncess: do u like Ramen noodles?
[16:41] kaio393: sure
[16:42] azinpryncess: i LOVEthem
[16:42] kaio393: ok
[16:42] azinpryncess: im about to make some...ckicken favor
[16:42] azinpryncess: flavr
[16:42] kaio393: :p
[16:42] kaio393: shrimp = awespme
[16:42] azinpryncess: yh...i forgot about the shrimp kind...
[16:43] azinpryncess: there goo 2
[16:43] azinpryncess: good
[16:43] kaio393: y
[16:43] kaio393: h
[16:43] azinpryncess: h?
[16:43] azinpryncess: u mean yh..
[16:43] kaio393: yea
[16:43] kaio393: no
[16:43] kaio393: i mean
[16:43] kaio393: y
[16:43] kaio393: h
[16:43] azinpryncess: lol...k
[16:44] kaio393: :P
[16:45] azinpryncess: chiken noodle soup,chicken noodle soup with a coke on the siiiide
[16:45] azinpryncess: ill b right back...okie dokie artichokie?
[16:45] kaio393: so gaaay
[16:45] kaio393: ok
[16:45] azinpryncess: i know..
[16:46] azinpryncess: but i like that song
[16:46] kaio393: stil gay
[16:46] azinpryncess: any way...b right back
[16:46] kaio393: k
[16:51] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Mon May 07 16:51:18 2007.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Mon May 07 16:59:23 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Mon May 07 17:31:03 2007
[17:31] azinpryncess: hey
[17:31] azinpryncess: i back
[17:31] kaio393: ok
[17:31] azinpryncess: srry it took so lomg
[17:31] kaio393: ok
[17:31] azinpryncess: *sigh* i calm
[17:32] kaio393: ok
[17:33] azinpryncess: yh
[17:33] azinpryncess: i cant believe tha kelly didnt say anything...
[17:33] kaio393: idc
[17:33] azinpryncess: thats so wiers
[17:33] azinpryncess: weird
[17:33] kaio393: idc
[17:34] azinpryncess: still...
[17:35] azinpryncess: I love Roxy(my dog)
[17:35] azinpryncess: shes so warm
[17:35] kaio393: okay
[17:35] azinpryncess: and fluffy
[17:36] azinpryncess: and soft
[17:37] azinpryncess: yh...any way
[17:37] azinpryncess: i guess ill talk 2 u later then
[17:37] kaio393: y?
[17:38] azinpryncess: cause were not really talking all u say is ok,k,or :por yh
[17:38] kaio393: well wat u want me to say :P
[17:38] azinpryncess: nything other than onw-wrded answers
[17:39] kaio393: wat do i say to and fluffy?
[17:39] azinpryncess: lol
[17:40] azinpryncess: Idunno
[17:40] azinpryncess: wat u doing?
[17:40] azinpryncess: not like itll b anything
[17:40] azinpryncess: jk
[17:40] kaio393: not really
[17:40] kaio393: postin on Orphic
[17:41] kaio393: talking to Keenan
[17:41] kaio393: watching my newest movie
[17:41] azinpryncess: can u send it 2 me
[17:41] kaio393: here:
[17:41] kaio393: (Link:
[17:42] azinpryncess: i just asked for permission
[17:42] kaio393: ok
[17:42] azinpryncess: yh
[17:42] kaio393: koool
[17:42] azinpryncess: so anyway
[17:43] kaio393: ?
[17:43] kaio393: watch the vid
[17:44] kaio393: i mixed the third song
[17:44] azinpryncess: i cant...i have to wait till i have permission
[17:44] kaio393: its a remix of a Linkin park song
[17:44] kaio393: o ok
[17:45] azinpryncess: withch will be awhile
[17:45] kaio393: lol
[17:45] kaio393: ok
[17:45] azinpryncess: i dont no wat 2 tlk about...
[17:46] kaio393: my vid once u watch it :P
[17:46] azinpryncess: itll b awhile....
[17:46] kaio393: :P
[17:46] kaio393: y?
[17:47] azinpryncess: wat u wanna tlk bout till then?
[17:47] kaio393: y?
[17:48] azinpryncess: cause it just does...
[17:48] kaio393: why?
[17:48] kaio393: there must be a reason
[17:49] azinpryncess: they just take a long time (my parents)
[17:49] kaio393: ok
[17:50] azinpryncess: yh
[17:51] azinpryncess: lets tlk about somthng or thi will go nowhere
[17:51] kaio393: so
[17:51] kaio393: where do u wnat to go :P
[17:51] azinpryncess: i mean
[17:51] kaio393: no i dont
[17:51] kaio393: u always have to pick a certain topic
[17:51] azinpryncess:
[17:51] kaio393: look at these convos:P
[17:52] kaio393: [17:23] nick lloyd: yay its faster
[17:24] Kai: ?
[17:24] nick lloyd: i now have 7gigs
[17:24] Kai: kewl
[17:25] nick lloyd: and it turns out i already have photoshop but its on one of my step dads disks
[17:25] Kai: we can make whatever you want for you
[17:25] nick lloyd: like?
[17:25] Kai: a sig
[17:26] nick lloyd: well i have photo shop i jus want to learn how to do it all
[17:26] Kai: try two yeats of work
[17:27] nick lloyd: yeats?
[17:27] Kai: year
[17:27] nick lloyd: no
[17:27] Kai: :P
[17:28] Kai: just request it
[17:28] Kai: its easier
[17:32] nick lloyd: request wat
[17:32] Kai: the sig u want
[17:33] nick lloyd: ohh yea i almost forgot
[17:33] Kai: lol
[17:35] nick lloyd: Board or Website URLwat i do
[17:35] Kai: none
[17:35] nick lloyd: k
[17:35] Kai: oh yeah I made a site for our entire grade
[17:35] Kai: its still in th works
[17:36] Kai: (Link:
[17:36] nick lloyd: ohhh, kewl, wait is this okay can i get a barret sig from any body
[17:36] Kai: sure
[17:37] nick lloyd: gtg wait
[17:37] Kai: k
[17:42] nick lloyd: im back sighnen up for da site
[17:42] Kai: kewl
[17:43] Kai: be sure to say on the intro ure from Pasadena and stuf
[17:46] nick lloyd: it says caboose is invalid
[17:46] Kai: lol
[17:46] Kai: raelly?
[17:46] nick lloyd: yea
[17:46] Kai: wied
[17:47] nick lloyd: yea weed
[17:47] Kai: :P
[17:47] Kai: wiedos
[17:47] nick lloyd: weivos
[17:47] Kai: :P
[17:47] nick lloyd: wat do i put for Size/Dimensions
[17:49] Kai: 320 x 150
[17:50] nick lloyd: and Color Scheme
[17:52] *** Error while sending IM: Refused by client
[17:52] azinpryncess: well if i dont...our convos get boring and dont go any where
[17:52] kaio393: [17:23] nick lloyd: yay its faster
[17:24] Kai: ?
[17:24] nick lloyd: i now have 7gigs
[17:24] Kai: kewl
[17:25] nick lloyd: and it turns out i already have photoshop but its on one of my step dads disks
[17:25] Kai: we can make whatever you want for you
[17:25] nick lloyd: like?
[17:25] Kai: a sig
[17:26] nick lloyd: well i have photo shop i jus want to learn how to do it all
[17:26] Kai: try two yeats of work
[17:27] nick lloyd: yeats?
[17:27] Kai: year
[17:27] nick lloyd: no
[17:27] Kai: :P
[17:28] Kai: just request it
[17:28] Kai: its easier
[17:32] nick lloyd: request wat
[17:32] Kai: the sig u want
[17:33] nick lloyd: ohh yea i almost forgot
[17:33] Kai: lol
[17:35] nick lloyd: Board or Website URLwat i do
[17:35] Kai: none
[17:35] nick lloyd: k
[17:35] Kai: oh yeah I made a site for our entire grade
[17:35] Kai: its still in th works
[17:36] Kai: (Link:
[17:36] nick lloyd: ohhh, kewl, wait is this okay can i get a barret sig from any body
[17:36] Kai: sure
[17:37] nick lloyd: gtg wait
[17:37] Kai: k
[17:42] nick lloyd: im back sighnen up for da site
[17:42] Kai: kewl
[17:43] Kai: be sure to say on the intro ure from Pasadena and stuf
[17:46] nick lloyd: it says caboose is invalid
[17:46] Kai: lol
[17:46] Kai: raelly?
[17:46] nick lloyd: yea
[17:46] Kai: wied
[17:47] nick lloyd: yea weed
[17:47] Kai: :P
[17:47] Kai: wiedos
[17:47] nick lloyd: weivos
[17:47] Kai: :P
[17:47] nick lloyd: wat do i put for Size/Dimensions
[17:49] Kai: 320 x 150
[17:52] *** Error while sending IM: Refused by client
[17:52] kaio393: [17:23] nick lloyd: yay its faster
[17:24] Kai: ?
[17:24] nick lloyd: i now have 7gigs
[17:24] Kai: kewl
[17:25] nick lloyd: and it turns out i already have photoshop but its on one of my step dads disks
[17:25] Kai: we can make whatever you want for you
[17:25] nick lloyd: like?
[17:25] Kai: a sig
[17:26] nick lloyd: well i have photo shop i jus want to learn how to do it all
[17:26] Kai: try two yeats of work
[17:27] nick lloyd: yeats?
[17:27] Kai: year
[17:27] nick lloyd: no
[17:27] Kai: :P
[17:28] Kai: just request it
[17:28] Kai: its easier
[17:32] nick lloyd: request wat
[17:32] Kai: the sig u want
[17:33] nick lloyd: ohh yea i almost forgot
[17:33] Kai: lol
[17:35] nick lloyd: Board or Website URLwat i do
[17:35] Kai: none
[17:35] nick lloyd: k
[17:35] Kai: oh yeah I made a site for our entire grade
[17:35] Kai: its still in th works
[17:36] Kai: (Link:
[17:36] nick lloyd: ohhh, kewl, wait is this okay can i get a barret sig from any body
[17:36] Kai: sure
[17:37] nick lloyd: gtg wait
[17:52] *** Error while sending IM: Refused by client
[17:52] kaio393: [17:23] nick lloyd: yay its faster
[17:24] Kai: ?
[17:24] nick lloyd: i now have 7gigs
[17:24] Kai: kewl
[17:25] nick lloyd: and it turns out i already have photoshop but its on one of my step dads disks
[17:25] Kai: we can make whatever you want for you
[17:25] nick lloyd: like?
[17:25] Kai: a sig
[17:26] nick lloyd: well i have photo shop i jus want to learn how to do it all
[17:26] Kai: try two yeats of work
[17:27] nick lloyd: yeats?
[17:27] Kai: year
[17:27] nick lloyd: no
[17:27] Kai: :P
[17:28] Kai: just request it
[17:28] Kai: its easier
[17:32] nick lloyd: request wat
[17:32] Kai: the sig u want
[17:33] nick lloyd: ohh yea i almost forgot
[17:52] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Mon May 07 17:52:58 2007.
[17:53] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Mon May 07 17:53:27 2007.
[17:54] azinpryncess: y woud i want to read conversations that u've had with ppl?
[17:54] kaio393: so u would see what i mean
[17:54] kaio393: u say so what u wanna talk about like three milion times
[17:55] kaio393: ure the only person to say that to me in an IM convo
[17:55] azinpryncess: wen u tlk to certain ppl..its diff
[17:55] kaio393: lol
[17:55] kaio393: I have
[17:55] kaio393: over 50 friends on IM
[17:55] kaio393: and ure the onyl one
[17:56] azinpryncess: like with my cousin i never no wat 2 tlk about
[17:56] azinpryncess: and wat du u mean im the only one?
[17:57] kaio393: who says that u want to know at to talk about
[17:58] azinpryncess: u r not makihg no sense but ok...
[17:59] azinpryncess: emily's about to im u 4 some reason
[17:59] kaio393: and ure the onyl one who says that u want to know at to talk about
[17:59] kaio393: goodie
[17:59] azinpryncess: why i thoght u didnt like her as a friend
[18:01] kaio393: idc
[18:01] kaio393: everyone is really kewl in my book
[18:01] azinpryncess: eeew i had no idea that wen u talked 2 me that u saw that gay
[18:01] azinpryncess: im about 2 change it
[18:01] azinpryncess: emily's gonna show me
[18:02] azinpryncess: .
[18:02] kaio393: ok
[18:02] kaio393: brb
Session Close (azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:02:54 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:07:48 2007
[18:07] azinpryncess: u didnt have to sighn off u know
[18:07] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: restarting Trillz brb
Session Close (azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:07:54 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:08:02 2007
[18:08] azinpryncess: wat?
[18:08] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: restarting Trillz brb
Session Close (azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:08:07 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:08:19 2007
[18:08] azinpryncess: ugh...i dont understand!
[18:08] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: restarting Trillz brb
[18:08] azinpryncess: why did u change ur back ground?
Session Close (azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:09:04 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:15:48 2007
[18:15] azinpryncess: hey
[18:15] kaio393: back
[18:15] azinpryncess: wat happenee?
[18:16] kaio393: had to restart Trillian
[18:19] azinpryncess: ok
[18:19] azinpryncess: brb
[18:19] kaio393: ok
[18:32] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Mon May 07 18:32:22 2007.
[18:33] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Mon May 07 18:33:37 2007.
[18:36] azinpryncess: hey
Session Close (azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:36:13 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:36:34 2007
[18:36] azinpryncess: great. well i gotta right bavk
[18:36] azinpryncess: srry
[18:36] azinpryncess: lol
[18:36] kaio393: ok
[18:36] kaio393: cyz
Session Close (azinpryncess): Mon May 07 18:39:23 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Mon May 07 19:07:06 2007
[19:07] azinpryncess: i back
[19:07] kaio393: ok
[19:07] azinpryncess: yh i just redid my background
[19:08] kaio393: i have trillz so i cant
[19:08] azinpryncess: wats trillz?
[19:08] kaio393: Trillian
[19:08] kaio393:
[19:09] azinpryncess: y did ur thing switch to blu?
[19:09] kaio393: I cant change it period :
[19:09] azinpryncess: oh...that stinx
[19:10] kaio393: no im fine
[19:10] kaio393: i could care les
[19:10] azinpryncess: well i like to personalize
[19:10] kaio393: well i onyl like to change it to things i made
[19:10] kaio393: or else its Geh
[19:10] azinpryncess: like for example...
[19:11] azinpryncess: u know wen n kindergaten wen eveyone would have to have a certain color folder to pu n their cubbi?
[19:12] kaio393: no
[19:12] azinpryncess: well i would always put stickers n drawn stuff on mine
[19:12] kaio393: I didn't start Kindi for like 6 months later
[19:12] azinpryncess: y?
[19:12] kaio393: cuz
[19:12] kaio393: idk
[19:13] azinpryncess: well i guess i started late 2 cause my mom told me that i should actually b n 8th grade right now
[19:13] kaio393: no u didnt
[19:14] kaio393: u were born in October
[19:14] azinpryncess: didnt wat?
[19:14] kaio393: of 93
[19:14] kaio393: u have to be born in September Up of 93
[19:14] kaio393: to be in class of 11
[19:14] azinpryncess: how u know wen i was born?
[19:14] azinpryncess: well thats wat she told me and i belive her
[19:15] kaio393: :P
[19:15] kaio393: ure bday part
[19:16] azinpryncess: b-day part?
[19:16] kaio393: bday party
[19:17] azinpryncess: K..watevr
[19:17] kaio393: ok
[19:18] azinpryncess: i dont feel good
[19:18] kaio393: well then let your immune system fight it
[19:18] kaio393: :P
[19:18] azinpryncess: well i rather take medicine 2 make it go away faster
[19:19] kaio393: well if u want to see elvis in ure closet tahats up to u
[19:19] kaio393: hilarious vid about meds:
[19:19] kaio393: (Link:
[19:22] azinpryncess: elvis n my closet?
[19:22] kaio393: :P
[19:22] kaio393: some meds make u dillusional
[19:22] azinpryncess: not legal ones
[19:22] kaio393: SOME DO
[19:22] kaio393: they are called SIDE EFFECTS
[19:23] azinpryncess: kaaaaay.watever u say
[19:23] kaio393: :P
[19:23] kaio393: wat are u up to?
[19:24] azinpryncess: im sitting on my bed im uwhile petting my dog
[19:24] kaio393: :P
[19:24] kaio393: lame
[19:24] azinpryncess: lame?
[19:24] kaio393: :P
[19:24] azinpryncess: lame is spending all ur time on dealing with graphic and all that kida crap
[19:25] azinpryncess: r u going 2 church on wed?
[19:25] kaio393: neva!
[19:25] azinpryncess: why not u used 2 go all the time
[19:25] kaio393: no ride
[19:26] azinpryncess: ur mom has a car..ask her 2 take u
[19:26] kaio393: She doesnt get home till like 7 :P
[19:26] azinpryncess: a friend?
[19:27] azinpryncess: isnt that who tok u wen u used 2 go?
[19:27] azinpryncess: some plder dude?
[19:27] kaio393: yeah
[19:27] azinpryncess: older
[19:27] kaio393: i didnt feel comfortabel
[19:27] azinpryncess: then ask him
[19:27] kaio393: im good
[19:27] azinpryncess: did he "violate" u or
[19:28] kaio393: I dont like Wed. church anyways
[19:28] kaio393: our mom is there till like 10 :P
[19:30] azinpryncess: i dont either but rich kooks @ the chirch so i Have to go for some reason...i hate it too.Emily and i sit by ourselves playing on our fones and talking...and only payying attention wen we see our parents looking@ would be more fun if we had another teen there
[19:30] kaio393: :P
[19:30] azinpryncess: such as u
[19:30] kaio393: im good
[19:30] kaio393: well i dont feel like sitting for 5 hours
[19:30] kaio393: im too ADD
[19:30] azinpryncess: omg..just COME
[19:30] kaio393: nah
[19:30] azinpryncess: it only 2 hrs
[19:31] kaio393: no
[19:31] azinpryncess: wen we were going out u did just fine
[19:31] kaio393: my mom is there to 10
[19:31] azinpryncess: so? wat oes she have to do with this?
[19:31] kaio393: i have to be there till 10
[19:31] kaio393: and that is several hous
[19:32] azinpryncess: so? u dont go 2 bed till relly lat
[19:32] kaio393: yeah
[19:32] azinpryncess: late @ night anyway
[19:33] kaio393: but thats sitting for 4 hours
[19:33] azinpryncess: u can play b-ball or somthn
[19:33] kaio393: not in the singles place
[19:33] kaio393: and thats place where choir chills
[19:34] azinpryncess: n the gym stupid
[19:34] azinpryncess: well just deal with it and go
[19:34] kaio393: nah
[19:34] azinpryncess: gosh....its not that hrd
[19:35] kaio393: yeah it is
[19:35] azinpryncess: GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:35] kaio393: I have to a) get a ride
[19:35] kaio393: b) stay till forever
[19:35] kaio393: c) catch up on work the next day
[19:35] kaio393: d) and d DONT WANT TO GO
[19:35] azinpryncess: BOO FREAKIN HOO
[19:35] azinpryncess: GO
[19:35] kaio393: no
[19:35] azinpryncess: U BIG BABY
[19:36] kaio393: no
[19:36] azinpryncess: yh u r
[19:36] kaio393: Just dont wat tto go somewhers
[19:36] azinpryncess: then ur lazy
[19:36] kaio393: DOI!
[19:37] azinpryncess: no u havnt...not that way
[19:37] kaio393: :P
[19:38] azinpryncess: wanna im l lauren?
[19:38] kaio393: she doesnt have IM
[19:38] kaio393: i dont think :P
[19:38] azinpryncess: fine...
[19:39] azinpryncess: i dont like her that much anyway
[19:39] kaio393: :p
[19:39] kaio393: wy?
[19:40] azinpryncess: i just dont....shes weird n a bad way
[19:40] kaio393: :P
[19:40] kaio393: no she isnt :P
[19:40] azinpryncess: i use 2 like her...not anymore though
[19:40] azinpryncess: yh she is
[19:40] kaio393: y?
[19:40] kaio393: proof?
[19:41] kaio393: gawd im hungary
[19:41] azinpryncess: then EAT
[19:41] azinpryncess: idk...she just is 2 me
[19:41] kaio393: i have 2 dinners everyday ;p
[19:41] kaio393: why?
[19:42] azinpryncess: i cant really explain still mad @ her 4 somthing she did 2 me n dec.
[19:42] kaio393: ?
[19:43] azinpryncess: ]: i cant really explain still mad @ her 4 somthing she did 2 me n dec.
[19:43] kaio393: amd wat was tat
[19:43] azinpryncess: smthng thats between me,her and Emily
[19:44] kaio393: ok...
[19:44] azinpryncess: but emily wouldnt remember...
[19:44] kaio393: :p
[19:44] azinpryncess: r u tlking 2 emily?
[19:44] kaio393: yh
[19:44] azinpryncess: wat r u asking?
[19:45] kaio393: nothign
[19:45] azinpryncess: uh huh...
[19:45] azinpryncess: i already know
[19:45] kaio393: shes askin me stuf f :P
[19:45] azinpryncess: shes telling me..
[19:45] kaio393: ok
[19:45] kaio393: :P
[19:45] azinpryncess: u aked her who she likes
[19:45] kaio393: yh
[19:45] kaio393: that was like 10 minz ago
[19:46] azinpryncess: it was just now
[19:46] kaio393: no it was 4 mins ago
[19:46] azinpryncess: and she sais wat if it was u and then u said thau wouldnt care...
[19:47] azinpryncess: u like her
[19:47] kaio393: :P
[19:47] azinpryncess: 4 some odd reason?
[19:47] kaio393: no i dont
[19:47] azinpryncess: yh u do
[19:47] kaio393: proof?
[19:47] azinpryncess: y else would u ask her who she likes?
[19:48] kaio393: to make convo
[19:48] azinpryncess: right....
[19:48] kaio393: :p
[19:48] azinpryncess: ....
[19:48] azinpryncess: some convo
[19:48] kaio393: :p
[19:48] kaio393: yh
[19:48] kaio393: its rather lame
[19:49] kaio393: but at least she isnt asking me what to talk about
[19:49] azinpryncess: fine...ill stop
[19:49] kaio393: ?
[19:49] azinpryncess: stop asking u wat u wanna tlk about
[19:49] kaio393: :P
[19:50] kaio393: riiight
[19:50] azinpryncess: i
[19:50] kaio393: ok..
[19:50] azinpryncess: Emily wont join that orphic me...ur wasting ur time
[19:50] kaio393: idc
[19:50] kaio393: need the views
[19:51] azinpryncess: right...
[19:51] kaio393: yh
[19:51] kaio393: need more ppl to know about it
[19:51] azinpryncess: u ARE a nerd
[19:51] kaio393: but kinda kewl
[19:51] kaio393: some kid at school saw me and dacks Banana vud
[19:51] kaio393: vid*
[19:51] azinpryncess: watever nerd
[19:52] azinpryncess: i mean dork
[19:52] kaio393: same
[19:52] azinpryncess: emily doesnt want 2 tlk 2 u and i dont blame her
[19:52] kaio393: :P
[19:52] azinpryncess: ur not very interesting
[19:53] kaio393: brb
[19:53] azinpryncess: ugh
[19:53] kaio393: :P
Session Close (azinpryncess): Mon May 07 19:53:42 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Mon May 07 19:53:50 2007
[19:53] azinpryncess: u bore me
[19:54] azinpryncess: bye
[19:56] azinpryncess: im bored so i guess ill tlk 2 u
[19:57] azinpryncess: r u gonna tlk 2 me or wat?
[20:00] kaio393: back
[20:00] azinpryncess: fvgbhnjmnhbgvfcdfvgbhnjmkjnhbgfdxsrdctfvygbuhnjimkojinuhybgtvfcrdxsdc fvgbhnjmk,mjunhybgtvfcrdxdcfvgbhnjmnhbgvfcdxscfvgbhnjmnhbgvfcdxcfvgbhnjmnhbgvfcdxsdcfvgbhnjmnhbgvfcdxsdcfvgbhnjmnhbgvfcdxsdcfvgbhnjmjnhbgvfcdxszxdcrfvtgbyhnujmiunybtvrcexwertyuiuytrcexwecdvfbghnjmnhbgvfcdxszaxdcrftvgyhujik,lkmjnhbgvfcdxswedrf56tgyhnjmk,l.o,ijnhgv fcdxszawedrftgbhnjmk,lokijunybgtvcredws2se3dxcr45fvt56gyhujikolkijuhygtredwsqazsxdcfvgbhnjmk,lokiujhybgvcdxszqa2w3decrfvgbyh7u8jimk,l.p;l.]: i cant really explain still m
[20:00] azinpryncess: lol
[20:01] azinpryncess: did u like our messasges?
[20:01] kaio393: :P
[20:01] kaio393: sure
[20:01] azinpryncess: k...thwn holdon..
[20:01] kaio393: k
[20:01] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Mon May 07 20:01:33 2007.
[20:01] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
Session Close (azinpryncess): Mon May 07 20:01:53 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Tue May 08 16:34:03 2007
[16:34] kaio393: yoh
[16:34] kaio393: WarriorAtHeart07
[16:34] azinpryncess: hey
[16:34] kaio393: IM that person
[16:34] azinpryncess: i will bur who r they?
[16:34] kaio393: some persono
[16:34] kaio393: that hates me :P
[16:34] azinpryncess: is it a guy?
[16:35] kaio393: no
[16:35] azinpryncess: and y should i tlk to her?
[16:35] kaio393: IDK
[16:36] azinpryncess: hold im them
[16:36] kaio393: k
[16:37] azinpryncess: k...i did it
[16:37] kaio393: ok
[16:37] azinpryncess: who it it?
[16:37] kaio393: what u say?
[16:37] azinpryncess: do i no her?
[16:37] azinpryncess: i said wats up
[16:38] kaio393: say u know Kai
[16:41] kaio393: (Link:
[16:41] azinpryncess: wat thAT?
[16:41] kaio393: Pearland Class of '11
[16:47] kaio393: wat u saying to her?
[16:47] azinpryncess: NTHN...HOL ON...
[16:48] kaio393: ....ok//
[16:48] kaio393: [16:45] WarriorAtHeart07: i figured that out from what she said
[16:45] kaio393: ?
[16:47] kaio393: and waht was that?
[16:47] WarriorAtHeart07: what, like she isn't reporting to you or something
[16:47] kaio393: :P
[16:48] azinpryncess: wat is she saying2 u?
[16:49] kaio393: tat
[16:53] azinpryncess: i dont understand kai
[16:54] kaio393: ?
[16:54] kaio393: wat
[16:55] azinpryncess: hold tlking to A
[16:55] azinpryncess: k?
[16:55] kaio393: ok...
[16:55] kaio393: cant you talk to more than one person
[16:56] azinpryncess: yh i guess so
[16:56] kaio393: lol
[16:56] kaio393: im talking to like 6
[16:56] kaio393: and still on three different webbie
[17:00] azinpryncess: why did u keep asking kelly out?
[17:00] azinpryncess: if she kept saying no?
[17:01] kaio393: i only asked her once
[17:01] azinpryncess: not acording to s A u
[17:01] azinpryncess: she says ub asked 2 times
[17:02] kaio393: Well
[17:02] kaio393: Technically
[17:02] azinpryncess: after she said no
[17:02] kaio393: but not really :P
[17:02] azinpryncess: k...watever y does she hate u?
[17:02] kaio393: Who?
[17:02] azinpryncess: a
[17:03] azinpryncess: warroir...
[17:03] azinpryncess: A
[17:03] kaio393: Adriana?
[17:03] kaio393: because everytime i proove her wrong she gets POed
[17:04] azinpryncess: only girls say POed
[17:04] azinpryncess: but watevr
[17:04] kaio393: pissed off :P
[17:05] azinpryncess: i no wat it means...i just saying that bonly GIRLZ say that
[17:05] azinpryncess: well...n that way
[17:06] kaio393: kz
[17:07] azinpryncess: kz?
[17:07] kaio393: tired of saying ok
[17:07] kaio393: so now its KayZ
[17:07] kaio393: kz
[17:08] azinpryncess: k...watever
[17:08] azinpryncess: *sigh*
[17:08] kaio393: ?
[17:08] azinpryncess: A is very intresting
[17:08] azinpryncess: n a very good
[17:08] kaio393: she hates google
[17:08] kaio393: that just ended it :P
[17:10] kaio393: well
[17:10] kaio393: she ended it
[17:10] kaio393: but wat ev
[17:10] azinpryncess: and did u ask A out too?
[17:10] kaio393: DOI
[17:10] kaio393: like a month ago
[17:10] kaio393: go to the chat thin
[17:11] azinpryncess: chat thin?
[17:11] azinpryncess: ur lying
[17:11] kaio393: ?
[17:12] azinpryncess: u didnt ask her out a mnth ago
[17:12] kaio393: yh
[17:13] azinpryncess: yh... i thought so
[17:13] kaio393: Yeah i did
[17:13] kaio393: it was like...
[17:13] kaio393: too many days
[17:13] kaio393: hol on
[17:13] azinpryncess: heres some advice:
[17:13] azinpryncess: wen u ask somone out and they say no...
[17:13] kaio393: yeah it was like a month
[17:13] azinpryncess: u leave it ALONE!!
[17:14] azinpryncess: no matter how u feel about them
[17:14] kaio393: well wat if they like me?
[17:15] azinpryncess: then they wouldnt say no if they liked u would they?
[17:15] kaio393: no
[17:15] kaio393: they just
[17:15] kaio393: said
[17:15] kaio393: that
[17:15] kaio393: they
[17:15] kaio393: thought
[17:15] kaio393: i
[17:15] kaio393: acted
[17:15] kaio393: wierd
[17:15] kaio393: when
[17:15] kaio393: we
[17:15] kaio393: wen
[17:15] kaio393: out
[17:15] kaio393: and
[17:15] kaio393: they
[17:15] kaio393: didn't
[17:15] kaio393: want
[17:15] kaio393: to
[17:15] kaio393: break
[17:15] kaio393: my
[17:15] kaio393: heart
[17:15] kaio393: .
[17:16] azinpryncess: THAT MEANS THEY FELT BAD 4 U
[17:16] azinpryncess: srry....
[17:16] azinpryncess: just giving u advice
[17:16] kaio393: :P
[17:16] kaio393: idc
[17:17] azinpryncess: ur REALLY weird
[17:17] kaio393: DOi
[17:17] azinpryncess: SHUT UP
[17:18] kaio393: ?
[17:18] azinpryncess: Y DID UB WANT ME 2 TLK N2 HER NYWAY?
[17:18] kaio393: IDK
[17:18] kaio393: bored
[17:18] azinpryncess: *sigh*
[17:18] kaio393: ?
[17:19] kaio393: (Link:
[17:19] azinpryncess: im not gonna look @ it
[17:19] kaio393: ok
[17:20] azinpryncess: k.
[17:21] azinpryncess: so...
[17:21] kaio393: sup?
[17:21] kaio393: wat u up 2
[17:22] azinpryncess: tlking 2 A and u.watching tv
[17:23] kaio393: :P
[17:23] kaio393: wat tv show
[17:27] azinpryncess: dont no i just turned it on
[17:27] kaio393: that was like 5 minz ago
[17:28] azinpryncess: i no but i wsnt really payng attenton to it
[17:28] kaio393: :P
[17:29] kaio393: im watching Digimon
[17:29] azinpryncess: thats great u do that...
[17:29] kaio393: i am
[17:30] azinpryncess: hoe can u "luv" a girl but then ask her best friend out?
[17:30] azinpryncess: i mean how?
[17:30] kaio393: that was like a month ago
[17:30] kaio393: and I didnt love kelly then
[17:30] azinpryncess: still u said u luvd her for a LOOOOONG time
[17:31] azinpryncess: and this all happend RECCNTLY
[17:31] kaio393: no I didn't
[17:31] azinpryncess: k... watevever Kyle
[17:31] kaio393: kai :P
[17:31] kaio393: also why do u change ure status when u say BRB
[17:32] azinpryncess: hi kai
[17:32] kaio393: hi
[17:32] azinpryncess: change my status/
[17:32] kaio393: ?
[17:33] azinpryncess: wats status? and how does mine change?
[17:33] kaio393: nevermind
[17:33] kaio393: like this
[17:33] kaio393: ill change my status
[17:34] kaio393: and then'
[17:34] kaio393: when i say now
[17:34] kaio393: try and IM me
[17:34] azinpryncess: fine
[17:34] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: watching a movie at the theater
[17:34] kaio393: now
[17:34] kaio393: see
[17:34] azinpryncess: wat just happebd?
[17:34] azinpryncess: no.. i dont
[17:35] kaio393: it sends an auto message
[17:35] azinpryncess: i dont change any thng wen i say brb
[17:35] azinpryncess: i dont do that
[17:35] kaio393: well
[17:35] kaio393: it says u do
[17:35] azinpryncess: I TYPE brb and then i physically leave
[17:36] kaio393: ok
[17:36] azinpryncess: wat does it say?
[17:36] azinpryncess: .....
[17:36] kaio393: that u offline
[17:37] azinpryncess: im nvr offline but o well
[17:37] kaio393: :p
[17:38] azinpryncess: wel.. im not
[17:38] kaio393:
[17:39] kaio393: says u are all the time
[17:39] azinpryncess: well im always ONLINE
[17:39] kaio393: no u arent
[17:39] azinpryncess: idk
[17:39] azinpryncess: yh i am
[17:39] kaio393: :P
[17:39] kaio393: no u arent
[17:39] azinpryncess: yh i am
[17:40] azinpryncess: i thn were tlkng abou 2 diff thngd
[17:40] kaio393: u logged off 7 times on Saturday
[17:40] azinpryncess: weird
[17:40] kaio393: :p
Session Close (azinpryncess): Tue May 08 17:42:58 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Tue May 08 17:49:25 2007
[17:49] kaio393: see
[17:49] kaio393: u just loggefd in
[17:50] azinpryncess: cause i had to charge up my laptop...i just died
[17:50] kaio393: :P
[17:50] kaio393: laptops= teh suck
[17:51] azinpryncess: no they dont they rock ur just sayng that cause u dont have one
[17:51] azinpryncess: be right back.............
[17:51] kaio393: yeah i have a lappy
[17:58] azinpryncess: back
[17:58] azinpryncess: a lappy?
[17:59] kaio393: laptop
[17:59] azinpryncess: oh
[17:59] azinpryncess: k...
[17:59] azinpryncess: im bored
[17:59] kaio393: i cant read tat
[18:00] azinpryncess: oh g got that u....
[18:00] kaio393: ??/
[18:00] azinpryncess: bttr?
[18:00] kaio393: sure'
[18:00] azinpryncess: so...
[18:00] kaio393: talkin to kelly
[18:01] azinpryncess: Y?
[18:01] kaio393: cuz i can
[18:01] azinpryncess: wat is she telling u
[18:01] kaio393: we are taling about swimming pols
[18:01] azinpryncess: right
[18:01] azinpryncess: be prepared...thats all im gonna say
[18:01] azinpryncess: brb
[18:01] kaio393: ok
[18:11] azinpryncess: i have to eat dinner
[18:11] kaio393: ok
[18:11] azinpryncess: ill b back
[18:11] kaio393: OK
[18:11] azinpryncess: no need to yell
[18:12] azinpryncess: im just eating dinner
[18:12] kaio393: i didnt
[18:12] kaio393: :P
[18:12] azinpryncess: k
Session Close (azinpryncess): Tue May 08 18:25:50 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Tue May 08 18:31:18 2007
[18:31] azinpryncess: hey
[18:31] kaio393: yo
[18:31] azinpryncess: yo?
[18:31] kaio393: yoh
[18:31] azinpryncess: wen did u turn black?
[18:31] azinpryncess: lol
[18:31] kaio393: er
[18:31] azinpryncess: jk
[18:31] kaio393: never?
[18:32] azinpryncess: u don get it
[18:32] kaio393: yeah i do
[18:32] azinpryncess: have u ever worn "skater jeans"?
[18:32] kaio393: yeah
[18:32] kaio393: why?
[18:32] azinpryncess: lol
[18:33] azinpryncess: really? i didnt thnk u new wat thry were
[18:33] azinpryncess: wen did u wear them
[18:33] kaio393: when i used to skate
[18:33] azinpryncess: u?
[18:33] azinpryncess: skating?
[18:33] kaio393: yeah
[18:33] kaio393: I can ollie
[18:33] azinpryncess: why dont u wear them now?
[18:34] kaio393: cuz i dont wanna
[18:34] azinpryncess: and y dont u still s8?
[18:34] kaio393: cuz
[18:34] azinpryncess: y not?
[18:34] kaio393: someone ripped off my $250 board
[18:34] azinpryncess: oh... well u should still wear ur skater jeans
[18:35] kaio393: i dont have any anymore
[18:35] kaio393: they dont fit me
[18:35] azinpryncess: u no skater jeans are tight and r suppessed to be worn low
[18:35] kaio393: yh
[18:35] azinpryncess: right?
[18:35] kaio393: well
[18:35] kaio393: thats the new meaning
[18:35] kaio393: those are gay
[18:36] azinpryncess: still cant picture u wearng them..but ok
[18:36] kaio393: :p
[18:36] azinpryncess: there not gay...there hot
[18:36] kaio393: :P
[18:37] kaio393:
[18:37] kaio393:
[18:37] azinpryncess: i mean that i thnk guys look hot wen they wear ex boyfriend use to wear them
[18:37] kaio393: 陽気
[18:37] azinpryncess: there NOT homo
[18:37] kaio393:
[18:37] kaio393: yh tey are
[18:37] azinpryncess: no there NOT
[18:37] kaio393: yeah
[18:38] kaio393: they are girl pants
[18:38] azinpryncess: u have ur opinion and i have mine..... girl pants...Emily like em too
[18:38] kaio393: notice only girls like them
[18:38] azinpryncess: i used 2 not like em but now i do
[18:39] kaio393: :p
[18:39] kaio393: y?
[18:39] azinpryncess: i didnt like em cause i dindnt thnk they looked kool
[18:39] azinpryncess: but now i thmk they look hot on em
[18:40] kaio393: lol
[18:40] kaio393: they look like gurls
[18:40] azinpryncess: i like the "punk" look
[18:40] kaio393: try gey :P
[18:41] azinpryncess: and NO THREY DNT...ur just zealouse
[18:41] kaio393: er
[18:41] kaio393: no
[18:41] kaio393: I dont wanna look gay thanks
[18:41] kaio393: (Link:
[18:41] kaio393: good^^
[18:42] azinpryncess: u wpuldnt look gay.....i dont know qat u would look like......but not gay
[18:42] kaio393: :P
[18:42] azinpryncess: mayb stupid(jk)
[18:42] kaio393: ANyone with grl pants on looks gay
[18:43] azinpryncess: WATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:43] azinpryncess: i like normal pants too though...
[18:43] kaio393: :
[18:43] azinpryncess: ?
[18:43] azinpryncess: wat?
[18:43] kaio393: :P
[18:43] azinpryncess: wat
[18:43] kaio393: :P:P:P:P:::P:P::P:P:P:P:P
[18:44] azinpryncess: ugh
[18:44] kaio393: wat?
[18:44] azinpryncess: nthn
[18:44] kaio393: ok
[18:44] azinpryncess: k...
[18:44] azinpryncess: brb
[18:44] kaio393: k\
[18:44] azinpryncess: nvrmind
[18:44] kaio393: k
[18:45] azinpryncess: yh
[18:45] azinpryncess: r u with ur dad this weekend?
[18:46] kaio393: I never am
[18:46] kaio393: we just go on SUnday
[18:46] azinpryncess: go 2 ur dads on only sunday?
[18:46] kaio393: yea
[18:47] azinpryncess: y?
[18:47] kaio393: cuz he works saturday
[18:47] azinpryncess: oh
[18:47] kaio393: he had to work last sunday morning to
[18:47] azinpryncess: hmmm
[18:47] azinpryncess: will he b getting u this sunday?
[18:47] kaio393: idk
[18:47] kaio393: maybe
[18:47] kaio393: damn
[18:47] kaio393: reminds me
[18:47] kaio393: I need to call my grandpa
[18:48] azinpryncess: lol
[18:48] kaio393: :P
[18:48] azinpryncess: i dont mind wen ppl cause...
[18:48] kaio393: ?
[18:48] azinpryncess: but wen u do it....i dont like it 4 some reason
[18:48] azinpryncess: its weird..i know
[18:49] kaio393: :P
[18:49] azinpryncess: i mean cuse
[18:49] azinpryncess: k--u---s
[18:49] kaio393: cuss :P
[18:49] azinpryncess: oh yh thanx
[18:49] kaio393: :P
[18:49] azinpryncess: brb
[18:50] kaio393: k
[18:52] azinpryncess: back
[18:52] kaio393: oki
[18:52] kaio393: lol
[18:52] kaio393: Digmon is hilarious
[18:52] azinpryncess: thats great
[18:52] kaio393: tis
[18:53] azinpryncess: y are u talking to me?
[18:53] kaio393: IDK
[18:53] azinpryncess: mmm
[18:53] azinpryncess: hmmmm
[18:54] kaio393: ?
[18:54] azinpryncess: oh nthn
[18:55] azinpryncess: just wondeerng
[18:56] kaio393: k
[18:56] azinpryncess: yh
[18:56] azinpryncess: ...
[18:56] azinpryncess: no adult are here.....yay!
[18:57] kaio393: ok
[18:58] azinpryncess: im tryng to make a convo here........
[18:58] kaio393: :P
[18:58] azinpryncess: bye
[18:59] kaio393: ?
[18:59] azinpryncess: bye
[18:59] kaio393: ?
[19:00] azinpryncess: i dont wanna tlk 2 uu...bye
[19:00] kaio393: ok
[19:00] kaio393: cyz
[19:00] azinpryncess: u seriouse
[19:00] kaio393: ?
[19:01] azinpryncess: u thoght that i would actually say that?
[19:01] kaio393: ?
[19:01] azinpryncess: nthn...
[19:01] kaio393: ok
[19:04] kaio393: so
[19:04] kaio393: wuu2?
[19:04] azinpryncess: wuu2?
[19:04] kaio393: wat u up 2?
[19:04] azinpryncess: watchng fave movie
[19:04] kaio393: o ... k :P
[19:05] kaio393: kelly sounded cute on the phone :P
[19:06] azinpryncess: why r u telling me this? and i thought u wouldnt tlk ton ny one on the fone
[19:06] kaio393: I dont
[19:06] kaio393: I always forget what ppl are saying
[19:06] azinpryncess: k watevr
[19:07] azinpryncess: why did u tell me that she sounded"cute" ovr the fone...
[19:07] kaio393: cuz she did
[19:08] azinpryncess: kyle...u no how i feel about y would tell me that?
[19:08] kaio393: kai
[19:08] azinpryncess: i mean kai
[19:08] azinpryncess: answer the quetion
[19:09] kaio393: cuz I felt like it
[19:09] azinpryncess: tell me y
[19:09] kaio393: u looked cute in ure little dress sunday, too :P
[19:09] azinpryncess: thanx
[19:09] kaio393: :P
[19:09] kaio393: np
[19:10] azinpryncess: np?
[19:10] kaio393: no prob
[19:10] azinpryncess: u dind HAVE t tell me that
[19:11] kaio393: :P
[19:11] kaio393: so
[19:11] kaio393: i felt lik eit
[19:11] azinpryncess: lol
[19:12] azinpryncess: u still have 2 answer the question
[19:12] kaio393: ?
[19:12] azinpryncess: y u tld me that she sounded cute
[19:13] kaio393: cuz she did
[19:14] azinpryncess: but y would i care?
[19:14] kaio393: never say u did
[19:14] azinpryncess: srry but i dnt
[19:14] kaio393: [19:14] kaio393: never say u did
[19:14] azinpryncess: k
[19:14] azinpryncess: i love cherry blossom trees
[19:15] kaio393: ok
[19:15] azinpryncess: there beautifl
[19:15] azinpryncess: they r...
[19:15] kaio393: ok
[19:15] azinpryncess: THEY ARE
[19:15] kaio393: ill make a cherry blossom sig if u post on Orphic :P
[19:16] azinpryncess: k... ill get on if i can wen rich gets homre
[19:16] azinpryncess: home
[19:16] kaio393: ok
[19:16] kaio393: do u know what a sig is ?
[19:16] azinpryncess:
[19:16] kaio393: example:
[19:16] kaio393: (Link:
[19:17] azinpryncess: cnt go 2 it parental block
[19:17] kaio393: lol
[19:17] azinpryncess: yh
[19:18] azinpryncess: u confoose me
[19:18] kaio393: ?
[19:20] azinpryncess: cant tell u
[19:20] kaio393: ok...
[19:20] azinpryncess: srry
[19:21] azinpryncess: wats a sig?
[19:21] kaio393: ok
[19:21] kaio393: a kewl graphic
[19:21] azinpryncess: oh
[19:22] kaio393: im learning how to open a door with a Credit Car\d
[19:23] kaio393: brb
[19:26] kaio393: bk
[19:26] azinpryncess: k
[19:28] azinpryncess: .....ancesters,hear my plea,please help me not to make a fool of me...
[19:28] azinpryncess: part of a song in Mulan
[19:29] kaio393: Doi
[19:29] azinpryncess: uve seen it?
[19:29] kaio393: doi
[19:29] azinpryncess: oh i didnt no
[19:29] kaio393: :P
[19:29] azinpryncess: lol
[19:30] azinpryncess: so...
[19:31] kaio393: ?
[19:31] azinpryncess: movng convo along...duh!
[19:31] kaio393: :P
[19:31] azinpryncess: yh
[19:31] kaio393: stop moving it
[19:31] kaio393: its getting annoyed
[19:31] azinpryncess: lol
[19:31] azinpryncess: well were not really talking
[19:32] kaio393: so
[19:32] kaio393: the themlessness of the them is aws
[19:32] kaio393: om
[19:33] azinpryncess: but were not talking
[19:33] kaio393: so?
[19:33] kaio393: im ryin to read :P
[19:33] azinpryncess: wat the fun n that?
[19:33] azinpryncess: not readng i mean not tlkng
[19:34] kaio393: :P
[19:34] kaio393: very
[19:34] azinpryncess: very wat?wat r u tlkng bout?
[19:34] kaio393: very fun
[19:34] azinpryncess: wats very fun?
[19:34] kaio393: reading
[19:34] azinpryncess: yh its ok i guess
[19:35] azinpryncess: my head hurts after readng 4 a long time
[19:36] kaio393: :P
[19:36] kaio393: u sound thick :P
[19:36] azinpryncess: i sound thick?
[19:36] azinpryncess: wat that mean?
[19:36] kaio393: :P
[19:36] kaio393: google it
[19:36] azinpryncess: hold on...wait...y cant u just tell me?
[19:37] kaio393: cuz
[19:37] kaio393: i dont want to
[19:37] azinpryncess: just tell me
[19:37] kaio393: nah
[19:41] azinpryncess: fine then dnt
[19:41] kaio393: ook
[19:41] azinpryncess: k
[19:42] azinpryncess: im tired
[19:43] azinpryncess: like,...really tired
[19:43] kaio393: ok
[19:43] kaio393: me too
[19:43] kaio393: i was up till 3
[19:43] azinpryncess: lol
[19:44] kaio393: i couldnt sleep
[19:45] azinpryncess: ill try to get pass this security crap so we can talk later 2night..cause las nigh wen we were talking it told me that i couldnt get on aim..that why i just left
[19:45] kaio393: ok
[19:45] kaio393: lol
[19:45] kaio393: hah
[19:45] azinpryncess: yh
[19:45] azinpryncess: its not funny
[19:46] azinpryncess: wat dd kelly tell u?
[19:46] kaio393: That
[19:47] kaio393: her dog was swimming in the pool
[19:47] kaio393: then her dad was asleep
[19:47] kaio393: then told her brother iw as an alien
[19:47] kaio393: tahts it
[19:47] azinpryncess: lol...okay
[19:48] kaio393: :P
[19:48] azinpryncess: my comp says i have 15 mi left....wen my rents get back,ill ask them 2 fix it...
[19:48] kaio393: lol
[19:48] kaio393: ok
[19:48] azinpryncess: yh
[19:49] azinpryncess: im outside on the swingset
[19:50] kaio393: goodie
[19:50] azinpryncess: yep
[19:52] azinpryncess: now im in my room
[19:52] azinpryncess: on my bed
[19:52] kaio393: ok
[19:52] kaio393: im in a chai
[19:52] azinpryncess: chai?
[19:53] kaio393: chair
[19:53] azinpryncess: o
[19:54] azinpryncess: thts kool
[19:55] azinpryncess: hllo?
[19:55] kaio393: hi
[19:55] azinpryncess: tlk
[19:55] kaio393: I am
[19:55] kaio393: to Enea
[19:55] kaio393: and DYY
[19:56] azinpryncess: who r they?
[19:56] kaio393: Peopel
[19:56] azinpryncess: and u need to tlk 2 me too
[19:56] kaio393: well
[19:56] kaio393: get skype :P
[19:57] azinpryncess: no..i dont wanna
[19:58] azinpryncess: i have 5 min left
[19:58] azinpryncess: :'(
[19:58] kaio393: lol
[19:58] kaio393: :P
[19:58] azinpryncess: i ao much
[19:58] kaio393: ?
[19:59] azinpryncess: nvr mind mis typed
[19:59] kaio393: typo :P
[20:00] azinpryncess: yh
[20:01] azinpryncess: i believe that if u feel like syng somthng that no matter wat u should say it right then and there..
[20:01] kaio393: ok
[20:01] azinpryncess: or the moment will pass u by
[20:01] azinpryncess: and youll regretb it
[20:02] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Tue May 08 20:02:07 2007.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Tue May 08 20:03:18 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 10 17:39:38 2007
[17:39] azinpryncess: hey
[17:39] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: Concidering I only like few movies and few TV shows, this is a time I cherish. So leave me alone, unless you are dying or something
[17:40] kaio393: what?
[17:40] azinpryncess: hey
[17:40] kaio393: what?
[17:41] kaio393: wat u wnat?
[17:41] azinpryncess: brb
[17:41] kaio393: ok...
[17:42] azinpryncess: back
[17:43] kaio393: ok..
[17:43] azinpryncess: we usually talk so i im u....
[17:43] kaio393: :P
[17:43] azinpryncess: wat du u mean wat do i want?
[17:43] kaio393: ok
[17:44] kaio393: what do you want
[17:44] kaio393: :p
[17:44] azinpryncess: to talk like we always do...why else would i imu?
[17:44] kaio393: idk
[17:44] kaio393: want to know wsomething or whatever
[17:45] azinpryncess: about wat?
[17:45] azinpryncess: emily's trying 2 im u...
[17:46] azinpryncess: bur wat would i want to ask u?
[17:46] kaio393: idk
[17:46] kaio393: like why the sky blue or whatever
[17:46] azinpryncess: lol....okaaay
[17:46] kaio393: :[p
[17:46] azinpryncess: wat u do that 4?
[17:47] kaio393: ?
[17:47] azinpryncess: ur acting very weird 2day
[17:48] kaio393: ?
[17:51] azinpryncess: ur askng wat i want and u sent me a sad face
[17:51] kaio393: i meant :P
[17:51] azinpryncess: oh
[17:54] kaio393: is this true:
[17:54] kaio393: 17:52] kaio393: im looking for my PS3 controller
[17:52] Sonshyngurl7: : P
[17:52] kaio393: :p
[17:52] Sonshyngurl7: oh well i have one i have an ps3 and a wii and everything you can have
[17:53] kaio393: ok
[17:53] kaio393: i hate the wii
[17:53] kaio393: its gay
[17:53] kaio393: i sold mine
[17:54] kaio393: aha
[17:54] kaio393: I ound it
[17:54] kaio393: yay
[17:55] azinpryncess: is wat true?
[17:55] kaio393: [17:52] Sonshyngurl7: oh well i have one i have an ps3 and a wii and everything you can have
[17:56] azinpryncess: she has a wii but @ her mom's(i dont thnk she has one but dont tell her that)
[17:56] azinpryncess: shell get mad
[17:56] azinpryncess: @ me
[17:57] kaio393: :P
[17:57] kaio393: ok
[17:57] azinpryncess: yh,she gets mad easily
[17:57] kaio393: :p
[17:57] kaio393: doi'
[17:58] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Thu May 10 17:58:13 2007.
[17:58] *** "azinpryncess" signed on at Thu May 10 17:58:36 2007.
[17:59] azinpryncess: srry...but u knew that about emily?
[17:59] kaio393: [17:57] kaio393: doi'
[18:03] azinpryncess: yh
[18:03] azinpryncess: im tired
[18:04] kaio393: ok
[18:04] kaio393: then go to sleep\
[18:04] azinpryncess: its 6 04
[18:04] azinpryncess: im not THAT tired
[18:04] kaio393: well i am
[18:04] kaio393: but dont want to go to sleep
[18:05] azinpryncess: yh
[18:05] azinpryncess: its a weird feeling
[18:05] kaio393: ok..
[18:07] azinpryncess: yh
[18:07] azinpryncess: wat r u doing?
[18:07] kaio393: watching Digimon
[18:07] azinpryncess: cool
[18:21] kaio393: yup
[18:21] kaio393: now im not tho
[18:21] kaio393: lol
[18:27] azinpryncess: wats funny
[18:27] kaio393: the fact that im not
[18:28] kaio393: :P
[18:28] kaio393: wy ui always ask wats funny
[18:28] kaio393: :P
[18:28] azinpryncess: okay
[18:28] azinpryncess: cause u laugh wen i dont c anythng funy
[18:28] azinpryncess: thats why
[18:28] kaio393: :P
[18:28] azinpryncess: yh
[18:28] kaio393: well u dont have to ask
[18:28] kaio393: that just ignant :P
[18:29] azinpryncess: ignant?
[18:29] kaio393: what about it
[18:29] azinpryncess: wat does that mean?
[18:29] kaio393: im not really sure
[18:30] kaio393: some words just pop into my head
[18:30] kaio393: let me google it
[18:30] kaio393: its Urban version of Ignorant
[18:30] kaio393: lol
[18:30] azinpryncess: oh...
[18:34] kaio393: yh
[18:41] azinpryncess: yh
[18:42] kaio393: u ned to sign up on oRpHiC
[18:46] azinpryncess: y
[18:47] azinpryncess: ive been tryg to get permission but my parebts keep puttng it off
[18:47] kaio393: cuz its soo kewliosis
[18:47] kaio393: :P
[18:57] azinpryncess: hello? srry i got disracted
[18:57] kaio393: hi
[18:57] azinpryncess: hi
[18:58] kaio393: well Orphic actually looks nice for a change
[18:58] kaio393: first time work has paid off
[18:58] azinpryncess: lol..okay
[18:58] kaio393: the only tthing that needs works is the on button
[18:58] kaio393: easily fixed probably
[18:58] azinpryncess: r yall going to the bible study this saterday?
[18:59] kaio393: do we ever?
[18:59] azinpryncess: yall used to...why dont yall anymore?
[19:00] kaio393: we never have :P
[19:00] kaio393: Yall= the suck
[19:00] azinpryncess: yh u have
[19:00] azinpryncess: yall=the suck?
[19:00] kaio393: when was the last time we went
[19:00] azinpryncess: i dunno
[19:00] kaio393: we never have
[19:00] azinpryncess: k..watevr
[19:01] azinpryncess: wat does:yall=th suck?
[19:01] azinpryncess: wat does that mean?
[19:02] kaio393: yall= worst word ever
[19:02] kaio393: makes me want to hit my head
[19:02] kaio393: u would know that if u were an Oprhic member
[19:03] azinpryncess: i am one...and it called being from texas....u said yall once too so i wouldnt be talking...
[19:03] kaio393: I never have said yall in my life :P
[19:03] kaio393: well
[19:03] kaio393: in a sentence
[19:04] azinpryncess: yh...i thought so
[19:04] kaio393: no u didnt
[19:04] kaio393: u said I said yall
[19:04] azinpryncess: u have b4
[19:04] azinpryncess: and yh i did
[19:04] kaio393: no i havent
[19:06] azinpryncess: yh u a txt 2 me last sunday...
[19:06] kaio393: proof?
[19:06] kaio393: i am positive i havnet
[19:06] azinpryncess: ill show u on my fone the next time i c u...and U HAVE
[19:07] kaio393: no i havent
[19:07] azinpryncess: ULL C
[19:07] kaio393: I HAVE NOT
[19:07] azinpryncess: nevr mind...i dont ahve it on my fone anymore...
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 10 19:12:54 2007
[19:13] azinpryncess: y did u do that?
[19:13] kaio393: no i just havent ever said that
[19:13] kaio393: do what?
[19:13] azinpryncess: yes u have and y did u sigh off?
[19:13] kaio393: cuz my compy froz
[19:13] kaio393: no i havent
[19:13] azinpryncess: yh u have...END OF STORY...
[19:14] kaio393: no
[19:14] kaio393: there is no story
[19:14] kaio393: just a fact
[19:14] kaio393: never have said
[19:14] kaio393: Ya''ll\
[19:14] azinpryncess: u no wat i mean
[19:14] kaio393: Ya'll
[19:14] azinpryncess: wats so bad about have said yall anyway?
[19:15] azinpryncess: its probably cause ur part
[19:15] kaio393: cuz its gay
[19:15] azinpryncess: no its not
[19:15] azinpryncess: were botherng u?
[19:16] azinpryncess: well... r we
[19:16] kaio393: who?
[19:16] azinpryncess: me and emily
[19:17] kaio393: im not even talking to emily
[19:17] azinpryncess: yh u r
[19:17] kaio393: no im not :P
[19:18] azinpryncess: oh nevr mind
[19:18] azinpryncess: emily told me that u arent talking 2 her anymore
[19:19] kaio393: see
[19:19] kaio393: (Link:
[19:20] azinpryncess: i cant..perantel cntr
[19:20] kaio393: :p
[19:20] azinpryncess: control..
[19:20] azinpryncess: yh
[19:20] kaio393: so i did all that work for nothin
[19:20] azinpryncess: srry...let me try again..
[19:21] azinpryncess: ill b able to look @ it n a minute..
[19:21] azinpryncess: wat is it a pic of?
[19:25] azinpryncess: wat is a pic of?
[19:25] azinpryncess: it
[19:27] kaio393: brb
[19:28] kaio393: back
[19:28] azinpryncess: k
[19:28] azinpryncess: wat is it a picture of ?
[19:29] kaio393: a screenie
[19:29] azinpryncess: wats that?
[19:29] azinpryncess: e-mail it to me at
[19:30] azinpryncess: if u want me 2 see somthn...send it there
[19:30] azinpryncess: ill check it in a little bit
[19:30] azinpryncess: k?
[19:30] kaio393: sending..
[19:31] azinpryncess: kool
[19:31] azinpryncess: brb
[19:32] kaio393: ok
[19:35] azinpryncess: back
[19:35] kaio393: wb
[19:35] azinpryncess: did u send it?
[19:36] azinpryncess: wb?
[19:36] kaio393: welcome back
[19:36] azinpryncess: oh
[19:36] azinpryncess: lol
[19:36] kaio393: yh
[19:36] kaio393: twice i think
[19:36] azinpryncess: u dis?
[19:36] azinpryncess: k...hold on...
[19:42] azinpryncess: back
[19:42] kaio393: ok
[19:43] azinpryncess: i saw but i could only c it small...i could tell it said no emily or somthn
[19:43] azinpryncess: wat was it?
[19:43] kaio393: zoom in on it
[19:46] azinpryncess: i woulnt let me..
[19:47] azinpryncess: ill check it l8tr
[19:47] kaio393: :p
[19:47] azinpryncess: it says i have 15 min left...
[19:47] azinpryncess: ugh!!!
[19:47] kaio393: hah
[19:47] kaio393: brb
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 10 19:47:53 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 10 19:47:53 2007
[19:47] azinpryncess: ugh...fine
[19:47] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: eating. be back later
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 10 19:47:56 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 10 19:48:49 2007
[19:48] azinpryncess: *sigh*
[19:48] *** Auto-response sent to azinpryncess: eating. be back later
[19:54] kaio393: back
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 10 19:55:18 2007
Session Start (kaio393:azinpryncess): Thu May 10 19:56:53 2007
[19:56] azinpryncess: k
[19:57] azinpryncess: i now have 5 min left..
[19:57] kaio393: good for u
[19:57] azinpryncess: meanie..
[19:57] kaio393: how?
[19:57] azinpryncess: jk
[19:57] azinpryncess: were u really eatng?
[19:57] kaio393: :P
[19:57] kaio393: yeah
[19:58] azinpryncess: oh
[19:58] azinpryncess: cool
[19:58] kaio393: the my mom wanted me to sho0w hwo to do video on her new phone
[19:58] azinpryncess: lol
[19:58] azinpryncess: my mom and rich are picking subway up 4 me and emily
[19:58] kaio393: yum
[19:59] azinpryncess: u like subway?
[19:59] kaio393: yea
[19:59] azinpryncess: oh..kool
[19:59] azinpryncess: have u had their chicken teriyaki?
[19:59] azinpryncess: its my favorite
[19:59] kaio393: no
[20:00] azinpryncess: oh...u shouled
[20:00] kaio393: no
[20:00] azinpryncess: should
[20:00] kaio393: i only get
[20:00] azinpryncess: y not?
[20:00] kaio393: Turkey BREAST, lettuce, bacon, and black pepper
[20:00] azinpryncess: eew!
[20:00] kaio393: :p
[20:01] azinpryncess: y did u caps breast?
[20:01] kaio393: cuz its funny
[20:01] kaio393: ppl freak out
[20:01] azinpryncess: i dont
[20:01] kaio393: well
[20:01] kaio393: others doo
[20:01] *** "azinpryncess" signed off at Thu May 10 20:01:32 2007.
Session Close (azinpryncess): Thu May 10 20:01:37 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Sat May 05 20:58:59 2007
[20:59] kaio393: sup
[20:59] WarriorAtHeart07: took you that long to even say anything?
[20:59] WarriorAtHeart07: wow
[20:59] kaio393: wat?
[20:59] WarriorAtHeart07: i've been on for an hour and you've been on for 11 and it took you that long to say hi
[20:59] kaio393: er
[21:00] kaio393: i was eating
[21:00] kaio393: then i was podcasting while mentally drunk
[21:00] WarriorAtHeart07: nice
[21:00] kaio393: being mentally drunk is wierd\
[21:00] kaio393: i still can
[21:00] kaio393: t walk
[21:01] kaio393: so wat u up 2?
[21:03] WarriorAtHeart07: nm
[21:03] WarriorAtHeart07: u?
[21:04] kaio393: Posting/Listening to linkin park's new album
[21:09] WarriorAtHeart07: cool
[21:09] kaio393: yup, its really good
[21:10] WarriorAtHeart07: brb
[21:10] kaio393: k
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Sat May 05 21:37:05 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Sat May 05 22:09:39 2007
[22:09] WarriorAtHeart07: gtg
[22:09] WarriorAtHeart07: bye
[22:09] kaio393: cyz
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Sat May 05 22:09:50 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Sun May 06 13:58:44 2007
[13:59] kaio393: sup
[14:15] WarriorAtHeart07: hey
[14:15] WarriorAtHeart07: gtg
[14:15] *** "WarriorAtHeart07" signed off at Sun May 06 14:15:46 2007.
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Sun May 06 14:16:32 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Mon May 07 21:22:27 2007
[21:22] kaio393: yoh
[21:23] WarriorAtHeart07: do you seriously care about kiki going out with stephen?
[21:23] kaio393: She told me she was just good friends with him now
[21:23] kaio393: *shrug*
[21:24] WarriorAtHeart07: she told you that?
[21:24] WarriorAtHeart07: haha
[21:24] WarriorAtHeart07: and you believed her?
[21:24] kaio393: sure
[21:25] WarriorAtHeart07: she's like in love with him, and he's in love with her
[21:25] WarriorAtHeart07: no matter what she says
[21:25] WarriorAtHeart07: i hope
[21:25] kaio393: i dont
[21:25] WarriorAtHeart07: why not?
[21:25] WarriorAtHeart07: jealous?
[21:26] kaio393: No
[21:26] kaio393: I love her
[21:26] WarriorAtHeart07: that's still considered jealousy
[21:26] kaio393: No it isnt
[21:26] kaio393: I want her to be happy
[21:26] kaio393: But I would be happy if she were happy with me
[21:27] WarriorAtHeart07: dude, she's never going to be happy with you
[21:27] WarriorAtHeart07: no offense
[21:27] WarriorAtHeart07: she's likes the unexpected and dangerous
[21:27] kaio393: :P
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: that's what stephen is, he's laughing one second and then the next he's all-of-a-sudden suggesting we go skip school to read books
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: seriously, he did that
[21:28] kaio393: ok
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: you're just not
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: that
[21:29] kaio393: ok
[21:29] WarriorAtHeart07: i like boys like that too
[21:29] kaio393: ok
[21:29] WarriorAtHeart07: she just likes you as a friend
[21:29] kaio393: :P
[21:30] WarriorAtHeart07: see - expected
[21:30] WarriorAtHeart07: you always do that stupid smiley
[21:30] kaio393: Duh
[21:30] WarriorAtHeart07: which is annoying
[21:30] kaio393: its my thing
[21:30] kaio393: so
[21:30] kaio393: annoying is funn
[21:30] kaio393: funirific
[21:30] kaio393: :P
[21:30] WarriorAtHeart07: that's another reason why
[21:31] WarriorAtHeart07: you think your stupid and stupid is funny - but you just stabbed both
[21:31] WarriorAtHeart07: hard
[21:31] kaio393: sweet
[21:32] WarriorAtHeart07: that's bad
[21:32] kaio393: so
[21:32] kaio393: I like making the regular irregular
[21:32] kaio393: and im ure ex why should i take ure word for truth :P
[21:32] WarriorAtHeart07: not stabbed murdered
[21:33] WarriorAtHeart07: i wouldn't even consider you an ex
[21:33] WarriorAtHeart07: bf & gf both have to like each other for it to count
[21:33] kaio393: lol
[21:33] kaio393: true
[21:33] kaio393: Murdering isnt illegal in TX if its in ure own house and they break in
[21:33] WarriorAtHeart07: and i only pretended because i felt bad about you & kiki
[21:33] kaio393: :p
[21:33] WarriorAtHeart07: seriously
[21:34] WarriorAtHeart07: i don't fall for geeks
[21:34] kaio393: :P
[21:34] WarriorAtHeart07: i fall for band nerds
[21:34] kaio393: Well dont fall to much
[21:34] kaio393: you might get hurt
[21:34] WarriorAtHeart07: which you definetly aren't
[21:34] kaio393: Pianist here
[21:34] kaio393: ull never find me in a band :p
[21:35] WarriorAtHeart07: did you just F***ING INSULT BAND!?
[21:35] kaio393: A band
[21:35] kaio393: like
[21:35] kaio393: any badn
[21:35] kaio393: band
[21:35] WarriorAtHeart07: you're a deadman
[21:35] WarriorAtHeart07: i don't feel sorry anymore
[21:35] kaio393: i didn't insult band
[21:35] kaio393: :P
[21:35] kaio393: well i did once
[21:35] kaio393: but that was like 6th grade
[21:35] WarriorAtHeart07: we don't even like the same music
[21:36] kaio393: :P
[21:36] kaio393: I like classical siz
[21:36] WarriorAtHeart07: like i like fob
[21:36] kaio393: whcic linkin park came out with a new album
[21:36] WarriorAtHeart07: & greenday
[21:36] WarriorAtHeart07: & relient k
[21:36] kaio393: Fall out boy only has one good song
[21:36] kaio393: GD= two or three good songs
[21:36] kaio393: RK= a hand ful
[21:37] WarriorAtHeart07: d-e-a-d-m-a-n
[21:37] kaio393: why
[21:37] WarriorAtHeart07: fob songs all rock, you just don't understand them
[21:37] kaio393: yeah
[21:38] kaio393: Sophmore Slump or Comeback of the Year= nostalgic
[21:38] WarriorAtHeart07: you should listen to 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs' that's how i feel about you
[21:38] kaio393: and songs have different meanings for different ppl
[21:39] WarriorAtHeart07: Thnks Fr Th Mmrs is very clear what it means
[21:40] kaio393: to you
[21:41] WarriorAtHeart07: how is 'thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great. it tastes like you only sweeter' not clear
[21:41] WarriorAtHeart07: that's means i didn't have a good time, thanks anyway
[21:41] WarriorAtHeart07: the memory was sweeter then you
[21:42] kaio393: No
[21:42] kaio393: that means
[21:42] kaio393: it was like a slut or something
[21:42] kaio393: and she was after one guy after another
[21:42] kaio393: and shes pissed off at a guy
[21:43] WarriorAtHeart07: dude, it's from a guy's point of view, but i'm puting it in my
[21:43] WarriorAtHeart07: *mine
[21:43] kaio393: and it also means hooking up with an ex that cheated and left him before
[21:44] WarriorAtHeart07: anyway, in case you didn't understand MY POINT [I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOURS!] i meant i didn't have agood time going out with you
[21:44] WarriorAtHeart07: but thanks anyway
[21:45] WarriorAtHeart07: *a good
[21:45] kaio393: yeah but i was saying ppl have dif views of diff songs\
[21:45] WarriorAtHeart07: it has nothing to do with a slut, smart
[21:45] WarriorAtHeart07: i asked fob
[21:46] kaio393: uh huh
[21:46] WarriorAtHeart07: my reason wasn't it either
[21:46] WarriorAtHeart07: but neither was your
[21:47] WarriorAtHeart07: *yours
[21:48] kaio393: :P
[21:48] kaio393: so
[21:48] kaio393: that means my point is ture
[21:48] kaio393: ppl have different views on songs
[21:49] WarriorAtHeart07: DID YOU NOT EVEN GET MY POINT?!
[21:49] WarriorAtHeart07: apprently not
[21:49] kaio393: not really
[21:49] kaio393: i make things different
[21:49] kaio393: cuz i like things more fun
[21:49] kaio393: and less complicated
[21:50] WarriorAtHeart07: your about as fun as an un-active volcano
[21:50] WarriorAtHeart07: [not fun at all]
[21:51] kaio393: :P
[21:51] kaio393: well
[21:51] kaio393: I never meant for you
[21:51] kaio393: I meant for me DOI
[21:51] WarriorAtHeart07: you know, i could tell you how to win kiki's heart
[21:51] WarriorAtHeart07: but somehow you never asked
[21:52] WarriorAtHeart07: and haven't really exactly been the nicest guy
[21:52] WarriorAtHeart07: blake's nicer to me and he's pissed off at me
[21:52] WarriorAtHeart07: but, he's also in love with me
[21:52] WarriorAtHeart07: so i guess that's why
[21:53] kaio393: well I would ask
[21:53] kaio393: but
[21:53] kaio393: that would ruin the fun
[21:53] WarriorAtHeart07: not really tell, help
[21:53] WarriorAtHeart07: but, you've never put in an exfort to be nice
[21:54] WarriorAtHeart07: *effort
[21:54] WarriorAtHeart07: so i don't either
[21:54] kaio393: not trying
[21:56] WarriorAtHeart07: not trying to what?
[21:56] kaio393: to put an effort
[21:56] WarriorAtHeart07: i know, that's what i said
[21:56] kaio393: :P
[21:57] WarriorAtHeart07: i would have helped, but you've never put in any effort to be nice
[21:57] kaio393: I want to figure out on my own
[21:58] kaio393: it s half the fun
[21:58] WarriorAtHeart07: it's not a puzzle
[21:58] WarriorAtHeart07: not something you can figure out
[21:58] WarriorAtHeart07: you're thinking of it the wrong way
[21:58] WarriorAtHeart07: therefore, you can never win her over
[21:59] kaio393: I am not thinking of it as a puzzle
[21:59] kaio393: And I don't want to win her over
[21:59] kaio393: I want her to just want me
[21:59] WarriorAtHeart07: you can't make her want you, and she won't without some inside help
[21:59] WarriorAtHeart07: but, i would anyway
[21:59] WarriorAtHeart07: *wouldn't
[22:00] WarriorAtHeart07: you've haven't been nice, the effects are you lost your chance
[22:00] WarriorAtHeart07: at any shot with kiki
[22:00] kaio393: I will do fine
[22:00] kaio393: thank you
[22:00] WarriorAtHeart07: rofl
[22:00] WarriorAtHeart07: :-D
[22:01] WarriorAtHeart07: lol
[22:01] WarriorAtHeart07: ahahaha
[22:01] WarriorAtHeart07: you almost had me there
[22:01] kaio393: I did, did i?
[22:01] WarriorAtHeart07: no
[22:01] WarriorAtHeart07: sarcasm
[22:01] kaio393: thing is
[22:01] kaio393: I wasnt jokin
[22:01] WarriorAtHeart07: ahahahaha
[22:01] WarriorAtHeart07: rolf
[22:01] WarriorAtHeart07: *rofl
[22:02] WarriorAtHeart07: *wipes tear off eye*
[22:02] WarriorAtHeart07: ahaha
[22:02] kaio393: (Link:
[22:02] WarriorAtHeart07: i forgot my p/w
[22:03] kaio393: its not orphic
[22:03] WarriorAtHeart07: oh
[22:03] WarriorAtHeart07: i don't have an account
[22:04] kaio393: do u need one ?
[22:04] kaio393: forget it
[22:04] kaio393: ill just copy paste
[22:04] WarriorAtHeart07: kk
[22:04] kaio393: ga
[22:04] kaio393: that font is impossile to read
[22:05] WarriorAtHeart07: change the font
[22:05] kaio393: 25 Reasons You Might Be A Hardcore Graphic/Web Designer
(In no particular order)
You’ve almost rear-ended the car in front of you because you were analyzing a font on a billboard.
You get pissed when a free Photoshop brush you download is less than 1000px in size.
You’d rather study the paisley pattern on your boyfriend/girlfriend’s shirt than listen to what he/she has to say.
You can use keyboard shortcuts at light speed, blindfolded, but you can’t type a paragraph of text without staring at the keyboard.
You’ve had “Software Nightmares,” when you’ve been working way too much.
You consider meals interruptions.
You’ve learned your lesson and stopped using the word “final” in any file name when saving.
You clean your keyboard more often than you wash your car.
You’ve intentionally given up trying to explain your projects to non-designers.
You see CMYK and RGB like Neo sees the Matrix.
You’d rather organize your desktop than your sock drawer.
When you heard that Adobe was acuiring Macromedia, you had a Design Orgasm.
When you look at Album art all you see are grunge Photoshop Brushes. (Then you see the album art a couple minutes later)
You’ve Photoshopped out a watermark for a comp or mock-up.
You’ve actually $paid for a font.
You’ve totally slaughtered a great design concept because the client thinks he/she knows best. (everyone thinks they are a designer)
The amount of words you’ve written with a sharpie labeling burned discs total more than the amount of words you’ve read in novels.
You’ve had to explain to a client that a layered file wasn’t part of the deal.
You’ve kept a ragged concert ticket just so you could scan it.
You’ve nicknamed the OSX spinning wheel. (and not affectionately)
You bookmark a resource more often than you have a fun night out on the town.
You’ve intentionally overbid a project because you can sniff out a bad client from a mile away.
You can’t go to a restaurant without secretly critiquing the menu design.
You have an amazingly huge font collection, and an amazingly short temper.
If you had a penny for every mouse click, you would have been a trillionaire 3 years ago
[22:05] WarriorAtHeart07: or just type it all
[22:06] kaio393: and u can just click this one (u can be a guest here)
[22:06] kaio393: (Link:
[22:08] WarriorAtHeart07: wtf
[22:08] kaio393: :P
[22:08] WarriorAtHeart07: what does that have anything to do with anything
[22:08] kaio393: which one?
[22:08] WarriorAtHeart07: all of it
[22:08] WarriorAtHeart07: gtg
[22:08] kaio393: cyz
[22:08] WarriorAtHeart07: sorry, bye
[22:08] kaio393: cyz
[22:08] *** "WarriorAtHeart07" signed off at Mon May 07 22:08:59 2007.
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Mon May 07 22:29:40 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Tue May 08 16:26:01 2007
[16:26] kaio393: yoh
[16:26] WarriorAtHeart07: hahahahahahaha
[16:26] kaio393: ?
[16:26] WarriorAtHeart07: i talked to kiki
[16:27] kaio393: uh huh...
[16:27] WarriorAtHeart07: i told so
[16:27] kaio393: wat?
[16:27] WarriorAtHeart07: that kiki would never go out with you
[16:28] kaio393: So
[16:28] kaio393: she still likes me
[16:28] WarriorAtHeart07: as a friend
[16:28] WarriorAtHeart07: nothing more
[16:28] kaio393: :P
[16:29] kaio393: so?
[16:29] WarriorAtHeart07: i just talked to her
[16:29] WarriorAtHeart07: as a friend
[16:29] WarriorAtHeart07: never anything more
[16:29] kaio393: ok
[16:29] kaio393: so?
[16:30] WarriorAtHeart07: so, you love her
[16:30] WarriorAtHeart07: and what about you're "i can do it myself" thing
[16:30] kaio393: I can live my own life
[16:30] kaio393: thank you
[16:30] WarriorAtHeart07: she wasn't swept off her feet by the TWO times you asked her out
[16:31] kaio393: :P
[16:31] WarriorAtHeart07: she thought it was kind of sad
[16:31] kaio393: :P
[16:31] WarriorAtHeart07: but didn't pity you
[16:31] kaio393: I DONT CARE WHAT U SAY
[16:31] kaio393: I only believe it if it comes from kelly's lips
[16:31] WarriorAtHeart07: unfortunetly, you should
[16:32] WarriorAtHeart07: because, again, best friend here
[16:32] WarriorAtHeart07: influence level with kiki is high
[16:32] kaio393: high
[16:32] kaio393: thats fun
[16:32] WarriorAtHeart07: she asked me if she could date stephen
[16:32] kaio393: :P
[16:32] kaio393: so
[16:32] kaio393: shes just friends with Stephen :P
[16:33] kaio393: (Link:
[16:33] WarriorAtHeart07: and if she asked if she can date you [though that will never happen] i would say no
[16:33] WarriorAtHeart07: hahahaha
[16:33] kaio393: I dont care
[16:33] WarriorAtHeart07: she didn't even tell you?
[16:33] kaio393: Its her I want to like me
[16:33] kaio393: not you
[16:33] WarriorAtHeart07: she didn't?
[16:33] WarriorAtHeart07: wow
[16:33] WarriorAtHeart07: i can't believe she didn't tell you
[16:34] kaio393: i can
[16:35] kaio393: :P
[16:36] WarriorAtHeart07: why can you?
[16:36] WarriorAtHeart07: i thought you guys were friends
[16:36] kaio393: cuz I am kai like tha
[16:36] WarriorAtHeart07: stephen and her...i should let kiki tell you
[16:36] kaio393: okay
[16:37] WarriorAtHeart07: you would think she would put that beside the 'no' when you asked her out
[16:37] WarriorAtHeart07: guess not
[16:37] WarriorAtHeart07: didn't really ask if you knew
[16:37] kaio393: She told me herself
[16:38] WarriorAtHeart07: oh, well then you think she would have, you know, mentioned it
[16:38] kaio393: well she was saying that I act wierd around her when we are going out and she didn't want to go out with me for 2 days then break up
[16:38] kaio393: *shrug8
[16:39] WarriorAtHeart07: not that
[16:39] kaio393: well
[16:39] kaio393: Then wat?
[16:39] WarriorAtHeart07: just something
[16:40] kaio393: which is?
[16:40] WarriorAtHeart07: [Little hint box ~ Be nice to people if you want them to tell you anything important.]
[16:40] kaio393: wel
[16:40] kaio393: too bad
[16:40] kaio393: (Link:
[16:41] WarriorAtHeart07: i have to register to see
[16:41] kaio393: :P
[16:41] kaio393: i wont let you :P
[16:42] WarriorAtHeart07: ok
[16:42] kaio393: :P
[16:42] kaio393: Pearland Class of '11
[16:42] WarriorAtHeart07: ok...
[16:42] kaio393: yh
[16:43] WarriorAtHeart07: who is that?
[16:43] kaio393: ?
[16:44] kaio393: who?
[16:44] WarriorAtHeart07: the girl you told to IM me.
[16:45] kaio393: :P
[16:45] kaio393: one of my exs
[16:45] WarriorAtHeart07: i figured that out from what she said
[16:45] kaio393: ?
[16:47] kaio393: and waht was that?
[16:47] WarriorAtHeart07: what, like she isn't reporting to you or something
[16:47] kaio393: :P
[16:55] WarriorAtHeart07: she didn't even know you asked me out?
[16:55] kaio393: who?
[16:55] WarriorAtHeart07: sarah
[16:55] kaio393: what about her?
[16:56] WarriorAtHeart07: she didn't even know you asked me out
[16:56] kaio393: so?
[16:56] WarriorAtHeart07: why not?
[16:56] WarriorAtHeart07: did you tell anyone
[16:56] kaio393: IDC
[16:56] kaio393: yeah
[16:56] kaio393: me and sarah have only recently started talking again
[16:56] kaio393: cuz i hate texting
[16:57] kaio393: and thats all she does
[16:57] WarriorAtHeart07: ok
[17:12] WarriorAtHeart07: brb
[17:13] kaio393: k
[17:16] WarriorAtHeart07: back
[17:16] WarriorAtHeart07: not that you care
[17:17] kaio393: *shurf*
[17:17] kaio393: *shrug*
[17:18] WarriorAtHeart07: see
[17:18] kaio393: :p
[17:18] WarriorAtHeart07: why doesn't it click in your brain that you need to impress the best friend?
[17:18] WarriorAtHeart07: best friends decide almost everything for each other
[17:18] kaio393: It does
[17:18] kaio393: but
[17:18] kaio393: I
[17:18] kaio393: D
[17:18] kaio393: C
[17:19] WarriorAtHeart07: including relationships
[17:19] WarriorAtHeart07: ok
[17:19] WarriorAtHeart07: then
[17:19] kaio393: (Link:
[17:19] WarriorAtHeart07: i guess you don't care about having a chance with kiki
[17:20] kaio393: I do
[17:20] WarriorAtHeart07: then you should care
[17:20] WarriorAtHeart07: about the best friend
[17:21] kaio393: no
[17:21] kaio393: I care about Kelly
[17:22] WarriorAtHeart07: if you want a shot i'm saying be nice or never have a chance
[17:22] WarriorAtHeart07: this is your choice
[17:22] WarriorAtHeart07: be nice to someone you dislike or never get a chance with kiki
[17:22] kaio393: I choose or
[17:22] kaio393: :P
[17:22] kaio393: I don't need you
[17:22] kaio393: I need Kelly
[17:23] WarriorAtHeart07: then stick with that choice forever
[17:23] WarriorAtHeart07: because after today you get no re-tries
[17:23] WarriorAtHeart07: no do-overs
[17:24] WarriorAtHeart07: have fun with your choice you might want to just give up now
[17:24] kaio393: Give up what?
[17:25] WarriorAtHeart07: give up your trying to get kiki to like you
[17:25] WarriorAtHeart07: it doesn't mean anything now
[17:25] WarriorAtHeart07: just empty words to her
[17:25] kaio393: What?
[17:26] WarriorAtHeart07: asking her out
[17:26] WarriorAtHeart07: just empty words
[17:26] WarriorAtHeart07: don't waste your breate
[17:26] WarriorAtHeart07: *breath
[17:26] kaio393: how can wordts be empty?
[17:26] kaio393: And I will never waste a breath
[17:26] kaio393: EVER
[17:26] kaio393: on kelly
[17:34] WarriorAtHeart07: congrats! You just ruined your chance with kiki permantley!
[17:34] WarriorAtHeart07: *throws confetti*
[17:34] *** Auto-response sent to WarriorAtHeart07: watching a movie at the theater
[17:34] kaio393: no I didn't
[17:35] WarriorAtHeart07: haha
[17:35] WarriorAtHeart07: yeah you did
[17:35] WarriorAtHeart07: i just talked to her
[17:35] kaio393: How so?
[17:35] kaio393: and so what?
[17:35] WarriorAtHeart07: your fate is sealed
[17:36] WarriorAtHeart07: so, i just sealed your fate
[17:36] kaio393: no u didn't
[17:36] WarriorAtHeart07: haha
[17:36] kaio393: ?
[17:36] WarriorAtHeart07: you're so funny when you don't mean to be
[17:37] kaio393: But u havent
[17:37] kaio393: Kelly is her own person
[17:37] kaio393: She can choose her own path\
[17:37] WarriorAtHeart07: she did
[17:38] kaio393: No
[17:38] kaio393: you cheated
[17:38] WarriorAtHeart07: ?
[17:38] kaio393: u told her not to lik eme
[17:39] WarriorAtHeart07: she already didn't
[17:39] kaio393: :P
[17:39] kaio393: what ev
[17:40] WarriorAtHeart07: kiki wants your #
[17:41] kaio393: 8327679139
[17:42] WarriorAtHeart07: SHE GONNA CALL YOU SOON
[17:42] *** Auto-response sent to WarriorAtHeart07: eating. be back later
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Tue May 08 17:42:56 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Tue May 08 17:45:44 2007
[17:45] WarriorAtHeart07: is your phone ringing?
[17:45] *** Auto-response sent to WarriorAtHeart07: eating. be back later
[17:49] kaio393: back
[17:49] kaio393: I have no ring
[17:49] kaio393: its a buzz
[17:49] WarriorAtHeart07: did it buzz?
[17:49] kaio393: er
[17:49] kaio393: lookjing for it
[17:49] kaio393: my bro mite have it
[17:49] WarriorAtHeart07: fun
[17:50] kaio393: no
[17:50] kaio393: it didn
[17:50] WarriorAtHeart07: one sec
[17:50] kaio393: wel
[17:50] kaio393: now my bro is on the fone
[17:52] WarriorAtHeart07: kk
[17:52] kaio393: ok
[17:52] WarriorAtHeart07: call kiki
[17:52] kaio393: im good
[17:53] WarriorAtHeart07: she says you're stupid
[17:53] kaio393: :p
[17:53] kaio393: tell her to call me :p
[17:54] kaio393: 8327679139
[17:55] WarriorAtHeart07: she's calling
[17:55] kaio393: obviously not
[17:55] kaio393: wait here we are
[17:55] WarriorAtHeart07: is she calling?
[17:55] kaio393: yh
[17:55] WarriorAtHeart07: is she yelling?
[17:56] kaio393: no
[17:56] WarriorAtHeart07: what's she saying?
[17:56] kaio393: she sounds cute on the phoen
[17:57] WarriorAtHeart07: omg
[17:57] kaio393: :p
[17:57] WarriorAtHeart07: what is she saying?
[17:57] kaio393: nonya
[17:57] WarriorAtHeart07: oh yeah?
[17:57] kaio393: yh
[17:57] WarriorAtHeart07: right then.
[17:58] kaio393: yea
[17:58] WarriorAtHeart07: ok
[17:58] kaio393: yuuup
[17:58] WarriorAtHeart07: it's what i've been saying, isn't it?
[17:59] kaio393: no
[17:59] WarriorAtHeart07: really?
[17:59] kaio393: yea
[17:59] WarriorAtHeart07: that you don't have a chance with her?
[17:59] WarriorAtHeart07: no.
[17:59] WarriorAtHeart07: that's weird.
[17:59] WarriorAtHeart07: oh, well.
[17:59] WarriorAtHeart07: you'll find out.
[17:59] kaio393: :P
[18:04] WarriorAtHeart07: are ya'll still talking?
[18:04] kaio393: yh
[18:04] WarriorAtHeart07: can you ask her something for me?
[18:04] kaio393: ok
[18:05] WarriorAtHeart07: ask her if she's going to say what she said she would say.
[18:05] kaio393: she said which one?
[18:05] kaio393: nvrmmnd
[18:05] WarriorAtHeart07: all of it
[18:06] WarriorAtHeart07: please tell her all of it
[18:07] kaio393: ok
[18:08] kaio393: she doesnt know wat it is
[18:08] WarriorAtHeart07: ?
[18:08] WarriorAtHeart07: seriously
[18:08] kaio393: she said seriously
[18:09] WarriorAtHeart07: can you tell her to call me after she hangs up with you.
[18:09] kaio393: :P
[18:09] WarriorAtHeart07: will you tell her?
[18:09] kaio393: okidoki
[18:10] kaio393: uread everything we have said ti each other
[18:10] kaio393: cuz i cant
[18:10] kaio393: too hard
[18:10] WarriorAtHeart07: ?
[18:10] WarriorAtHeart07: kk
[18:10] kaio393: ok
[18:13] WarriorAtHeart07: did you tell her?
[18:13] kaio393: yh
[18:13] WarriorAtHeart07: how can i be sure? you've lied before.
[18:13] kaio393: :p
[18:14] kaio393: when?
[18:14] WarriorAtHeart07: post something only she would say.
[18:14] kaio393: ok
[18:15] kaio393: she said to say something stupid
[18:15] kaio393: lol
[18:15] kaio393: now she says
[18:15] kaio393: Kitty
[18:16] WarriorAtHeart07: just prove it to me by her calling me tonight
[18:16] WarriorAtHeart07: this won't work
[18:16] kaio393: kay
[18:16] kaio393: im off the phonz
[18:16] WarriorAtHeart07: kk
[18:16] kaio393: 0k
[18:17] WarriorAtHeart07: she's not calling
[18:17] kaio393: call her
[18:17] kaio393: idk
[18:17] WarriorAtHeart07: that's rude
[18:17] kaio393: what?>
[18:17] WarriorAtHeart07: telling someone to call you then calling them
[18:17] kaio393: :P
[18:17] kaio393: so
[18:18] WarriorAtHeart07: just because you don't mind being rude, doesn't mean other's don't
[18:18] kaio393: :P
[18:18] kaio393: well
[18:18] kaio393: if she doesnt call u
[18:18] kaio393: not my fault
[18:18] WarriorAtHeart07: yes, it is
[18:18] kaio393: how??
[18:19] WarriorAtHeart07: you were supposed to tell her, how do i know you did if she doesn't call me?
[18:19] kaio393: IDK
[18:19] kaio393: not my fault tho
[18:19] kaio393: she is herself
[18:19] kaio393: Not me
[18:19] kaio393: what if shes busy or something :P
[18:21] kaio393: digimon = awesomous
[18:21] WarriorAtHeart07: no
[18:21] kaio393: :P
[18:21] kaio393: to me
[18:21] WarriorAtHeart07: pokemon is better
[18:21] kaio393: no
[18:21] kaio393: well
[18:21] kaio393: pokemon is pretty far up there
[18:21] kaio393: but Digimon is awesome
[18:21] kaio393: Pokemon only had ONE good season
[18:22] kaio393: whil Digimon had 4 out of 5
[18:22] WarriorAtHeart07: true, but way better games
[18:22] kaio393: ture
[18:22] kaio393: tru
[18:22] WarriorAtHeart07: ugh
[18:22] kaio393: ?
[18:22] WarriorAtHeart07: i forgot i was talking to you
[18:22] kaio393: :P
[18:22] WarriorAtHeart07: can't get too friendly
[18:22] kaio393: lol
[18:23] kaio393: //..::EVIL::..\\
[18:23] WarriorAtHeart07: because of your decision
[18:23] WarriorAtHeart07: not mine
[18:23] kaio393: :P\
[18:23] kaio393: i always have enjoyed fratenising with the enemy
[18:23] WarriorAtHeart07: just to piss them off
[18:24] kaio393: :P
[18:24] WarriorAtHeart07: if you think best friends don't talk, you're wrong
[18:24] kaio393: idc
[18:24] WarriorAtHeart07: unfortunetly for you, i have gotten pissed off all day
[18:24] WarriorAtHeart07: i had a very nice day today
[18:24] kaio393: :P
[18:25] kaio393: but u just said u were Pissed off..
[18:25] WarriorAtHeart07: no i didn't
[18:25] WarriorAtHeart07: i just said you're trying to
[18:25] kaio393: :Pkinda
[18:25] kaio393: brb
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Tue May 08 18:25:50 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Tue May 08 18:26:04 2007
[18:26] WarriorAtHeart07: how many times can you eat a day?!
[18:26] *** Auto-response sent to WarriorAtHeart07: eating. be back later
[18:30] kaio393: several
[18:30] kaio393: i always have 2 dinner
[18:30] WarriorAtHeart07: ok then
[18:30] kaio393: yea
[18:30] kaio393: so wuu2
[18:30] kaio393: ?
[18:30] WarriorAtHeart07: nm
[18:30] WarriorAtHeart07: still waiting for kiki to call
[18:31] kaio393: lol
[18:31] kaio393: justcall her
[18:31] kaio393: and apologize for clling
[18:31] WarriorAtHeart07: that's rude
[18:31] kaio393: : and apologize for clling
[18:31] WarriorAtHeart07: even if you apoligize
[18:31] kaio393: well
[18:31] WarriorAtHeart07: *apologise
[18:31] kaio393: then keep watinh
[18:31] WarriorAtHeart07: *apologize
[18:32] kaio393: lol
[18:45] WarriorAtHeart07: gtg
[18:45] *** "WarriorAtHeart07" signed off at Tue May 08 18:45:37 2007.
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Tue May 08 18:46:28 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Wed May 09 19:38:19 2007
[19:38] kaio393: sup
[19:38] WarriorAtHeart07: don't want to talk to you
[19:39] kaio393: y?
[19:39] kaio393: kelly is sick
[19:39] WarriorAtHeart07: i know that
[19:39] kaio393: she had a 104 temp last night
[19:39] WarriorAtHeart07: i've know since 7 AM this morning
[19:39] kaio393: not my fault he didn't call u
[19:39] WarriorAtHeart07: she did
[19:39] WarriorAtHeart07: but i still hate you
[19:40] kaio393: y?
[19:40] WarriorAtHeart07: because you're an asshole
[19:40] kaio393: y?
[19:40] WarriorAtHeart07: because you told me you don't believe anything i say
[19:41] kaio393: well not everything u say is true
[19:41] kaio393: :P
[19:42] WarriorAtHeart07: tell me what has not been true
[19:42] kaio393: wii thing
[19:42] WarriorAtHeart07: that what i thought was true
[19:42] WarriorAtHeart07: *that's
[19:42] kaio393: :P
[19:42] kaio393: but it wasnt
[19:43] WarriorAtHeart07: you're not going to piss me off ever
[19:43] WarriorAtHeart07: i know you're trying
[19:43] kaio393: :P
[19:43] kaio393: whatever
[19:43] kaio393: but u were wrong :P
[19:44] WarriorAtHeart07: kyle, i get told that enought everyday
[19:44] WarriorAtHeart07: please make my life easier
[19:44] kaio393: kai :P
[19:44] kaio393: lol
[19:44] kaio393: some random show im watching is funy
[19:44] WarriorAtHeart07: i don't want to here that every 5 minutes
[19:45] kaio393: ?
[19:45] WarriorAtHeart07: that' i'm wrong
[19:46] kaio393: o :P
[19:46] WarriorAtHeart07: thank you, KYLE, for making me start crying again today
[19:46] kaio393: well either be corrected or wrong :P
[19:46] kaio393: ill let u stay wrong if u wish
[19:46] kaio393: im sorry
[19:46] kaio393: *currently chewing a straw*
[19:46] WarriorAtHeart07: crying really has made my day today
[19:47] kaio393: i siad sorry
[19:47] WarriorAtHeart07: don't even start with 'i'm sorry' you're not
[19:47] kaio393: sorry but u would rather be wrong :P
[19:48] WarriorAtHeart07: i know for a fact that you don't care about me at all
[19:48] kaio393: (sorry u would rathher be wrong)
[19:48] kaio393: (hint: need proof)
[19:49] WarriorAtHeart07: let's see...
[19:49] kaio393: *looks*
[19:49] WarriorAtHeart07: you don't believe anything i say
[19:49] kaio393: :P
[19:49] kaio393: so?
[19:49] WarriorAtHeart07: you insist on my being wrong in everything
[19:49] kaio393: :P
[19:49] kaio393: so?
[19:49] WarriorAtHeart07: you want me to get mad because you think it's funny
[19:50] kaio393: :P
[19:50] kaio393: so?
[19:50] WarriorAtHeart07: fuck you
[19:50] kaio393: :P
[19:50] kaio393: see ure mean to me
[19:50] WarriorAtHeart07: only because you make me feel bad
[19:50] kaio393: 1. A burdensome sense of responsibility; trouble caused by onerous duties; anxiety; concern; solicitude.
Care keeps his watch in every old man's eye, And where care lodges, sleep will never lie. --Shak.
2. Charge, oversight, or management, implying responsibility for safety and prosperity.
The care of all the churches. --2 Cor. xi. 28.
Him thy care must be to find. --Milton.
Perplexed with a thousand cares. --Shak.
3. Attention or heed; caution; regard; heedfulness; watchfulness; as, take care; have a care.
I thank thee for thy care and honest pains. --Shak.
4. The object of watchful attention or anxiety.
Right sorrowfully mourning her bereaved cares. --Spenser.
[19:51] WarriorAtHeart07: i would die for my friends and even enemies, can you say the same?
[19:51] kaio393: not enemires
[19:51] kaio393: :P
[19:52] WarriorAtHeart07: see
[19:52] WarriorAtHeart07: you don't care
[19:52] kaio393: so?
[19:52] WarriorAtHeart07: you don't get it
[19:52] kaio393: About my enemies
[19:52] kaio393: I may be your enemy
[19:52] kaio393: But you are not mine
[19:52] WarriorAtHeart07: you treat me like it
[19:53] WarriorAtHeart07: i would never purposely make someone mad because it's funny to watch
[19:53] kaio393: so
[19:53] kaio393: that doesnt mean you are
[19:53] kaio393: more of that 'pends on your point of view' convo we had the othre day
[19:54] WarriorAtHeart07: how is there another point of view on being mean
[19:55] kaio393: Well
[19:55] kaio393: I don't think its funny to watch
[19:55] kaio393: but you think I do
[19:55] WarriorAtHeart07: so you're saying kiki lies
[19:56] WarriorAtHeart07: but you are admitted to purposely trying to piss me off
[19:56] kaio393: yeah
[19:56] kaio393: but not to kelly lying
[19:56] WarriorAtHeart07: well kiki told me you were trying to piss me off because you thought it was funny
[19:57] kaio393: Well
[19:57] kaio393: sometimes i do
[19:57] WarriorAtHeart07: well you may think it's funny, but that's what the other guys thought before i burst into tears in the middle of class and they got sent to the AP's office
[19:57] kaio393: :P
[19:58] WarriorAtHeart07: something every year happens that makes me cry every year [someone doing something on purpose}
[19:58] kaio393: :P
[19:58] kaio393: uh huh
[19:58] kaio393: and?
[19:58] WarriorAtHeart07: congrats on being this years!
[19:58] WarriorAtHeart07: silly me for actually thinking i would be able to make it a whole year
[19:59] kaio393: well I would like to thank my father for teaching me, and my brothers for pissing me off all the time. And all of Orphic for always being there for me
[19:59] WarriorAtHeart07: you don't get it do you - why emos are emo, why people have to go to counciling
[19:59] WarriorAtHeart07: it's people like you
[20:01] kaio393: i have yto go to counseling to ya know :P
[20:01] WarriorAtHeart07: is it because of bullying people?
[20:01] kaio393: ?
[20:01] WarriorAtHeart07: or making them feel worthless
[20:01] kaio393: nah
[20:01] WarriorAtHeart07: like you obviously are very good at
[20:01] kaio393: 1) got bullied, finally fought back in 5th grade (still pick on me)
[20:01] kaio393: 2) parents divorced
[20:02] kaio393: 3) Possibly insane
[20:02] kaio393: :p
[20:02] kaio393: jk
[20:02] kaio393: on 3
[20:02] kaio393: kinda\
[20:02] WarriorAtHeart07: 1) so you now make people feel worthless
[20:02] WarriorAtHeart07: 2) sorry about that
[20:02] WarriorAtHeart07: 3) you are
[20:02] kaio393: 1) nah, u just take it that way, I am really helping
[20:02] kaio393: 2) eh i like it
[20:02] kaio393: 3) POSSIBLY :P
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: yes, making someone cry has many different points of view
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: let's see...
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: mean
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: um...mean
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: being mean
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: mean
[20:03] kaio393: well why are u crying for one
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: being mean
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: mean
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: mean
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: asshole
[20:03] WarriorAtHeart07: mean
[20:04] WarriorAtHeart07: mean
[20:04] WarriorAtHeart07: asshole
[20:04] kaio393: well why are u crying for one
[20:04] WarriorAtHeart07: mean
[20:04] kaio393: well why are u crying for one
[20:04] WarriorAtHeart07: mean
[20:04] kaio393: well why are u crying for one
[20:04] WarriorAtHeart07: mean
[20:04] kaio393: well why are u crying for one
[20:04] WarriorAtHeart07: did i mention mean?
[20:04] kaio393: well why are u crying for one
[20:04] WarriorAtHeart07: because of you
[20:04] kaio393: why?
[20:04] WarriorAtHeart07: you made me feel like i do everything wrong
[20:04] WarriorAtHeart07: just like all the others
[20:05] WarriorAtHeart07: 'weapons in the form of words' quote from a song
[20:05] kaio393: :P
[20:05] kaio393: well i am just correcting u :P
[20:05] kaio393: its like saying
[20:06] WarriorAtHeart07: not just that
[20:06] kaio393: Link is a gurl
[20:06] kaio393: waht would u say?
[20:06] WarriorAtHeart07: are you trying to...oh, i forgot you are
[20:06] WarriorAtHeart07: nvrm
[20:06] WarriorAtHeart07: i forgot about that
[20:06] kaio393: wat?
[20:06] kaio393: Help you?
[20:06] WarriorAtHeart07: piss me off
[20:06] kaio393: o
[20:06] kaio393: no
[20:07] kaio393: trying to make things right :P
[20:07] WarriorAtHeart07: you admitted it
[20:07] kaio393: u are the one who is always trying to pis me off :P
[20:07] WarriorAtHeart07: really? did i make you cry?
[20:07] kaio393: i just turn it around
[20:07] kaio393: no
[20:07] kaio393: I turn it around
[20:07] kaio393: and make it fun
[20:07] WarriorAtHeart07: oh i'm having so much fun
[20:07] WarriorAtHeart07: fun is so fun right now
[20:08] kaio393: well i mean for myslef ::p
[20:08] WarriorAtHeart07: right now about 28 people hate me
[20:08] kaio393: :P
[20:08] kaio393: because u probably piss them off too
[20:08] WarriorAtHeart07: and 13 make fun of me daily
[20:08] WarriorAtHeart07: fun fun fun
[20:08] kaio393: :P
[20:08] WarriorAtHeart07: it's like a carnival
[20:08] kaio393: u ned to read other messages besides ure own:P
[20:08] WarriorAtHeart07: i did read yours
[20:09] kaio393: [20:08] kaio393: well i mean for myslef ::p
[20:09] kaio393: [20:08] kaio393: because u probably piss them off too
[20:09] WarriorAtHeart07: i know
[20:09] WarriorAtHeart07: i said i did read them
[20:09] WarriorAtHeart07: would you just shut up
[20:09] kaio393: an yet ignorned them
[20:09] kaio393: :P
[20:09] kaio393: nah
[20:09] WarriorAtHeart07: you're making things worse
[20:09] kaio393: i annoy ppl
[20:09] kaio393: ppl tell me
[20:09] kaio393: :P
[20:10] WarriorAtHeart07: maybe YOU should listen
[20:10] kaio393: nah
[20:10] kaio393: I like my rules
[20:10] kaio393: not the world
[20:10] WarriorAtHeart07: if you did you would have probably already figured alot of things out
[20:10] kaio393: :P
[20:10] kaio393: but its less fun
[20:10] WarriorAtHeart07: like i've been on the verge of emo for about 3 years now
[20:10] WarriorAtHeart07: now wanna-be emo
[20:10] kaio393: why?
[20:11] WarriorAtHeart07: see, you didn't listen
[20:11] kaio393: well
[20:11] kaio393: its not that smart
[20:11] kaio393: you might kill yourself
[20:11] kaio393: and why would you want to? It just hurts yourself
[20:12] WarriorAtHeart07: because people like you make me feel there's nothing left in the world to live for
[20:12] kaio393: :p
[20:12] kaio393: there is
[20:12] kaio393: Ms.editor
[20:12] kaio393: :P
[20:12] WarriorAtHeart07: that i don't belong in this world
[20:12] kaio393: Well none of us belong
[20:12] kaio393: we just pretend
[20:12] WarriorAtHeart07: because i don't help anyone, i just hurt people
[20:12] kaio393: and the illusion sometimes work
[20:12] WarriorAtHeart07: that's why i cry
[20:13] WarriorAtHeart07: because of that
[20:13] WarriorAtHeart07: every night
[20:13] kaio393: illusion?
[20:13] WarriorAtHeart07: no
[20:13] kaio393: ogh
[20:13] kaio393: that u hurt ppl
[20:13] kaio393: well
[20:13] kaio393: you helped kelly
[20:13] WarriorAtHeart07: you make me feel like that
[20:13] WarriorAtHeart07: really, doesn't seem like it
[20:13] kaio393: ell
[20:14] kaio393: You need to find an element
[20:14] kaio393: something you are good at
[20:14] WarriorAtHeart07: i've tried everything
[20:14] kaio393: then get really good at it
[20:14] kaio393: thnen you can help ppl
[20:14] kaio393: try googling
[20:14] kaio393: PCs
[20:14] WarriorAtHeart07: not with people like you around
[20:14] kaio393: :P
[20:14] WarriorAtHeart07: i've started to lose my skill with the computer
[20:14] kaio393: well that means u need to get better at it
[20:15] kaio393: well that means ure caring too much bout what ppl like me think
[20:15] WarriorAtHeart07: only because you tell me everyday
[20:15] kaio393: (Link:
[20:15] kaio393: (Link:
[20:15] WarriorAtHeart07: how many times was i told i was worthless or it was hint ed TODAY?
[20:15] WarriorAtHeart07: let see.
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 1
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 2
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 3
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 4
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 5
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 6
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 7
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 8
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 9
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 10
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 11
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 12
[20:16] kaio393: 13
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 13
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 14
[20:16] kaio393: 15
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 16
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 17
[20:16] kaio393: 17
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 19
[20:16] kaio393: 20
[20:16] kaio393: dammit
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: *18
[20:16] kaio393: im losing
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 21
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 22
[20:16] kaio393: 22
[20:16] kaio393: 23
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 23
[20:16] kaio393: 24
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 25
[20:16] kaio393: 26
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 26
[20:16] kaio393: 27
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 27
[20:16] kaio393: 28
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 28
[20:16] kaio393: 29
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 29
[20:16] kaio393: 30
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: 30
[20:16] kaio393: 31
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: about
[20:16] kaio393: hm
[20:16] kaio393: well
[20:16] kaio393: that was fun
[20:16] WarriorAtHeart07: fun for you
[20:17] kaio393: I forgot what we were talking about
[20:17] kaio393: (possible ADD
[20:17] WarriorAtHeart07: that how many times it was hinted or told to me i'm worthless today
[20:17] kaio393: and why do you care?
[20:17] kaio393: you are what I call
[20:17] kaio393: Closed
[20:17] kaio393: You need to be more
[20:17] kaio393: Open
[20:17] WarriorAtHeart07: because when you're told everyday 31 times a day you start to give in
[20:18] kaio393: I get told 30 times a day
[20:18] kaio393: by Taylor and Ashley
[20:18] kaio393: and you think i care?
[20:18] kaio393: no
[20:18] WarriorAtHeart07: 31 different times by different people
[20:18] kaio393: Chance
[20:18] WarriorAtHeart07: including people i thought were my friends
[20:18] kaio393: Taylo
[20:18] kaio393: Sahley
[20:18] kaio393: Jake
[20:18] kaio393: too damn tire
[20:18] WarriorAtHeart07: you haven't been told for 3 years though
[20:19] kaio393: lol
[20:19] kaio393: try lets see
[20:19] kaio393: 6
[20:19] WarriorAtHeart07: it was fine before i moved to friendswood
[20:19] kaio393: second grade i was started as a nerd
[20:19] WarriorAtHeart07: i don't belong anywhere
[20:19] kaio393: :P
[20:19] WarriorAtHeart07: not even in pearland anymore
[20:19] kaio393: well u seem like you dont want to listen to me
[20:19] WarriorAtHeart07: hmm
[20:19] kaio393: and just want to complain
[20:19] kaio393: like my brother
[20:20] WarriorAtHeart07: maybe because this is the first time you've ever believed me
[20:20] kaio393: :P
[20:20] kaio393: lol
[20:20] kaio393: Harry potter
[20:20] WarriorAtHeart07: first time we've talked about anything other then orphic
[20:20] kaio393: on acording to Jim
[20:20] kaio393: :P
[20:20] kaio393: wel
[20:20] kaio393: U
[20:20] kaio393: need
[20:20] kaio393: to
[20:20] kaio393: leanr
[20:20] kaio393: yo
[20:20] kaio393: to
[20:20] kaio393: not care
[20:20] kaio393: wat
[20:20] kaio393: other ppl
[20:20] kaio393: think
[20:20] WarriorAtHeart07: more 'constructive critism' fun fun
[20:21] kaio393: When someones talks shit about them tomorow
[20:21] kaio393: Say and I care why?
[20:21] kaio393: then they ll sayy cuz ure an idiot or whatever they want
[20:21] kaio393: and then u say
[20:21] kaio393: and I care why?
[20:21] kaio393: etc
[20:21] WarriorAtHeart07: you're not a girl, you just don't understand
[20:22] kaio393: true
[20:22] kaio393: good point
[20:22] WarriorAtHeart07: oh, sorry
[20:22] kaio393: well
[20:22] kaio393: Just try it
[20:22] kaio393: I swear
[20:22] WarriorAtHeart07: i'm not even, whatever
[20:22] kaio393: ?
[20:22] WarriorAtHeart07: i'm not even going to try
[20:22] WarriorAtHeart07: because what you call turning it around is what makes me cry
[20:23] kaio393: well turn it around on me
[20:23] WarriorAtHeart07: so just - whatever
[20:23] kaio393: lets try
[20:23] kaio393: BELOW = NOT REAL
[20:23] kaio393: you are stupid (now you say, where is your proof)
[20:23] WarriorAtHeart07: f*** you
[20:23] WarriorAtHeart07: ha
[20:23] kaio393: no no no
[20:23] kaio393: you are going all about it wrong
[20:23] kaio393: cuz then
[20:23] kaio393: they think you think it is true
[20:24] kaio393: so you have to ask for proof
[20:24] WarriorAtHeart07: sometimes they really do mean it
[20:24] kaio393: brb
[20:24] WarriorAtHeart07: sometimes they want to piss me off like you
[20:24] WarriorAtHeart07: but sometimes they mean
[20:24] WarriorAtHeart07: kk
[20:24] WarriorAtHeart07: nvm
[20:24] WarriorAtHeart07: gtg
[20:24] WarriorAtHeart07: bye
[20:24] *** "WarriorAtHeart07" signed off at Wed May 09 20:24:58 2007.
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Wed May 09 20:25:01 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Wed May 09 20:32:10 2007
[20:32] kaio393: anways
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Wed May 09 20:33:54 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Wed May 09 20:34:21 2007
[20:34] WarriorAtHeart07: ...
[20:34] kaio393: r u still mad at me?
[20:34] WarriorAtHeart07: yes
[20:34] kaio393: w\hy?
[20:35] WarriorAtHeart07: because right now i really need like a counciler, and you're telling me not to complain
[20:35] WarriorAtHeart07: which is what i need to talk about
[20:35] kaio393: why do you need a conselor?
[20:35] WarriorAtHeart07: preferable with verity
[20:36] WarriorAtHeart07: but there's a major storm in dallas
[20:36] kaio393: o
[20:36] WarriorAtHeart07: so emo means nothing to you
[20:36] WarriorAtHeart07: does it?
[20:36] kaio393: yh
[20:36] kaio393: you shouldnt be emo
[20:36] kaio393: because
[20:36] kaio393: its not
[20:36] kaio393: worth it
[20:36] WarriorAtHeart07: i'm not emo
[20:36] WarriorAtHeart07: but i have the same feelings as them
[20:37] WarriorAtHeart07: i just hold it all in
[20:37] WarriorAtHeart07: no cuts for me
[20:37] kaio393: good
[20:38] WarriorAtHeart07: holding it all in is good?
[20:38] kaio393: well
[20:38] kaio393: no
[20:38] kaio393: but cutting isnt
[20:38] kaio393: Well
[20:38] kaio393: yuo need to rant
[20:38] kaio393: Go to your school conselor
[20:38] kaio393: and rant
[20:38] kaio393: about everything
[20:39] WarriorAtHeart07: they'll put me in a mental hospital
[20:39] WarriorAtHeart07: no one at our school admits they're on te verge or are emo
[20:39] kaio393: :P
[20:39] WarriorAtHeart07: they'll think you're mental
[20:39] kaio393: well 'edit' it
[20:40] WarriorAtHeart07: it doesn't get it out though
[20:40] kaio393: well
[20:40] kaio393: Ill be ure rantee if you want
[20:40] kaio393: but you proabbaly dont
[20:41] WarriorAtHeart07: i want kiki or verity
[20:41] kaio393: well
[20:41] WarriorAtHeart07: and kiki doesn't feel like talking right now
[20:41] kaio393: tehn ask cerit
[20:41] kaio393: verit*
[20:41] WarriorAtHeart07: verity lives in dallas and there's a major storm going on there
[20:41] kaio393: Ooooh
[20:41] kaio393: IDEA
[20:42] kaio393: type it all up
[20:42] kaio393: then when possible
[20:42] kaio393: send it :)
[20:43] kaio393: ok?
[20:44] WarriorAtHeart07: i'll just do what i always do
[20:45] WarriorAtHeart07: because that's what i do best
[20:45] kaio393: ?
[20:46] WarriorAtHeart07: hold it in and burst out at a random time
[20:46] kaio393: i see
[20:46] kaio393: well its worse for you
[20:46] kaio393: it may cause internal ulcers
[20:46] kaio393: :P
[20:47] WarriorAtHeart07: internal what?
[20:47] kaio393: make u throw up blood
[20:47] WarriorAtHeart07: ew
[20:48] kaio393: yh
[20:48] WarriorAtHeart07: why would it do thaat?
[20:48] WarriorAtHeart07: *that
[20:48] kaio393: something to do with stres
[20:48] WarriorAtHeart07: brb
[20:48] kaio393: (Link:
[20:53] WarriorAtHeart07: kk
[20:53] kaio393: yh.
[21:00] WarriorAtHeart07: i'm watching eragon and have claimed down for now
[21:00] kaio393: :P
[21:00] kaio393: movie sucks
[21:00] kaio393: dont waste ure time
[21:00] WarriorAtHeart07: i happen to love the movie
[21:00] kaio393: :o :O
[21:00] kaio393: it like
[21:00] kaio393: threw the book in a fire place
[21:00] kaio393: and pissed on its ashes
[21:01] WarriorAtHeart07: it's one of my favorites
[21:01] kaio393: :P
[21:01] kaio393: it like
[21:01] kaio393: was on the same track of Eragon kinda
[21:01] kaio393: but had just about nothing to do with it
[21:02] WarriorAtHeart07: i still like it
[21:03] kaio393: :p
[21:03] kaio393: It feels like watching it is like betrayl to the book
[21:03] WarriorAtHeart07: i like it as a movie
[21:04] WarriorAtHeart07: not as a movie from the book
[21:05] kaio393: its confusing as a movie. I went to see it with one friend who had read the book, and one who hadnt. my friend who had read it hated as did I. The other was confused
[21:06] WarriorAtHeart07: dak?
[21:06] WarriorAtHeart07: and andrew?
[21:06] kaio393: Alex and Jake
[21:06] WarriorAtHeart07: o
[21:06] kaio393: oh one more person who insists on calling me idiot everyday for no apparent reasong
[21:06] WarriorAtHeart07: i'm glad at least not alexis
[21:07] kaio393: ?
[21:07] WarriorAtHeart07: i hate alexis
[21:07] kaio393: ok
[21:08] kaio393:
[21:08] WarriorAtHeart07: what is it?
[21:08] kaio393: look it
[21:08] WarriorAtHeart07: i have to register to see
[21:09] kaio393: well i just wanted u to see the main page
[21:09] WarriorAtHeart07: cool
[21:09] kaio393: yh
[21:10] kaio393: bbl
[21:11] WarriorAtHeart07: ?
[21:13] WarriorAtHeart07: o
[21:13] WarriorAtHeart07: nvrm
[21:17] kaio393: back
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Wed May 09 22:10:54 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Thu May 10 16:16:11 2007
[16:16] kaio393: sup
[16:17] WarriorAtHeart07: hey
[16:17] WarriorAtHeart07: today i just found out i have no friends in band
[16:17] kaio393: What?
[16:17] kaio393: Why?
[16:18] WarriorAtHeart07: because we're supposed to pair up with friends for this band trip and no one wanted to be with me
[16:18] WarriorAtHeart07: i asked everyone i knew
[16:18] kaio393: :(
[16:18] kaio393: that doesn;t mean they arent your friends
[16:18] kaio393: just that they wanted to hook up wit someoen else
[16:19] WarriorAtHeart07: none of them had partners and they all invented insane excuses
[16:19] kaio393: :P
[16:19] kaio393: and why do you care that no on want to to be your friend in band
[16:19] kaio393: its not like you are going to see them in 10 years
[16:20] WarriorAtHeart07: yeah, but i am going to for the next 5 years
[16:20] WarriorAtHeart07: and a little
[16:20] kaio393: :P
[16:21] kaio393: so
[16:22] kaio393: ?
[16:22] WarriorAtHeart07: it matters to me
[16:22] kaio393: :P
[16:22] kaio393: i would just say fuck em all
[16:22] WarriorAtHeart07: we get kicked out of school for that
[16:22] kaio393: :P
[16:22] kaio393: so
[16:22] WarriorAtHeart07: don't forget - this is friendswood
[16:22] kaio393: :p
[16:22] WarriorAtHeart07: not pearland
[16:22] WarriorAtHeart07: brb
[16:22] kaio393: :p
[16:22] kaio393: k
[16:24] WarriorAtHeart07: back
[16:26] kaio393: k
[16:27] kaio393: brb
[16:28] WarriorAtHeart07: k
[16:36] kaio393: bak
[16:36] WarriorAtHeart07: ok
[16:37] kaio393: wuu2
[16:37] kaio393: ?
[16:37] WarriorAtHeart07: nothing
[16:37] WarriorAtHeart07: finsihing eragon
[16:37] kaio393: :P
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Thu May 10 17:17:46 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Thu May 10 17:40:02 2007
[17:40] WarriorAtHeart07: gtg
[17:40] *** Auto-response sent to WarriorAtHeart07: Concidering I only like few movies and few TV shows, this is a time I cherish. So leave me alone, unless you are dying or something
[17:40] kaio393: cyz
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Thu May 10 17:40:10 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Thu May 10 21:24:50 2007
[21:24] kaio393: sup
[21:25] WarriorAtHeart07: hi
[21:25] kaio393: wuu2?
[21:25] WarriorAtHeart07: well, i have to decide between trusting kiki or doing what my mom suggests
[21:25] kaio393: ?
[21:26] WarriorAtHeart07: kiki says she'll be well enough to spend the night saturday, but that means i would have to ski;p going to splashtown with the band
[21:27] kaio393: well I thought u said no one was ure friend in banc
[21:27] kaio393: band*
[21:27] WarriorAtHeart07: but, kiki can never spend the night when she says she can and my mo9m says just to go
[21:27] WarriorAtHeart07: no one is
[21:27] kaio393: then why would you want to hang out witht hem
[21:27] WarriorAtHeart07: because if i don't i'll only hurt myself
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: kiki doesn't feel the same pain as i do, when you get told every weekend "i can come!" then cancell all of your other plans...the day before "i can't go"
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: every single weekend
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: it hurts
[21:29] kaio393: hm
[21:29] kaio393: i gtg
[21:29] WarriorAtHeart07: every single weekend i put my trust in her, and she fails me
[21:29] WarriorAtHeart07: bye
[21:29] WarriorAtHeart07: ttyl
[21:29] kaio393: cyz
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Thu May 10 21:29:52 2007
Session Start (kaio393:WarriorAtHeart07): Fri May 11 17:26:36 2007
[17:26] kaio393: sup
[17:27] WarriorAtHeart07: your a liar and don't even deserve to talk to kiki
[17:28] kaio393: ?
[17:28] kaio393: how am I liar?
[17:28] WarriorAtHeart07: many different ways
[17:28] WarriorAtHeart07: and you called me wrong
[17:28] kaio393: ?
[17:28] WarriorAtHeart07: talk about being wrong
[17:28] kaio393: ?
[17:30] kaio393: so what are we talking about?
[17:30] WarriorAtHeart07: about everything
[17:30] WarriorAtHeart07: you lied
[17:31] kaio393: What?
[17:32] WarriorAtHeart07: you heard [] me. you're a liar
[17:32] kaio393: How so?
[17:32] WarriorAtHeart07: let's see - you told kiki i was going to cancel
[17:32] WarriorAtHeart07: her coming over
[17:32] WarriorAtHeart07: and i wasn't
[17:33] kaio393: Yeah you were
[17:33] kaio393: [21:25] WarriorAtHeart07: well, i have to decide between trusting kiki or doing what my mom suggests
[21:25] kaio393: ?
[21:26] WarriorAtHeart07: kiki says she'll be well enough to spend the night saturday, but that means i would have to ski;p going to splashtown with the band
[21:27] kaio393: well I thought u said no one was ure friend in banc
[21:27] kaio393: band*
[21:27] WarriorAtHeart07: but, kiki can never spend the night when she says she can and my mo9m says just to go
[21:27] WarriorAtHeart07: no one is
[21:27] kaio393: then why would you want to hang out witht hem
[21:27] WarriorAtHeart07: because if i don't i'll only hurt myself
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: kiki doesn't feel the same pain as i do, when you get told every weekend "i can come!" then cancell all of your other plans...the day before "i can't go"
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: every single weekend
[21:28] WarriorAtHeart07: it hurts
[21:29] kaio393: hm
[21:29] kaio393: i gtg
[21:29] WarriorAtHeart07: every single weekend i put my trust in her, and she fails me
[21:29] WarriorAtHeart07: bye
[17:34] WarriorAtHeart07: i didn't say i was going to cancel though
[17:34] WarriorAtHeart07: i was talking about how she sometimes cancels
[17:34] kaio393: and u said u were going to cancel
[17:34] kaio393: :P
[17:34] WarriorAtHeart07: you show me where i put i was going to cancel
[17:34] WarriorAtHeart07: i was going to invite her over after splashtown
[17:34] kaio393: well u basically said u were going to
[17:34] WarriorAtHeart07: no, i didn't
[17:35] WarriorAtHeart07: you f***ing liar
[17:35] kaio393: [17:34] kaio393: well u basically said u were going to
[17:35] kaio393: [17:34] kaio393: well u basically said u were going to
[17:35] kaio393: [17:34] kaio393: well u basically said u were going to
[17:35] kaio393: :pp
[17:35] WarriorAtHeart07: i don't care if i get mad
[17:35] kaio393: How am I liar
[17:35] kaio393: I was just saying how it was
[17:35] kaio393: I was saying how u said she always canceled
[17:35] WarriorAtHeart07: you told her something that wasn't true, that, kyle, is called lying
[17:35] kaio393: and you wanted to go to Splashtown(which SUCKS) with the band
[17:35] WarriorAtHeart07: YOU IDIOT!
[17:35] kaio393: ?
[17:36] WarriorAtHeart07: YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL HER THE STORY!
[17:36] WarriorAtHeart07: DO YOU THINK I DON'T TALK TO KIKI?
[17:36] WarriorAtHeart07: SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND
[17:36] kaio393: good for u
[17:36] WarriorAtHeart07: AND YOU TELL LIES TO BOTH OF US
[17:36] kaio393: :P
[17:36] kaio393: no i dont
[17:37] WarriorAtHeart07: KIKI AND I MADE AN AGREEMENT
[17:37] kaio393: hm?
[17:37] WarriorAtHeart07: well, you don't care about me or kiki
[17:37] kaio393: Yes
[17:37] WarriorAtHeart07: why should i tell you?!
[17:37] kaio393: I do
[17:37] kaio393: I care about Kelly
[17:37] WarriorAtHeart07: if you don't care about me, you don't care about kiki
[17:37] kaio393: How is that logical??
[17:38] kaio393: I could care about Dack but not a shit about his friends
[17:38] WarriorAtHeart07: because if you don't care for me you are throwing everything with kiki in the trash and then burning it
[17:38] kaio393: How so?
[17:39] WarriorAtHeart07: that's how strong our friendship is
[17:39] kaio393: :p
[17:39] kaio393: I don't care how your relationship wioth Kelly is
[17:39] kaio393: Only mine
[17:39] WarriorAtHeart07: we like who the other likes
[17:39] kaio393: Well teh n u guys will be POed at each other a lot
[17:39] WarriorAtHeart07: i don't like you, she doesn't like like you
[17:39] kaio393: considering ifu both like the same guys
[17:40] kaio393: well that means you are stalkers of the other :P
[17:40] WarriorAtHeart07: never happened for 2 years
[17:40] kaio393: :p
[17:40] kaio393: [17:34] kaio393: well u basically said u were going to
[17:40] kaio393: whios
[17:40] kaio393: whoops
[17:40] kaio393: What has never happened for 2 years
[17:40] WarriorAtHeart07: are you calling me a stalker?
[17:40] kaio393: no
[17:40] kaio393: :p = joke
[17:40] WarriorAtHeart07: never had a big arguement
[17:40] kaio393: ok
[17:41] WarriorAtHeart07: how many times can i tell you this?
[17:41] kaio393: As many as you want
[17:41] kaio393: this
[17:41] kaio393: this
[17:41] kaio393: this
[17:42] WarriorAtHeart07: not caring about me has ruined your chances with kiki
[17:42] WarriorAtHeart07: i thought you would learn from that
[17:42] WarriorAtHeart07: when she told you herself
[17:42] kaio393: no
[17:42] kaio393: forget it
[17:43] WarriorAtHeart07: she doesn't feel for you
[17:43] WarriorAtHeart07: give it up
[17:43] kaio393: Hellz no
[17:43] WarriorAtHeart07: selfish?
[17:43] kaio393: yea u know
[17:43] WarriorAtHeart07: i don't believe i'm taking anything for myself.
[17:43] kaio393: to sell fish
[17:44] kaio393: yeah
[17:44] kaio393: U are not letting your friend go out wit me cuz u think I am mean to you
[17:44] WarriorAtHeart07: ok
[17:44] WarriorAtHeart07: the taking part is...
[17:44] kaio393: [17:44] kaio393: U are not letting your friend go out wit me cuz u think I am mean to you
[17:44] WarriorAtHeart07: don't think know
[17:44] kaio393: wtf?
[17:44] WarriorAtHeart07: the taking part is...
[17:44] kaio393: [17:44] kaio393: U are not letting your friend go out wit me cuz u think I am mean to you
[17:45] WarriorAtHeart07: the taking part is...
[17:45] kaio393: lol its cuz im AZN
[17:45] WarriorAtHeart07: WHAT AM I F***ING TAKING!?
[17:45] kaio393: MY HEART
[17:45] WarriorAtHeart07: sweet!
[17:45] kaio393: AHA!
[17:45] WarriorAtHeart07: can i crush it?
[17:45] kaio393: told ya
[17:45] kaio393: no too late
[17:45] kaio393: Kelly wouldn't even talk to me today
[17:45] kaio393: :9
[17:45] kaio393: :(
[17:46] WarriorAtHeart07: i know
[17:46] WarriorAtHeart07: i was proud
[17:46] kaio393: Goodie for you
[17:46] WarriorAtHeart07: ha
[17:46] kaio393: ms. selfish
[17:46] kaio393: and ure fishy smels
[17:46] WarriorAtHeart07: that was her choice, though
[17:46] kaio393: and u know why
[17:46] kaio393: ?
[17:46] WarriorAtHeart07: *crush kyles' heart* fun, fun
[17:46] WarriorAtHeart07: let's go again!
[17:46] kaio393: fun for some
[17:46] kaio393: but some for none
[17:47] kaio393: Sweet so onna copyright that qwuote
[17:47] WarriorAtHeart07: exactly how i feel when you make fun of me?
[17:47] kaio393: I break your love?
[17:47] WarriorAtHeart07: why?
[17:47] WarriorAtHeart07: no
[17:47] kaio393: uh huh' thats what I thouyght love is different
[17:47] kaio393: it is something not to be mddled with
[17:48] WarriorAtHeart07: kiki says she didn't talk to you because it's you
[17:48] kaio393: :P
[17:48] WarriorAtHeart07: seriously, on the phone with her now
[17:48] kaio393: goodie
[17:49] kaio393: i hate the phone
[17:49] WarriorAtHeart07: cool
[17:49] kaio393: i always get destracted
[17:49] kaio393: distracted*
[17:49] kaio393: Can u say i said hi?
[17:49] kaio393: for kick
[17:49] kaio393: s
[17:50] WarriorAtHeart07: she says she doesn't care for kicks
[17:50] kaio393:
If your havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
Got Mike
He's got the rap patrol on the gat patrol
Foes that wanna make sure his casket's closed
Rap critics that say he's "Money Cash Hoes"
He's from the hood stupid what type of facts are those
If you grew up with holes in your zapitos
You'd celebratin the minute you was havin doe
So fuck critics you can kiss our whole asshole
If you don't like the lyrics you can press fast forward
Got beef with radio if we don't play they show
They don't play out hits well we don't give a shit SO
All these mags try and use our ass
So advertisers can give em more cash for ads...fuckers
I don't know what you take us as
or understand the intellegence that Jay-Z has
from rags to ritches we ain't dumb
We got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
99 Problems but a bitch ain't one
If you havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
The year is '94 and in my trunk is raw
In my rear view mirror is the mother fuckin law
I got two choices yall pull over the car or
Bounce on the double put the pedal to the floor
Now i ain't tryin to see no highway chase with jake
Plus i got a few dollars i can fight the case
So i...pull over to the side of the road
And i heard "Son do you know why i'm stoppin you for?"
Cause i'm young and i'm black and my hats real low
Do i look like a mind reader sir, i don't know
Am i under arrest or should i guess some mo?
"Well you was doin fifty five in a fifty four"
"Liscense and regestration and step out of the car"
"Are you carryin a weapon on you i know alot of you are"
I ain't steppin out of shit all my papers legit
"Well do you mind if i look round the car a little bit?"
Well my glove compartment is locked so is the trunk and the back
And i know my rights so you gon' need a warrent for that
"Aren't you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something?"
"Or somebody important or somethin?"
Nah i ain't pass the bar but i know a little bit
Enough that you won't illegally search my shit
"Well see how smart you are when the K-9's come"
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
99 Problems but a bitch ain't one
If you havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me99 Problems but a bitch ain't one
If you havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
99 Problems but a bitch ain't one
If you havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Now once upon a time not too long ago
A nigga like myself had to strong arm a hoe
This is not a hoe in the sense of havin a pussy
But a pussy havin no God Damn sense, try and push me
I tried to ignore 'em and talk to the Lord
Pray for 'em, cause some fools just love to perform
You know the type loud as a motor bike
But wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight
The only thing that's gonna happen is i'mma get to clappin
He and his boys gon be yappin to the captain
And there i go traped in the kit kat again
Back through the system with the riff raff again
Fiends on the floor scratchin again
Paparatzi's with they cameras snappin them
D.A. tred to give the nigga the shaft again
Half-a-mil for bail cause i'm African
All because this fool was horrasin them
Tryin to play the boy like hes saccarin
But ain't nothin sweet 'bout how i hold my gun
I got 99 problems but this bitch ain't one
99 Problems but a bitch ain't one
If you havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
99 Problems but a bitch ain't one
If you havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
shut up when I'm talking to you
shut up, shut up, shut up
shut up when I'm talking to you
shut up, shut up, shut up
I'm about to BREAK
Everything you say to me
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
I need a little room to breathe
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
Everything you say to me
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me
I need a little room to breathe
I got 99 problems
And I'm about to
[17:50] *** Error while sending IM: Refused by client
[17:50] kaio393: yeah she does
[17:50] kaio393: she does it all the time
[17:51] WarriorAtHeart07: well that's what she said
[17:51] kaio393: ok?
[17:51] WarriorAtHeart07: i hate you...[skip next line]...we're not a happy family...
[17:52] kaio393: family? when the hell did this happen?
[17:52] WarriorAtHeart07: omg
[17:52] WarriorAtHeart07: you've never heard the i hate barney song?
[17:53] kaio393: Yeah
[17:53] kaio393: its just like
[17:53] kaio393: been forever
[17:54] WarriorAtHeart07: ok then
[17:54] WarriorAtHeart07: go away
[17:54] WarriorAtHeart07: or, you know what? i will
[17:55] *** "WarriorAtHeart07" signed off at Fri May 11 17:55:00 2007.
[17:55] kaio393: lol
[17:55] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
[17:55] kaio393: nice
[17:55] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
Session Close (WarriorAtHeart07): Fri May 11 17:55:09 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
*can't help it*
fuck you,
hellz yeah,
instant messaging,
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