Thursday, May 24, 2007

bitch sqaured

kaio393: sup

azinpryncess: nm

kaio393: im bout to leave

azinpryncess: i just got back from swimming @ my aunts

kaio393: I spent the last 4 days coding rphic v2

kaio393: so freaking tired

azinpryncess: i got out of skool @ 11:50 2 day

azinpryncess: y u leaving?

kaio393: goin wih my dad

kaio393: we got out at 130

azinpryncess: haha

azinpryncess: well thats kool

azinpryncess: so u wont b @ church?

kaio393: yeah i will

kaio393: we didn't start till 845 though

azinpryncess: k

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: isnt that wen u usually start skool?

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: ok

kaio393: Me an Kelly kissed for the first time today (it was my first time to kiss on the lips )

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: are u serios?

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: it was ur fisrdt time?

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: ive kissed on the lips atleast 5 or 6 times

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i cant belive it was ur first

kaio393: so

azinpryncess: how did it go

kaio393: quik

azinpryncess: me and jacob didnt get a chance to kiss but we hugged

kaio393: it was in fron of teeacher

kaio393: s

azinpryncess: i liked it

azinpryncess: n front of a teacher?!

kaio393: me and kelly hold hands and hug all the time :P

kaio393: yh

kaio393: it was the last day so they didn't really care

azinpryncess: thats great so do me and Jacob but i dnt brag about it

kaio393: well u just did :P

azinpryncess: no i didnt

azinpryncess: *sigh*

azinpryncess: i miss him

azinpryncess: its only been like....6 hours thuogh

kaio393: lol

kaio393: nice

azinpryncess: wat?

kaio393: :P

kaio393: forget it

azinpryncess: no

azinpryncess: wa were u tlkng about?

kaio393: :P

kaio393: IDK

kaio393: too busy

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: IDK TELL ME,.....ur not THAT busy

kaio393: yh

kaio393: I am making someone named kenzu a graphic :P

kaio393: and I just finished coding some UBBC buttons and Emotees

azinpryncess: i went to 2 day n skool and i read ur biography

azinpryncess: its um...

kaio393: lol

azinpryncess: well its confusing

kaio393: how?

azinpryncess: kinda

azinpryncess: well it dsnt tlk about ur life

kaio393: lool

kaio393: its for my net life

kaio393: I would do a real life if more ppl requested

azinpryncess: and it starts out by tlkng abou ur moms computer or smthng

kaio393: :P

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: well..i request it

kaio393: more ppl

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: well ask ppl if they thnk u should

kaio393: nah

kaio393: theyll ask if they want it

azinpryncess: uh...ok

kaio393: I doubt anyone reads the current one anywho

azinpryncess: i did

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: i was bored though

azinpryncess: wuu2?

kaio393: making a graphic for someone named Kenzu

kaio393: hes new to Orphic

azinpryncess: kool

kaio393: yh he seems pretty kewl

azinpryncess: im talking with u and sony....and im also on the fone with Jacob

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: Fone this fone that

kaio393: :P

kaio393: u always about the phone

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: well..

kaio393: SNORE

azinpryncess: wat can i teenage girl its wat we do

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: its the truth

azinpryncess: O:-)

kaio393: well some of u get onto Orphic and other forums lik mD and stuff

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: md?

kaio393: this one really good designer named babygurl made these freaking awesome GFX

azinpryncess: wat is mD though?

kaio393: masdsn

azinpryncess: wat?

kaio393: its a sit

kaio393: site*

kaio393: I been raping their forums

azinpryncess: i dnt get on it....i dnt even no wat it is

kaio393: I been there for 2 weeks and I am laready their 5th top designer

azinpryncess: hey! dnt talk like that

kaio393: I mean poster

kaio393: like what?

azinpryncess: kaio393 [6:07 P.M.]: I been raping their forums

azinpryncess: like that

kaio393: ?:p

kaio393: its an expression

kaio393: :p

kaio393: means i been posting on em like a whore :P

azinpryncess: i dont care if its an expression

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: and dnt say that either

kaio393: :P

kaio393: lame :P

azinpryncess: ive tld u b4 i dnt mind cussing but i dnt like it wen YOU cuss though 4 some reason...

kaio393: well then ignore it

azinpryncess: no

kaio393: Internally censor it :p

azinpryncess: just dnt dont cuss around me

azinpryncess: ok?

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: so anyway,....

kaio393: ....

kaio393: yes?

azinpryncess: (moving conversati0on along)

kaio393: goddammit! my freaking computer keeps screwing up!

azinpryncess: STOP!!!

kaio393: WHAT

azinpryncess: cussing

kaio393: its not my fault my computer decided to take CRACK

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: watever

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i dnt thnk that u kissed n front of a teacher

kaio393: Yeah Idid

azinpryncess: its not like u

kaio393: in fronta ms. Gage

azinpryncess: still dnt believe u

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: y didnt u wait till it was just the 2 of yall?

kaio393: IDc

kaio393: cuz thats like impossible

azinpryncess: uh huh

kaio393: the school has teachers everywhere

azinpryncess: go bhind the skool

azinpryncess: duh

kaio393: can't

azinpryncess: btw

kaio393: there is no back :P

azinpryncess: my new e-mail adress is

kaio393: ok...

kaio393: wuu2?

kaio393: that DOESNT involve other ppl

azinpryncess: nothng

azinpryncess: i like tlking 2 ppl

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: im talking 2 u paige(a neighbor) Jacob and u

kaio393: So do I but I can still do other stuff

azinpryncess: watever

kaio393: :P

kaio393: now I am posting

kaio393: yay

azinpryncess: watever

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: ugh

azinpryncess: shut up

kaio393: wat?

azinpryncess: nevermind

kaio393: ok.......

azinpryncess: ok

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: k

kaio393: .....

kaio393: get Orphic unblocked!

azinpryncess: no theyb wnt let me

kaio393: why?

azinpryncess: idn

azinpryncess: ask them

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: then dnt ask

kaio393: u ask :P

azinpryncess: no

kaio393: :P

kaio393: brb

azinpryncess: k

azinpryncess: ugh

azinpryncess: maybe now ull stop complaning on how hungry u are all the time

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: back

azinpryncess: k

kaio393: wuu2?

azinpryncess: talkinh 2 Jacob and u and im on the internet

azinpryncess: talking*

kaio393: Doi

kaio393: I mean

kaio393: what is new?

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: nthing right now

kaio393: :P

kaio393: u mean ever :P

azinpryncess: wat?

kaio393: u never have anything new to talk bout :p

azinpryncess: like wat

azinpryncess: and neither do u

kaio393: Yeah I do

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: but still...

azinpryncess: like wat?

kaio393: Whatever :P

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: ok then

kaio393: :P

kaio393: well i do

kaio393: but i don't wanna

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: ok then

kaio393: yer

azinpryncess: yer?

kaio393: you know

kaio393: yer

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: no i dnt know

kaio393: obviouslt

azinpryncess: wat ddoes yer mean?

kaio393: Yeah

kaio393: :P

kaio393: doi

azinpryncess: ugh

azinpryncess: watever kyle

azinpryncess: i mean...

azinpryncess: ugh...

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: "kai"

kaio393: ok

kaio393: ..........


kaio393: hilarioous

azinpryncess: sed it 2 me


kaio393: its a movie :p

azinpryncess: send it then

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: can u?

kaio393: holdon

kaio393: done

azinpryncess: k thanx

kaio393: u watch?

azinpryncess: no but check ur e-mail

kaio393: kk

azinpryncess: fine

kaio393: snet

kaio393: sent8

azinpryncess: sent wat?

kaio393: an email :P

azinpryncess: ok

kaio393: so.....

azinpryncess: so wat?

kaio393: howz jacob?

azinpryncess: i havent gotten it the last 1 i got was sayng that u couldnt just send the video

azinpryncess: hes fine

azinpryncess: y?

kaio393: :P

kaio393: keeewl

azinpryncess: y did u ask?

azinpryncess: ts a weird question

azinpryncess: its*

kaio393: what is?

azinpryncess: u asked how Jacob was..thats wat was weird and so now im asking u y u asked

kaio393: :P

kaio393: well i was just wondering

azinpryncess: y?

kaio393: cuz i am borwed

azinpryncess: i never ask how kelly is

kaio393: so

kaio393: I m Kai

azinpryncess: no...theres a reason

kaio393: im different

azinpryncess: k watever

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: guys say they just said/ased that cuz theres a reason but they jsy dnt wana say it

azinpryncess: asjed*

kaio393: asked*

azinpryncess: asked*

kaio393: idk

kaio393: i just felt like it

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: oookkaaay

kaio393: :P

kaio393: Foamy is so funny

azinpryncess: um.............ok

kaio393: yup

kaio393: wtF?

azinpryncess: Jacob's a skater

kaio393: ok...

azinpryncess: my comp died

kaio393: is he any good?

azinpryncess: yh he has sponsers

kaio393: well that doesnt mean he's good :P

kaio393: wat can he do?

azinpryncess: he made a video that got posted or watever aroun the world or somthing like thst

kaio393: what can he dooooo

azinpryncess: yh it does ppl dnt ssponser u unless ur relly good

kaio393: yeah

kaio393: this one kid i know sucks

kaio393: and he is sponsered :P

azinpryncess: he even get paid ithink

kaio393: what can he doooooooooooo

azinpryncess: k well ive seen Jacob skate b4

azinpryncess: hs no bad

azinpryncess: idk wat the trick are or else i would tell u

kaio393: WHAT CAN HE DO~

azinpryncess: idk wat the trick are or else i would tell u

kaio393: i thought u were on the phone with him...

azinpryncess: yh i am

kaio393: then ask him >_<

azinpryncess: i dnt feel like it and besides.......were in a deep conversation

kaio393: about what :P

azinpryncess: y should i tell u?

kaio393: cuz i dont belive u :P

azinpryncess: wat dont u believe?

kaio393: u in deep convo

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: we are...hes talking about shane(one of his old best frendz) he died a couple weeks ago

kaio393: how?

azinpryncess: hes really upset abou it

azinpryncess: car accident

azinpryncess: a guy ran n2 him

kaio393: sucks

azinpryncess: yh

azinpryncess: i wish i could make him feel better but all i can do is b there 4 him

kaio393: lol

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: like listen 2 him n stuff...

azinpryncess: wats funny?

kaio393: nutin

azinpryncess: no...

azinpryncess: tell me

kaio393: NOTIN

azinpryncess: TELL ME

kaio393: NOTIN

azinpryncess: ugh fine

azinpryncess: no

azinpryncess: im not giving up

azinpryncess: tell me

kaio393: :P

kaio393: nah

azinpryncess: uh....yh

azinpryncess: tell me wat was funny

kaio393: Nothing!

azinpryncess: was it about me?

kaio393: lol

azinpryncess: about wat i was sayng?

kaio393: its always about u isn't it?

azinpryncess: no

azinpryncess: i was just asking

azinpryncess: wat were u laughing about?

kaio393: Nothin

kaio393: brb

azinpryncess: ugh

kaio393: stop saying that1

kaio393: gawd

azinpryncess: no

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: only if u tell me

azinpryncess: u there?

kaio393: yh

kaio393: YES!

azinpryncess: wat

kaio393: I have been trying to figure out how to split a video up (its a live DVD) into little pieces that I wanted (different songs) all freaking day

azinpryncess: uh ok

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: i have a new wrd

azinpryncess: its

kaio393: ..

azinpryncess: hoopla!

kaio393: thats so old

kaio393: :P

kaio393: Like 7th grade old :P

azinpryncess: its not new

kaio393: I know

azinpryncess: ur only n the 8th grade so i wouldnt b talking...

kaio393: I am basically in 9th

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: theres not that big of a diff

kaio393: yeah tis

azinpryncess: and im basicaslly n the 8th

kaio393: its like almos 2 years

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: no

azinpryncess: try 1

kaio393: For you

kaio393: 9 - 7 = 2

kaio393: I know u suck at math

kaio393: but pleas

kaio393: e

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: some of us are @ mth ok

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: um*

kaio393: :PP

kaio393: like 1st grade slow

azinpryncess: i dnt feel lke an 8th grader

azinpryncess: i kinds do

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: kinda*

azinpryncess: i thought that hoopla was a wrd that none had used b4

kaio393: lol

kaio393: yeah

azinpryncess: where did u get it from?

kaio393: "We have a hoopla of cranberries"

kaio393: its like dictonary-esque

azinpryncess: i dnt use it lke that

azinpryncess: have u heard about Fuzzy Wuzzt?

azinpryncess: Wuzzy?

kaio393: yeah

kaio393: I madwe that up

kaio393: for a crayon

kaio393: in 4th grade

kaio393: the color was called Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown

kaio393: so i made up a song

kaio393: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear

kaio393: Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair

kaio393: Fuzzy Wuzzy had a bomb

azinpryncess: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear Fuzzy Wuzzy had no har

kaio393: no more Fuzzy Wuzzy

kaio393: i made that up!

kaio393: how th hell did u nknow

azinpryncess: no

kaio393: ?

kaio393: Yeah

kaio393: I did

kaio393: I have a witness

kaio393: Josh Landis was there

azinpryncess: its been around 4 like 50 years

kaio393: NO WAY

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: I made that up

kaio393: i swear

kaio393: I made it up in 4th grade

kaio393: we were coloring this one thign

azinpryncess: k well its been around

kaio393: im googling it!

kaio393: DAMMIT`


azinpryncess: k watever

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: wat did u find out?

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: I swear

kaio393: I mad that up...

kaio393: God... this just SUCKS

azinpryncess: no u didnt

kaio393: all these years

kaio393: about 5 in fact

kaio393: Gr!

azinpryncess: yh i tld u

kaio393: well

azinpryncess: its nothin ew

kaio393: I made my version up

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: It is to me !

azinpryncess: haha

kaio393: >:(

azinpryncess: :)

kaio393: >:-0

kaio393: :P

kaio393: wuu2?

azinpryncess: taking 2 joseh(one of jacobs frends that im also freandz with)

azinpryncess: joseph*

kaio393: ok then...

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: wahts his last name?>

azinpryncess: Hernandez

azinpryncess: y

kaio393: no reason

azinpryncess: watever

kaio393: alright,, :P

azinpryncess: but hes not a skater

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: I could care less if sone one skates or not

kaio393: if they are like the $iz or something then ill watch em

azinpryncess: k well i was just informing u

kaio393: but if they just are wanna bes then i don't care

azinpryncess: Jacob plans 2 b a professional skater wen he get older

azinpryncess: hes been skateing since he was 5

azinpryncess: litteraly

azinpryncess: hes serius abou it

kaio393: theres no such thing as a professional skater :P

azinpryncess: yh

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: Tony Hawk

kaio393: not unless ure like TOny Hawk or somthe

kaio393: yh

azinpryncess: hes one

kaio393: but all the others just SUCK

kaio393: like Bam

kaio393: he sucks

azinpryncess: he plans 2 b one

kaio393: :P

kaio393: well he cant be that good if u dont even remember what trix he can do :P

azinpryncess: i dont know wat the are and im not on the fone with him anymore

kaio393: :P

kaio393: still

kaio393: was it an ollie?

azinpryncess: all i no is the ollie

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: its where u turn ouround in a 360 angle or somthng rght?

kaio393: no..

kaio393: thats when u jump up

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: see i dunno

kaio393: :P

kaio393: a 360 is a 360

kaio393: :P

kaio393: i can ollie and pop shove it

azinpryncess: kool

kaio393: yh

kaio393: I suck]

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: i figured

azinpryncess: lol

azinpryncess: jk

kaio393: :P

kaio393: actually pop shove it's are hard as hell

azinpryncess: 2 u they are

azinpryncess: jk

kaio393: >_<


azinpryncess: :-)

kaio393: its hard

kaio393: u have to jump

kaio393: flip the board

kaio393: and land it

azinpryncess: yh i know

kaio393: No u don't :P

azinpryncess: yh i do

kaio393: How

azinpryncess: the name kina gives it away

kaio393: ok...

azinpryncess: and ive plsyed on Tony Hawk underground b4

kaio393: :P

kaio393: I beat all the TH games

azinpryncess: thats great

kaio393: lol

kaio393: well my older bro helped me on 1 &2 cuz i was too yung

azinpryncess: lol

kaio393: :P

kaio393: so wat u up 2 now?

azinpryncess: talking 2 Wesley and Joseph

kaio393: :P

kaio393: yapyapyap

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: watever

kaio393: :P

kaio393: ure so boring >_<

azinpryncess: no i not

kaio393: yeah

kaio393: u never have anything to talk about

kaio393: >_<

azinpryncess: yh i do

kaio393: like,,,

azinpryncess: i dunno but i do

kaio393: no u obviously don't

azinpryncess: yh i do

kaio393: like...

azinpryncess: i talk about Jacob

azinpryncess: thats somthing

kaio393: that's LAME

kaio393: :P

kaio393: >_<

kaio393: so.....

kaio393: ............

kaio393: .................

kaio393: .............................

kaio393: ...............................

azinpryncess: hows it lame?

kaio393: cuz

kaio393: there not much to talk bout round the subbie

azinpryncess: everyone tlks about their gf/bf

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: yh there is

kaio393: uh....huh....

kaio393: *losing interest*

azinpryncess: there is

kaio393: ....

kaio393: like?

kaio393: i have a short attention span so i douybt

kaio393: doubt

azinpryncess: i didnt say i was gonna tlk about iyt

kaio393: [20:17] kaio393: there not much to talk bout round the subbie

kaio393: TALK

kaio393: L:P

kaio393: ..........

kaio393: .....................

kaio393: ................................

kaio393: ........................................

kaio393: ...........................................................

kaio393: ..................................................................

kaio393: ............................................................................

kaio393: .............................................................................................

azinpryncess: WAT?!

kaio393: [20:19] kaio393: [20:17] kaio393: there not much to talk bout round the subbie
[20:19] kaio393: TALK
[20:19] kaio393: L:P

azinpryncess: abou wat?

kaio393: ure BF

kaio393: :P

kaio393: i said talk

kaio393: and u said there was lots to talk about

kaio393: then u said that u didn't say you could talk about it

kaio393: so u made a contradictory statement sorta

azinpryncess: well he has black hair...

kaio393: so...

azinpryncess: he wears skater jeans...

kaio393: thats like ahlf the populatio

azinpryncess: so?

kaio393: so

kaio393: who care!?!?!!?

kaio393: s\

kaio393: w00t


azinpryncess: u wanted me 2 talk about him so i am...

kaio393: :P

kaio393: i never said I WANTED to just sia dhtere wasnt mucht to talk botu

kaio393: chek out my DA!

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: check out ur dad?

kaio393: DA

kaio393: devart

azinpryncess: wats that?

kaio393: 0.0

kaio393: the best art site in the world!!!!!1!!11!1!!!111

azinpryncess: i dunno it never been

kaio393: well chk mine out

azinpryncess: no

azinpryncess: i don wanna

kaio393: ok...

kaio393: missin out

azinpryncess: i dont thnk so

kaio393: erm

kaio393: yeah

kaio393: you atre

kaio393: are8

kaio393: DA is so sweet

kaio393: everyone's got one

azinpryncess: k well ik dnt

kaio393: i said everyone

kaio393: not u :P

azinpryncess: hey is that an insult

kaio393: yeah basically

azinpryncess: ugh

azinpryncess: ur mean

kaio393: only to some

azinpryncess: no 2 all

kaio393: no not really

azinpryncess: yh really

kaio393: ask Ian

azinpryncess: no

kaio393: :P

azinpryncess: im not talking 2 him

azinpryncess: right now

kaio393: Well then do a little thing called double click :P

azinpryncess: he wasnt talking

kaio393: :P

kaio393: :P

kaio393: well im off

azinpryncess: wat?

kaio393: I AM OFF


azinpryncess: k bye

kaio393: cyz

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